1,123 research outputs found

    Social Welfare Functions for Economic Environments with and without the Pareto Principle

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    Social welfare functions for private goods economies with classical preferences are considered. It is shown that every social welfare function satisfying a weak nonimposition condition and the independence of irrelevant alternatives axiom is of one of the following forms. It is either null or the class of decisive coalitions is an ultrafilter or the class of anti-decisive coalitions is an ultrafilter

    Non-principal ultrafilters, program extraction and higher order reverse mathematics

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    We investigate the strength of the existence of a non-principal ultrafilter over fragments of higher order arithmetic. Let U be the statement that a non-principal ultrafilter exists and let ACA_0^{\omega} be the higher order extension of ACA_0. We show that ACA_0^{\omega}+U is \Pi^1_2-conservative over ACA_0^{\omega} and thus that ACA_0^{\omega}+\U is conservative over PA. Moreover, we provide a program extraction method and show that from a proof of a strictly \Pi^1_2 statement \forall f \exists g A(f,g) in ACA_0^{\omega}+U a realizing term in G\"odel's system T can be extracted. This means that one can extract a term t, such that A(f,t(f))
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