846 research outputs found

    The Weight Enumerator of Three Families of Cyclic Codes

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    Cyclic codes are a subclass of linear codes and have wide applications in consumer electronics, data storage systems, and communication systems due to their efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. Cyclic codes with many zeros and their dual codes have been a subject of study for many years. However, their weight distributions are known only for a very small number of cases. In general the calculation of the weight distribution of cyclic codes is heavily based on the evaluation of some exponential sums over finite fields. Very recently, Li, Hu, Feng and Ge studied a class of pp-ary cyclic codes of length p2mβˆ’1p^{2m}-1, where pp is a prime and mm is odd. They determined the weight distribution of this class of cyclic codes by establishing a connection between the involved exponential sums with the spectrum of Hermitian forms graphs. In this paper, this class of pp-ary cyclic codes is generalized and the weight distribution of the generalized cyclic codes is settled for both even mm and odd mm alone with the idea of Li, Hu, Feng, and Ge. The weight distributions of two related families of cyclic codes are also determined.Comment: 13 Pages, 3 Table

    Weight distributions of cyclic codes with respect to pairwise coprime order elements

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    Let Fr\Bbb F_r be an extension of a finite field Fq\Bbb F_q with r=qmr=q^m. Let each gig_i be of order nin_i in Frβˆ—\Bbb F_r^* and gcd⁑(ni,nj)=1\gcd(n_i, n_j)=1 for 1≀iβ‰ j≀u1\leq i \neq j \leq u. We define a cyclic code over Fq\Bbb F_q by C(q,m,n1,n2,...,nu)={c(a1,a2,...,au):a1,a2,...,au∈Fr},\mathcal C_{(q, m, n_1,n_2, ..., n_u)}=\{c(a_1, a_2, ..., a_u) : a_1, a_2, ..., a_u \in \Bbb F_r\}, where c(a1,a2,...,au)=(Trr/q(βˆ‘i=1uaigi0),...,Trr/q(βˆ‘i=1uaiginβˆ’1))c(a_1, a_2, ..., a_u)=({Tr}_{r/q}(\sum_{i=1}^ua_ig_i^0), ..., {Tr}_{r/q}(\sum_{i=1}^ua_ig_i^{n-1})) and n=n1n2...nun=n_1n_2... n_u. In this paper, we present a method to compute the weights of C(q,m,n1,n2,...,nu)\mathcal C_{(q, m, n_1,n_2, ..., n_u)}. Further, we determine the weight distributions of the cyclic codes C(q,m,n1,n2)\mathcal C_{(q, m, n_1,n_2)} and C(q,m,n1,n2,1)\mathcal C_{(q, m, n_1,n_2,1)}.Comment: 18 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1306.527

    Weight distribution of two classes of cyclic codes with respect to two distinct order elements

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    Cyclic codes are an interesting type of linear codes and have wide applications in communication and storage systems due to their efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. Cyclic codes have been studied for many years, but their weight distribution are known only for a few cases. In this paper, let Fr\Bbb F_r be an extension of a finite field Fq\Bbb F_q and r=qmr=q^m, we determine the weight distribution of the cyclic codes C={c(a,b):a,b∈Fr},\mathcal C=\{c(a, b): a, b \in \Bbb F_r\}, c(a, b)=(\mbox {Tr}_{r/q}(ag_1^0+bg_2^0), \ldots, \mbox {Tr}_{r/q}(ag_1^{n-1}+bg_2^{n-1})), g_1, g_2\in \Bbb F_r, in the following two cases: (1) \ord(g_1)=n, n|r-1 and g2=1g_2=1; (2) \ord(g_1)=n, g2=g12g_2=g_1^2, \ord(g_2)=\frac n 2, m=2m=2 and 2(rβˆ’1)n∣(q+1)\frac{2(r-1)}n|(q+1)

    Recent progress on weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields

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    Cyclic codes are an interesting type of linear codes and have wide applications in communication and storage systems due to their efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In coding theory it is often desirable to know the weight distribution of a cyclic code to estimate the error correcting capability and error probability. In this paper, we present the recent progress on the weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields, which had been determined by exponential sums. The cyclic codes with few weights which are very useful are discussed and their existence conditions are listed. Furthermore, we discuss the more general case of constacyclic codes and give some equivalences to characterize their weight distributions

    Graph-Based Classification of Self-Dual Additive Codes over Finite Fields

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    Quantum stabilizer states over GF(m) can be represented as self-dual additive codes over GF(m^2). These codes can be represented as weighted graphs, and orbits of graphs under the generalized local complementation operation correspond to equivalence classes of codes. We have previously used this fact to classify self-dual additive codes over GF(4). In this paper we classify self-dual additive codes over GF(9), GF(16), and GF(25). Assuming that the classical MDS conjecture holds, we are able to classify all self-dual additive MDS codes over GF(9) by using an extension technique. We prove that the minimum distance of a self-dual additive code is related to the minimum vertex degree in the associated graph orbit. Circulant graph codes are introduced, and a computer search reveals that this set contains many strong codes. We show that some of these codes have highly regular graph representations.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure

    A Family of Five-Weight Cyclic Codes and Their Weight Enumerators

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    Cyclic codes are a subclass of linear codes and have applications in consumer electronics, data storage systems, and communication systems as they have efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In this paper, a family of pp-ary cyclic codes whose duals have three zeros are proposed. The weight distribution of this family of cyclic codes is determined. It turns out that the proposed cyclic codes have five nonzero weights.Comment: 14 Page

    The Weight Distributions of a Class of Cyclic Codes with Three Nonzeros over F3

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    Cyclic codes have efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. The decoding error probability and the undetected error probability are usually bounded by or given from the weight distributions of the codes. Most researches are about the determination of the weight distributions of cyclic codes with few nonzeros, by using quadratic form and exponential sum but limited to low moments. In this paper, we focus on the application of higher moments of the exponential sum to determine the weight distributions of a class of ternary cyclic codes with three nonzeros, combining with not only quadratic form but also MacWilliams' identities. Another application of this paper is to emphasize the computer algebra system Magma for the investigation of the higher moments. In the end, the result is verified by one example using Matlab.Comment: 10 pages, 3 table
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