4 research outputs found

    Generator of Hypotheses for a Digital Restitution of Built Heritage: Case of Roman Imperial Baths of North Africa

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    In this paper, we present an approach for developing a tool for the restitution of built heritage and we take as a case study the Roman imperial baths of North Africa. This type of building responds as far as their architectural design is concerned to a universal model widely distributed throughout the Roman Empire with significant variations. We suppose here that this tool allows us to generate automatically the hypotheses of restitution (2D and 3D) facilitating the work of restitution for specialists in the field of archaeology and built heritage. The generated models can be refined and completed in order to obtain the most plausible simulation. This tool is obtained following architectural, theoretical, and historical analyses. Our study will focus on the elaboration of data model according to an architectural approach of Architectural Modelling Information (AIM)

    A Procedural Approach to the Modeling of Urban Historical Contexts

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    Digital rebirth of the greatest church of Cluny Maior Ecclesia: From optronic surveys to real time use of the digital Model

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    Our multidisciplinary team has virtually reconstructed the greatest church of the Romanesque period in Europe. The third church of the Abbey of Cluny (12th c.) has been destroyed after the French Revolution, leaving only 8% of the building standing. Many documents have been studied, to include the latest archaeological knowledge in the virtual model. Most remains have been scanned for CAD restitution. The mock-up of the church needed 1600 different numerical files, including the scanned pieces and the anastylosis of a Romanesque portal, a Gothic façade and a mosaic pavement. We faced various difficulties to assemble the different elements of the huge building, and to include the digitized parts. Our workflow consisted in generating geometrical shapes of the church, enriched with metadata such as texture, material... The whole mock up was finally exported to dedicated software to run the rendering step. Our work consisted in creating a whole database of 3D models as well as 2D sources (plans, engravings, pictures...) accessible by the scientific community. The scientific perspectives focus on a representation in virtual immersion of the grand church at scale 1 and an access to the digital mock-up through Augmented Reality.Gunzo projec

    Jeux pédagogiques collaboratifs situés (conception et mise en oeuvre dirigées par les modèles)

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    Un jeu pédagogique constitue une déclinaison relative à l apprentissage du concept de jeu sérieux (serious game). Ce type d'outil permet la ludification (gamification) de l'activité afin d'utiliser des éléments de jeu dans un contexte non ludique et conduit à catalyser l attention, faire accroître l engagement et augmenter la motivation des joueurs-apprenants dans les situations d apprentissage. Les jeux pédagogiques reposent sur la mise en situation et l immersion des apprenants, utilisant les ressorts ludiques dans des simulations axées vers la résolution de problèmes. Parmi des recherches antérieures, certains retours d expériences font écho d une trop grande artificialité de l activité notamment par manque de contextualisation de l apprentissage dans l environnement d utilisation des connaissances apprises. Nous avons proposé la mise en place un environnement mixte (physique et numérique) et l utilisation de techniques collaboratives pour raffiner l approche pédagogique. Ces orientations nous ont menés à la mise en place de ce que nous appelons des Jeux Pédagogiques Collaboratifs Situés (JPCS). Les deux questions de recherche qui nous ont été posées dans le cadre du projet SEGAREM et qui sont devenues les nôtres sont : 1/ comment accompagner les jeux sérieux par l approche Réalité Augmentée (RA) et l'approche Interface Tangible (IT)? 2/ comment rendre la conception et la mise en œuvre des JPCS (Jeux Pédagogiques Collaboratifs Situés) plus explicite et plus systématique ? Les réponses que nous présentons dans cette thèse sont les suivantes : 1/ la conception et la mise en œuvre des pupitres interactifs supportant des objets réels augmentés, associés à un protocole de communication existant, proposant un support générique des techniques d interaction détectée et de prise en compte du contexte physique d utilisation ; 2/ une approche de production de JPCS se situant après l étape de scénarisation ludo-pédagogique qui constitue notre cahier des charges. Nous avons basé notre approche sur des modèles pour permettre un support d expression qui précise les caractéristiques des JPCS. Ces modèles sont soutenus par des éditeurs contextuels et produisent comme résultat des fichiers de descriptions en XML. La projection des descriptions obtenues sur une architecture générique d exécution du JPCS permet une spécialisation pour obtenir une version exécutable. Dans les six modèles, certains sont adaptés des travaux antérieurs de l équipe, d'autres issues de la littérature et les derniers sont directement proposés ici. Ces six modèles décrivent l activité (un modèle d orchestration de l activité et un modèle de tâches), la structure de différents environnements, l état initial de l environnement et les conditions nécessaires d un état final et les interactions possibles entre les joueurs et l environnement. Nos travaux tant sur les pupitres que sur les modèles et le support d exécution ont été concrétisés dans la mise en place de Lea(r)nIt. Ce JPCS avait pour but de consolider des acquis méthodologiques en Lean Manufacturing par l utilisation et l optimisation d une chaîne de production simulée sur pupitres (supportant interactions tactiles, interactions tangibles et pouvant être assemblés) et sur téléphones mobiles (permettant la mobilité des joueurs-apprenants).A Learning game is a declension of the serious game concept dedicated to the learning activity. A Learning game is based on a scenario and immersion of the learners with use of game mechanics on problem based simulation. The gamification concept is the use of game elements in a non-playful activity with as impact attention, motivation and engagement. However, some research feedback explains that too much artificiality on learning activity caused by a lack of contextualization of the activity on the professional environment. We propose to use Mixed Reality and Collaborative Supported Computer Work as technological solution to support situated and collaborative situation in aim to enhance pedagogical strategy and allow a better learning. We call it Situated Collaborative Learning Game (SCLG) as a concept of pedagogical tools to enhance learning of content with use of collaborative learning (when learners interactions is useful to learn), situated learning (when the environment context is meaningful) and human-physical objet interaction (with use of mixed reality, with kinesthetic and tangible interaction in augmented reality) and game based learning (when learner's motivation is improved by the learning activity). In these contexts, our two research questions are: 1 / How to create a serious games support by use of Augmented Reality (AR) approach and Tangible Interface (IT) approach? 2 / How to make design and development of SCLG (situated collaborative learning game) more explicit and systematic? We propose two solutions: 1/ the design and the production of four interactive desks with support of tangible interaction on and above the table. These devices are linked to a communication protocol which allows a generic support of technical interaction. 2/ A generic way to design the CSLG system, with integration of advanced human computer interaction support (as augmented reality and tangible interaction) and ubiquitous computing in Learning Games. For that, we propose, with a user centered oriented and model oriented design, a way to make a CSLG factory. For that, we propose use of six models to determinate the behavior of the CSLG. These six models describe learners activity (with use of three different models to follow the activity theory s), the mixed game environment, deployment of entities on the environment, and human computer interactions. All of these models are linked by an orchestration model and can be project on a multi-agent multi-layers architecture by use of XML description file. We propose tools to help each step of our design and production process. Our work on interactive desks, on the six models and on the runtime support has been realized in the production of Lea(r)nIT. This SCLG consolidate methodological knowledge of Lean Manufacturing by use and optimization of a simulated chain production on four desks (which support touch and tangible interactions and can be assembled) and on mobile phones (to allow movement of learners).LYON-Ecole Centrale (690812301) / SudocSudocFranceF