5 research outputs found

    Neural Language Correction with Character-Based Attention

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    Natural language correction has the potential to help language learners improve their writing skills. While approaches with separate classifiers for different error types have high precision, they do not flexibly handle errors such as redundancy or non-idiomatic phrasing. On the other hand, word and phrase-based machine translation methods are not designed to cope with orthographic errors, and have recently been outpaced by neural models. Motivated by these issues, we present a neural network-based approach to language correction. The core component of our method is an encoder-decoder recurrent neural network with an attention mechanism. By operating at the character level, the network avoids the problem of out-of-vocabulary words. We illustrate the flexibility of our approach on dataset of noisy, user-generated text collected from an English learner forum. When combined with a language model, our method achieves a state-of-the-art F0.5F_{0.5}-score on the CoNLL 2014 Shared Task. We further demonstrate that training the network on additional data with synthesized errors can improve performance.Comment: 10 page

    Sequence-to-sequence Pre-training with Data Augmentation for Sentence Rewriting

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    We study sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) pre-training with data augmentation for sentence rewriting. Instead of training a seq2seq model with gold training data and augmented data simultaneously, we separate them to train in different phases: pre-training with the augmented data and fine-tuning with the gold data. We also introduce multiple data augmentation methods to help model pre-training for sentence rewriting. We evaluate our approach in two typical well-defined sentence rewriting tasks: Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) and Formality Style Transfer (FST). Experiments demonstrate our approach can better utilize augmented data without hurting the model's trust in gold data and further improve the model's performance with our proposed data augmentation methods. Our approach substantially advances the state-of-the-art results in well-recognized sentence rewriting benchmarks over both GEC and FST. Specifically, it pushes the CoNLL-2014 benchmark's F0.5F_{0.5} score and JFLEG Test GLEU score to 62.61 and 63.54 in the restricted training setting, 66.77 and 65.22 respectively in the unrestricted setting, and advances GYAFC benchmark's BLEU to 74.24 (2.23 absolute improvement) in E&M domain and 77.97 (2.64 absolute improvement) in F&R domain

    Reaching Human-level Performance in Automatic Grammatical Error Correction: An Empirical Study

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    Neural sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) approaches have proven to be successful in grammatical error correction (GEC). Based on the seq2seq framework, we propose a novel fluency boost learning and inference mechanism. Fluency boosting learning generates diverse error-corrected sentence pairs during training, enabling the error correction model to learn how to improve a sentence's fluency from more instances, while fluency boosting inference allows the model to correct a sentence incrementally with multiple inference steps. Combining fluency boost learning and inference with convolutional seq2seq models, our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance: 75.72 (F_{0.5}) on CoNLL-2014 10 annotation dataset and 62.42 (GLEU) on JFLEG test set respectively, becoming the first GEC system that reaches human-level performance (72.58 for CoNLL and 62.37 for JFLEG) on both of the benchmarks.Comment: Substantial text overlap with "Fluency Boost Learning and Inference for Neural Grammatical Error Correction" (accepted by ACL 2018

    A Comprehensive Survey of Grammar Error Correction

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    Grammar error correction (GEC) is an important application aspect of natural language processing techniques. The past decade has witnessed significant progress achieved in GEC for the sake of increasing popularity of machine learning and deep learning, especially in late 2010s when near human-level GEC systems are available. However, there is no prior work focusing on the whole recapitulation of the progress. We present the first survey in GEC for a comprehensive retrospect of the literature in this area. We first give the introduction of five public datasets, data annotation schema, two important shared tasks and four standard evaluation metrics. More importantly, we discuss four kinds of basic approaches, including statistical machine translation based approach, neural machine translation based approach, classification based approach and language model based approach, six commonly applied performance boosting techniques for GEC systems and two data augmentation methods. Since GEC is typically viewed as a sister task of machine translation, many GEC systems are based on neural machine translation (NMT) approaches, where the neural sequence-to-sequence model is applied. Similarly, some performance boosting techniques are adapted from machine translation and are successfully combined with GEC systems for enhancement on the final performance. Furthermore, we conduct an analysis in level of basic approaches, performance boosting techniques and integrated GEC systems based on their experiment results respectively for more clear patterns and conclusions. Finally, we discuss five prospective directions for future GEC researches

    The UI System in the HOO 2012 Shared Task on Error Correction

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    We describe the University of Illinois (UI) system that participated in the Helping Our Own (HOO) 2012 shared task, which focuses on correcting preposition and determiner errors made by non-native English speakers. The task consisted of three metrics: Detection, Recognition, and Correction, and measured performance before and after additional revisions to the test data were made. Out of 14 teams that participated, our system scored first in Detection and Recognition and second in Correction before the revisions; and first in Detection and second in the other metrics after revisions. We describe our underlying approach, which relates to our previous work in this area, and propose an improvement to the earlier method, error inflation, which results in significant gains in performance.