37 research outputs found

    Caching and Coded Multicasting: Multiple Groupcast Index Coding

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    The capacity of caching networks has received considerable attention in the past few years. A particularly studied setting is the case of a single server (e.g., a base station) and multiple users, each of which caches segments of files in a finite library. Each user requests one (whole) file in the library and the server sends a common coded multicast message to satisfy all users at once. The problem consists of finding the smallest possible codeword length to satisfy such requests. In this paper we consider the generalization to the case where each user places L≥1L \geq 1 requests. The obvious naive scheme consists of applying LL times the order-optimal scheme for a single request, obtaining a linear in LL scaling of the multicast codeword length. We propose a new achievable scheme based on multiple groupcast index coding that achieves a significant gain over the naive scheme. Furthermore, through an information theoretic converse we find that the proposed scheme is approximately optimal within a constant factor of (at most) 1818.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in GlobalSIP14, Dec. 201

    An Efficient Coded Multicasting Scheme Preserving the Multiplicative Caching Gain

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    Coded multicasting has been shown to be a promis- ing approach to significantly improve the caching performance of content delivery networks with multiple caches downstream of a common multicast link. However, achievable schemes proposed to date have been shown to achieve the proved order-optimal performance only in the asymptotic regime in which the number of packets per requested item goes to infinity. In this paper, we first extend the asymptotic analysis of the achievable scheme in [1], [2] to the case of heterogeneous cache sizes and demand distributions, providing the best known upper bound on the fundamental limiting performance when the number of packets goes to infinity. We then show that the scheme achieving this upper bound quickly loses its multiplicative caching gain for finite content packetization. To overcome this limitation, we design a novel polynomial-time algorithm based on random greedy graph- coloring that, while keeping the same finite content packetization, recovers a significant part of the multiplicative caching gain. Our results show that the order-optimal coded multicasting schemes proposed to date, while useful in quantifying the fundamental limiting performance, must be properly designed for practical regimes of finite packetization.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, Published in Infocom CNTCV 201

    On the Average Performance of Caching and Coded Multicasting with Random Demands

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    For a network with one sender, nn receivers (users) and mm possible messages (files), caching side information at the users allows to satisfy arbitrary simultaneous demands by sending a common (multicast) coded message. In the worst-case demand setting, explicit deterministic and random caching strategies and explicit linear coding schemes have been shown to be order optimal. In this work, we consider the same scenario where the user demands are random i.i.d., according to a Zipf popularity distribution. In this case, we pose the problem in terms of the minimum average number of equivalent message transmissions. We present a novel decentralized random caching placement and a coded delivery scheme which are shown to achieve order-optimal performance. As a matter of fact, this is the first order-optimal result for the caching and coded multicasting problem in the case of random demands.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure, to appear in ISWCS 201

    Performance of Caching-Based D2D Video Distribution with Measured Popularity Distributions

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    On-demand video accounts for the majority of wireless data traffic. Video distribution schemes based on caching combined with device-to-device (D2D) communications promise order-of-magnitude greater spectral efficiency for video delivery, but hinge on the principle of `concentrated demand distributions.' This paper presents, for the first time, the analysis and evaluations of the throughput--outage tradeoff of such schemes based on measured cellular demand distributions. In particular, we use a dataset with more than 100 million requests from the BBC iPlayer, a popular video streaming service in the U.K., as the foundation of the analysis and evaluations. We present an achievable scaling law based on the practical popularity distribution, and show that such scaling law is identical to those reported in the literature. We find that also for the numerical evaluations based on a realistic setup, order-of-magnitude improvements can be achieved. Our results indicate that the benefits promised by the caching-based D2D in the literature could be retained for cellular networks in practice.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Globecom 201