257,067 research outputs found

    On a functional contraction method

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    Methods for proving functional limit laws are developed for sequences of stochastic processes which allow a recursive distributional decomposition either in time or space. Our approach is an extension of the so-called contraction method to the space C[0,1]\mathcal{C}[0,1] of continuous functions endowed with uniform topology and the space D[0,1]\mathcal {D}[0,1] of c\`{a}dl\`{a}g functions with the Skorokhod topology. The contraction method originated from the probabilistic analysis of algorithms and random trees where characteristics satisfy natural distributional recurrences. It is based on stochastic fixed-point equations, where probability metrics can be used to obtain contraction properties and allow the application of Banach's fixed-point theorem. We develop the use of the Zolotarev metrics on the spaces C[0,1]\mathcal{C}[0,1] and D[0,1]\mathcal{D}[0,1] in this context. Applications are given, in particular, a short proof of Donsker's functional limit theorem is derived and recurrences arising in the probabilistic analysis of algorithms are discussed.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOP919 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Non-Commutative Extension of MELL

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    We extend multiplicative exponential linear logic (MELL) by a non-commutative, self-dual logical operator. The extended system, called NEL, is defined in the formalism of the calculus of structures, which is a generalisation of the sequent calculus and provides a more refined analysis of proofs. We should then be able to extend the range of applications of MELL, by modelling a broad notion of sequentiality and providing new properties of proofs. We show some proof theoretical results: decomposition and cut elimination. The new operator represents a significant challenge: to get our results we use here for the first time some novel techniques, which constitute a uniform and modular approach to cut elimination, contrary to what is possible in the sequent calculus
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