17 research outputs found

    Fusformer: A Transformer-based Fusion Approach for Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution

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    Hyperspectral image has become increasingly crucial due to its abundant spectral information. However, It has poor spatial resolution with the limitation of the current imaging mechanism. Nowadays, many convolutional neural networks have been proposed for the hyperspectral image super-resolution problem. However, convolutional neural network (CNN) based methods only consider the local information instead of the global one with the limited kernel size of receptive field in the convolution operation. In this paper, we design a network based on the transformer for fusing the low-resolution hyperspectral images and high-resolution multispectral images to obtain the high-resolution hyperspectral images. Thanks to the representing ability of the transformer, our approach is able to explore the intrinsic relationships of features globally. Furthermore, considering the LR-HSIs hold the main spectral structure, the network focuses on the spatial detail estimation releasing from the burden of reconstructing the whole data. It reduces the mapping space of the proposed network, which enhances the final performance. Various experiments and quality indexes show our approach's superiority compared with other state-of-the-art methods

    Tensor-based Intrinsic Subspace Representation Learning for Multi-view Clustering

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    As a hot research topic, many multi-view clustering approaches are proposed over the past few years. Nevertheless, most existing algorithms merely take the consensus information among different views into consideration for clustering. Actually, it may hinder the multi-view clustering performance in real-life applications, since different views usually contain diverse statistic properties. To address this problem, we propose a novel Tensor-based Intrinsic Subspace Representation Learning (TISRL) for multi-view clustering in this paper. Concretely, the rank preserving decomposition is proposed firstly to effectively deal with the diverse statistic information contained in different views. Then, to achieve the intrinsic subspace representation, the tensor-singular value decomposition based low-rank tensor constraint is also utilized in our method. It can be seen that specific information contained in different views is fully investigated by the rank preserving decomposition, and the high-order correlations of multi-view data are also mined by the low-rank tensor constraint. The objective function can be optimized by an augmented Lagrangian multiplier based alternating direction minimization algorithm. Experimental results on nine common used real-world multi-view datasets illustrate the superiority of TISRL