3,524 research outputs found

    Factors impacting on technology acceptance for the micro/SME electronics retailer.

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    The UK micro/SME (known here as SME) retail sector is very important to the economic well being of the country. Its ability to generate jobs as well as income makes it a key part of the drive towards economic growth, and as such it is supported by government through a variety of initiatives. One initiative in 2003 aimed to energise and invigorate practitioners into using internet based technologies more fully in their business practices. This supported the widely held belief that the internet can and does enhance and improve business efficiency. It also suggests that SMEs were not fully engaging with the technology and that the government felt that it was not at the desirable level. This thesis looks at the issues surrounding technology acceptance for the SME and in particular internet adoption in the retail sector. This work explains technology acceptance and the main determinants and moderators connected with this in an organisational setting providing the practitioner with insight into why some technologies are embraced and others underutilised, or not adopted at all. Previous academic work in this area has tended to focus on the larger organisation. This thesis uses the technology acceptance literature to explore the situation of the SME. Through qualitative and quantitative research the specifics of the SME situation relating to technology acceptance are explored with the determinants and moderators being evaluated and changes made where appropriate. The specific internet based technology of online procurement is used to measure levels of acceptance and the issues relating to it. The result is an adapted model that better reflects the technology acceptance situation of the SME retail organisation. In the model three of the original constructs remain, however the moderators have been changed to reflect the SME and the relationships the constructs have with the moderators are also developed. As a new addition to the field it can be seen from the developed model that the frequency of re-ordering is an important determinant not only of online procurement but technology acceptance in general. This work will benefit practitioners in SME retail and also the wider SME field when it comes to evaluating whether or not to accept a new technology and how this is best achieved

    Efficient Semantic Representation of Network Access Control Configuration for Ontology-based Security Analysis

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    Assessing countermeasures and the sufficiency of security-relevant configurations within networked system architectures is a very complex task. Even the configuration of single network access control (NAC) instances can be too complex to analyse manually. Therefore, model-based approaches have manifested themselves as a solution for computer-aided configuration analysis. Unfortunately, current approaches suffer from various issues like coping with configuration-language heterogeneity or the analysis of multiple NAC instances as one overall system configuration, which is the case for the maturity of analysis goals. In this paper, we show how deriving and modelling NAC configurations’ effects solves the majority of these issues by allowing generic and simplified security analysis and model extension. The paper further presents the underlying modelling strategy to create such configuration effect representations (hereafter referred to as effective configuration) and explains how analyses based on previous approaches can still be performed. Moreover, the linking between rule representations and effective configuration is demonstrated, which enables the tracing of issues, found in the effective configuration, back to specific rules. Copyright © 2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserve

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 21. Number 1.

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    Security and blockchain convergence with internet of multimedia things : current trends, research challenges and future directions

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    The Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT) orchestration enables the integration of systems, software, cloud, and smart sensors into a single platform. The IoMT deals with scalar as well as multimedia data. In these networks, sensor-embedded devices and their data face numerous challenges when it comes to security. In this paper, a comprehensive review of the existing literature for IoMT is presented in the context of security and blockchain. The latest literature on all three aspects of security, i.e., authentication, privacy, and trust is provided to explore the challenges experienced by multimedia data. The convergence of blockchain and IoMT along with multimedia-enabled blockchain platforms are discussed for emerging applications. To highlight the significance of this survey, large-scale commercial projects focused on security and blockchain for multimedia applications are reviewed. The shortcomings of these projects are explored and suggestions for further improvement are provided. Based on the aforementioned discussion, we present our own case study for healthcare industry: a theoretical framework having security and blockchain as key enablers. The case study reflects the importance of security and blockchain in multimedia applications of healthcare sector. Finally, we discuss the convergence of emerging technologies with security, blockchain and IoMT to visualize the future of tomorrow's applications. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    Content-Aware Multimedia Communications

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    The demands for fast, economic and reliable dissemination of multimedia information are steadily growing within our society. While people and economy increasingly rely on communication technologies, engineers still struggle with their growing complexity. Complexity in multimedia communication originates from several sources. The most prominent is the unreliability of packet networks like the Internet. Recent advances in scheduling and error control mechanisms for streaming protocols have shown that the quality and robustness of multimedia delivery can be improved significantly when protocols are aware of the content they deliver. However, the proposed mechanisms require close cooperation between transport systems and application layers which increases the overall system complexity. Current approaches also require expensive metrics and focus on special encoding formats only. A general and efficient model is missing so far. This thesis presents efficient and format-independent solutions to support cross-layer coordination in system architectures. In particular, the first contribution of this work is a generic dependency model that enables transport layers to access content-specific properties of media streams, such as dependencies between data units and their importance. The second contribution is the design of a programming model for streaming communication and its implementation as a middleware architecture. The programming model hides the complexity of protocol stacks behind simple programming abstractions, but exposes cross-layer control and monitoring options to application programmers. For example, our interfaces allow programmers to choose appropriate failure semantics at design time while they can refine error protection and visibility of low-level errors at run-time. Based on some examples we show how our middleware simplifies the integration of stream-based communication into large-scale application architectures. An important result of this work is that despite cross-layer cooperation, neither application nor transport protocol designers experience an increase in complexity. Application programmers can even reuse existing streaming protocols which effectively increases system robustness.Der Bedarf unsere Gesellschaft nach kostengünstiger und zuverlässiger Kommunikation wächst stetig. Während wir uns selbst immer mehr von modernen Kommunikationstechnologien abhängig machen, müssen die Ingenieure dieser Technologien sowohl den Bedarf nach schneller Einführung neuer Produkte befriedigen als auch die wachsende Komplexität der Systeme beherrschen. Gerade die Übertragung multimedialer Inhalte wie Video und Audiodaten ist nicht trivial. Einer der prominentesten Gründe dafür ist die Unzuverlässigkeit heutiger Netzwerke, wie z.B.~dem Internet. Paketverluste und schwankende Laufzeiten können die Darstellungsqualität massiv beeinträchtigen. Wie jüngste Entwicklungen im Bereich der Streaming-Protokolle zeigen, sind jedoch Qualität und Robustheit der Übertragung effizient kontrollierbar, wenn Streamingprotokolle Informationen über den Inhalt der transportierten Daten ausnutzen. Existierende Ansätze, die den Inhalt von Multimediadatenströmen beschreiben, sind allerdings meist auf einzelne Kompressionsverfahren spezialisiert und verwenden berechnungsintensive Metriken. Das reduziert ihren praktischen Nutzen deutlich. Außerdem erfordert der Informationsaustausch eine enge Kooperation zwischen Applikationen und Transportschichten. Da allerdings die Schnittstellen aktueller Systemarchitekturen nicht darauf vorbereitet sind, müssen entweder die Schnittstellen erweitert oder alternative Architekturkonzepte geschaffen werden. Die Gefahr beider Varianten ist jedoch, dass sich die Komplexität eines Systems dadurch weiter erhöhen kann. Das zentrale Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es deshalb, schichtenübergreifende Koordination bei gleichzeitiger Reduzierung der Komplexität zu erreichen. Hier leistet die Arbeit zwei Beträge zum aktuellen Stand der Forschung. Erstens definiert sie ein universelles Modell zur Beschreibung von Inhaltsattributen, wie Wichtigkeiten und Abhängigkeitsbeziehungen innerhalb eines Datenstroms. Transportschichten können dieses Wissen zur effizienten Fehlerkontrolle verwenden. Zweitens beschreibt die Arbeit das Noja Programmiermodell für multimediale Middleware. Noja definiert Abstraktionen zur Übertragung und Kontrolle multimedialer Ströme, die die Koordination von Streamingprotokollen mit Applikationen ermöglichen. Zum Beispiel können Programmierer geeignete Fehlersemantiken und Kommunikationstopologien auswählen und den konkreten Fehlerschutz dann zur Laufzeit verfeinern und kontrolliere

    Towards A Sustainable and Ethical Supply Chain Management: The Potential of IoT Solutions

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    Globalization has introduced many new challenges making Supply chain management (SCM) complex and huge, for which improvement is needed in many industries. The Internet of Things (IoT) has solved many problems by providing security and traceability with a promising solution for supply chain management. SCM is segregated into different processes, each requiring different types of solutions. IoT devices can solve distributed system problems by creating trustful relationships. Since the whole business industry depends on the trust between different supply chain actors, IoT can provide this trust by making the entire ecosystem much more secure, reliable, and traceable. This paper will discuss how IoT technology has solved problems related to SCM in different areas. Supply chains in different industries, from pharmaceuticals to agriculture supply chain, have different issues and require different solutions. We will discuss problems such as security, tracking, traceability, and warehouse issues. All challenges faced by independent industries regarding the supply chain and how the amalgamation of IoT with other technology will be provided with solutions.Comment: 9 page

    Data Hiding and Its Applications

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    Data hiding techniques have been widely used to provide copyright protection, data integrity, covert communication, non-repudiation, and authentication, among other applications. In the context of the increased dissemination and distribution of multimedia content over the internet, data hiding methods, such as digital watermarking and steganography, are becoming increasingly relevant in providing multimedia security. The goal of this book is to focus on the improvement of data hiding algorithms and their different applications (both traditional and emerging), bringing together researchers and practitioners from different research fields, including data hiding, signal processing, cryptography, and information theory, among others

    Mapping domain characteristics influencing Analytics initiatives: The example of Supply Chain Analytics

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    Purpose: Analytics research is increasingly divided by the domains Analytics is applied to. Literature offers little understanding whether aspects such as success factors, barriers and management of Analytics must be investigated domain-specific, while the execution of Analytics initiatives is similar across domains and similar issues occur. This article investigates characteristics of the execution of Analytics initiatives that are distinct in domains and can guide future research collaboration and focus. The research was conducted on the example of Logistics and Supply Chain Management and the respective domain-specific Analytics subfield of Supply Chain Analytics. The field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management has been recognized as early adopter of Analytics but has retracted to a midfield position comparing different domains. Design/methodology/approach: This research uses Grounded Theory based on 12 semi-structured Interviews creating a map of domain characteristics based of the paradigm scheme of Strauss and Corbin. Findings: A total of 34 characteristics of Analytics initiatives that distinguish domains in the execution of initiatives were identified, which are mapped and explained. As a blueprint for further research, the domain-specifics of Logistics and Supply Chain Management are presented and discussed. Originality/value: The results of this research stimulates cross domain research on Analytics issues and prompt research on the identified characteristics with broader understanding of the impact on Analytics initiatives. The also describe the status-quo of Analytics. Further, results help managers control the environment of initiatives and design more successful initiatives.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli
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