17 research outputs found

    Restoring the structural status of keys through DFT phase space

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    One of the reasons for the widely felt influence of Schenker’s theory is his idea of long-range voice-leading structure. However, an implicit premise, that voice leading is necessarily a relationship between chords, leads Schenker to a reductive method that undermines the structural status of keys. This leads to analytical mistakes as demonstrated by Schenker’s analysis of Brahms’s Second Cello Sonata. Using a spatial concept of harmony based on DFT phase space, this paper shows that Schenker’s implicit premise is in fact incorrect: it is possible to model long-range voice-leading relationships between objects other than chords. The concept of voice leading derived from DFT phases is explained by means of triadic orbits. Triadic orbits are then applied in an analysis of Beethoven’s Heiliger Dankgesang, giving a way to understand the ostensibly “Lydian” tonality and the tonal relationship between the chorale sections and “Neue Kraft” sections

    Probing questions about keys: tonal distributions through the DFT

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    Pitch-class distributions are central to much of the computational and psychological research on musical keys. This paper looks at pitch-class distributions through the DFT on pitch-class sets, drawing upon recent theory that has exploited this technique. Corpus-derived distributions consistently exhibit a prominence of three DFT components, 5, 3, and 2, so that we might simplify tonal relationships by viewing them within two- or three-dimensional phase space utilizing just these components. More generally, this simplification, or filtering, of distributional information may be an essential feature of tonal hearing. The DFTs of probe-tone distributions reveal a subdominant bias imposed by the temporal aspect of the behavioral paradigm (as compared to corpus data). The phases of 5, 3, and 2 also exhibit a special linear dependency in tonal music giving rise to the idea of a tonal index.Accepted manuscrip

    Applications of DFT to the theory of twentieth-century harmony

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    Music theorists have only recently, following groundbreaking work by Quinn, recognized the potential for the DFT on pcsets, initially proposed by Lewin, to serve as the foundation of a theory of harmony for the twentieth century. This paper investigates pcset “arithmetic” – subset structure, transpositional combination, and interval content – through the lens of the DFT. It discusses relationships between interval classes and DFT magnitudes, considers special properties of dyads, pcset products, and generated collections, and suggest methods of using the DFT in analysis, including interpreting DFT magnitudes, using phase spaces to understand subset structure, and interpreting the DFT of Lewin’s interval function. Webern’s op. 5/4 and Bartok’s String Quartet 4, iv, are discussed.Accepted manuscrip

    Decontextualizing contextual inversion

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    Contextual inversion, introduced as an analytical tool by David Lewin, is a concept of wide reach and value in music theory and analysis, at the root of neo-Riemannian theory as well as serial theory, and useful for a range of analytical applications. A shortcoming of contextual inversion as it is currently understood, however, is, as implied by the name, that the transformation has to be defined anew for each application. This is potentially a virtue, requiring the analyst to invest the transformational system with meaning in order to construct it in the first place. However, there are certainly instances where new transformational systems are continually redefined for essentially the same purposes. This paper explores some of the most common theoretical bases for contextual inversion groups and considers possible definitions of inversion operators that can apply across set class types, effectively decontextualizing contextual inversions.Accepted manuscrip

    Geometric generalizations of the Tonnetz and their relation to Fourier phase space

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    Some recent work on generalized Tonnetze has examined the topologies resulting from Richard Cohn’s common-tone based formulation, while Tymoczko has reformulated the Tonnetz as a network of voice-leading relationships and investigated the resulting geometries. This paper adopts the original common-tone based formulation and takes a geometrical approach, showing that Tonnetze can always be realized in toroidal spaces,and that the resulting spaces always correspond to one of the possible Fourier phase spaces. We can therefore use the DFT to optimize the given Tonnetz to the space (or vice-versa). I interpret two-dimensional Tonnetze as triangulations of the 2-torus into regions associated with the representatives of a single trichord type. The natural generalization to three dimensions is therefore a triangulation of the 3-torus. This means that a three-dimensional Tonnetze is, in the general case, a network of three tetrachord-types related by shared trichordal subsets. Other Tonnetze that have been proposed with bounded or otherwise non-toroidal topologies, including Tymoczko’s voice-leading Tonnetze, can be under-stood as the embedding of the toroidal Tonnetze in other spaces, or as foldings of toroidal Tonnetze with duplicated interval types.Accepted manuscrip

    General Theory of Music by Icosahedron 2: Analysis of musical pieces by the exceptional musical icosahedra

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    We propose a new way of analyzing musical pieces by using the exceptional musical icosahedra where all the major/minor triads are represented by golden triangles or golden gnomons. First, we introduce a concept of the golden neighborhood that characterizes golden triangles/gnomons that neighbor a given golden triangle or gnomon. Then, we investigate a relation between the exceptional musical icosahedra and the neo-Riemannian theory, and find that the golden neighborhoods and the icosahedron symmetry relate any major/minor triad with any major/minor triad. Second, we show how the exceptional musical icosahedra are applied to analyzing harmonies constructed by four or more tones. We introduce two concepts, golden decomposition and golden singular. The golden decomposition is a decomposition of a given harmony into the minimum number of harmonies constructing the given harmony and represented by the golden figure (a golden triangle, a golden gnomon, or a golden rectangle). A harmony is golden singular if and only if the harmony does not have golden decompositions. We show results of the golden analysis (analysis by the golden decomposition) of the tertian seventh chords and the mystic chord. While the dominant seventh chord is the only tertian seventh chord that is golden singular in the type 1[star] and the type 4[star] exceptional musical icosahedron, the half-diminished seventh chord is the only tertian seventh chord that is golden singular in the type 2 [star] and the type 3[star] exceptional musical icosahedron. Last, we apply the golden analysis to the famous prelude in C major composed by Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV 846). We found 7 combinations of the golden figures on the type 2 [star] or the type 3 [star] exceptional musical icosahedron dually represent all the measures of the BWV 846.Comment: 32 pages, 51 figure

    Ganymed's heavenly descent

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    Schubert's song “Ganymed” has attracted a great deal of interest from analysts due to its progressive tonal plan, often seen as a challenge to Schenkerian theories of tonal structure, and evocative text. This article draws upon a spatial theory of tonal meaning which helps both to resolve the epistemological impasse faced by reductive theories of tonal structure, and to better access Schubert’s interpretation of Goethe’s text through spatial metaphors that derive from the harmony of the song. It also highlights an allusion to Beethoven's Op. 53 “Waldstein” Piano Sonata in the song that has previously gone unremarked, and identifies this as part of a network of references to Beethoven’s sonata that act both as homage to and critique of Beethoven's middle-period style. These serve both as a window into the song, and into Schubert’s aesthetic stance vis-à-vis his most pre-eminent musical forebear. The theory of tonal space draws upon previous publications, but is re-explained in music-theoretical terms relating to diatonicity and triadicity here. It realizes latent directional metaphors in the diatonic sharp-flat and triadic dominant-subdominant dimensions, which are of hermeneutic value for tonal music. Such a theory helps us interpret Schubert’s tonal plan, explain his choices of keys, and better understand his reading of Goethe's text and aesthetic priorities in setting it to music.Accepted manuscrip

    Generalized Tonnetze and Zeitnetze, and the topology of music concepts

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    The music-theoretic idea of a Tonnetz can be generalized at different levels: as a network of chords relating by maximal intersection, a simplicial complex in which vertices represent notes and simplices represent chords, and as a triangulation of a manifold or other geometrical space. The geometrical construct is of particular interest, in that allows us to represent inherently topological aspects to important musical concepts. Two kinds of music-theoretical geometry have been proposed that can house Tonnetze: geometrical duals of voice-leading spaces and Fourier phase spaces. Fourier phase spaces are particularly appropriate for Tonnetze in that their objects are pitch-class distributions (real-valued weightings of the 12 pitch classes) and proximity in these space relates to shared pitch-class content. They admit of a particularly general method of constructing a geometrical Tonnetz that allows for interval and chord duplications in a toroidal geometry. This article examines how these duplications can relate to important musical concepts such as key or pitch height, and details a method of removing such redundancies and the resulting changes to the homology of the space. The method also transfers to the rhythmic domain, defining Zeitnetze for cyclic rhythms. A number of possible Tonnetze are illustrated: on triads, seventh chords, ninth chords, scalar tetrachords, scales, etc., as well as Zeitnetze on common cyclic rhythms or timelines. Their different topologies – whether orientable, bounded, manifold, etc. – reveal some of the topological character of musical concepts.Accepted manuscrip

    Restoring the structural status of keys through DFT phase space

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