420 research outputs found

    Locally orderless tensor networks for classifying two- and three-dimensional medical images

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    Tensor networks are factorisations of high rank tensors into networks of lower rank tensors and have primarily been used to analyse quantum many-body problems. Tensor networks have seen a recent surge of interest in relation to supervised learning tasks with a focus on image classification. In this work, we improve upon the matrix product state (MPS) tensor networks that can operate on one-dimensional vectors to be useful for working with 2D and 3D medical images. We treat small image regions as orderless, squeeze their spatial information into feature dimensions and then perform MPS operations on these locally orderless regions. These local representations are then aggregated in a hierarchical manner to retain global structure. The proposed locally orderless tensor network (LoTeNet) is compared with relevant methods on three datasets. The architecture of LoTeNet is fixed in all experiments and we show it requires lesser computational resources to attain performance on par or superior to the compared methods.Comment: Accepted for publication at the Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging (MELBA) (see https://melba-journal.org). Source code at https://github.com/raghavian/LoTeNet_pytorch

    Locally Orderless Registration

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    Image registration is an important tool for medical image analysis and is used to bring images into the same reference frame by warping the coordinate field of one image, such that some similarity measure is minimized. We study similarity in image registration in the context of Locally Orderless Images (LOI), which is the natural way to study density estimates and reveals the 3 fundamental scales: the measurement scale, the intensity scale, and the integration scale. This paper has three main contributions: Firstly, we rephrase a large set of popular similarity measures into a common framework, which we refer to as Locally Orderless Registration, and which makes full use of the features of local histograms. Secondly, we extend the theoretical understanding of the local histograms. Thirdly, we use our framework to compare two state-of-the-art intensity density estimators for image registration: The Parzen Window (PW) and the Generalized Partial Volume (GPV), and we demonstrate their differences on a popular similarity measure, Normalized Mutual Information (NMI). We conclude, that complicated similarity measures such as NMI may be evaluated almost as fast as simple measures such as Sum of Squared Distances (SSD) regardless of the choice of PW and GPV. Also, GPV is an asymmetric measure, and PW is our preferred choice.Comment: submitte

    Multi-scale Orderless Pooling of Deep Convolutional Activation Features

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    Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have shown their promise as a universal representation for recognition. However, global CNN activations lack geometric invariance, which limits their robustness for classification and matching of highly variable scenes. To improve the invariance of CNN activations without degrading their discriminative power, this paper presents a simple but effective scheme called multi-scale orderless pooling (MOP-CNN). This scheme extracts CNN activations for local patches at multiple scale levels, performs orderless VLAD pooling of these activations at each level separately, and concatenates the result. The resulting MOP-CNN representation can be used as a generic feature for either supervised or unsupervised recognition tasks, from image classification to instance-level retrieval; it consistently outperforms global CNN activations without requiring any joint training of prediction layers for a particular target dataset. In absolute terms, it achieves state-of-the-art results on the challenging SUN397 and MIT Indoor Scenes classification datasets, and competitive results on ILSVRC2012/2013 classification and INRIA Holidays retrieval datasets

    Information-Theoretic Registration with Explicit Reorientation of Diffusion-Weighted Images

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    We present an information-theoretic approach to the registration of images with directional information, and especially for diffusion-Weighted Images (DWI), with explicit optimization over the directional scale. We call it Locally Orderless Registration with Directions (LORD). We focus on normalized mutual information as a robust information-theoretic similarity measure for DWI. The framework is an extension of the LOR-DWI density-based hierarchical scale-space model that varies and optimizes the integration, spatial, directional, and intensity scales. As affine transformations are insufficient for inter-subject registration, we extend the model to non-rigid deformations. We illustrate that the proposed model deforms orientation distribution functions (ODFs) correctly and is capable of handling the classic complex challenges in DWI-registrations, such as the registration of fiber-crossings along with kissing, fanning, and interleaving fibers. Our experimental results clearly illustrate a novel promising regularizing effect, that comes from the nonlinear orientation-based cost function. We show the properties of the different image scales and, we show that including orientational information in our model makes the model better at retrieving deformations in contrast to standard scalar-based registration.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figure

    What-and-Where to Match: Deep Spatially Multiplicative Integration Networks for Person Re-identification

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    Matching pedestrians across disjoint camera views, known as person re-identification (re-id), is a challenging problem that is of importance to visual recognition and surveillance. Most existing methods exploit local regions within spatial manipulation to perform matching in local correspondence. However, they essentially extract \emph{fixed} representations from pre-divided regions for each image and perform matching based on the extracted representation subsequently. For models in this pipeline, local finer patterns that are crucial to distinguish positive pairs from negative ones cannot be captured, and thus making them underperformed. In this paper, we propose a novel deep multiplicative integration gating function, which answers the question of \emph{what-and-where to match} for effective person re-id. To address \emph{what} to match, our deep network emphasizes common local patterns by learning joint representations in a multiplicative way. The network comprises two Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to extract convolutional activations, and generates relevant descriptors for pedestrian matching. This thus, leads to flexible representations for pair-wise images. To address \emph{where} to match, we combat the spatial misalignment by performing spatially recurrent pooling via a four-directional recurrent neural network to impose spatial dependency over all positions with respect to the entire image. The proposed network is designed to be end-to-end trainable to characterize local pairwise feature interactions in a spatially aligned manner. To demonstrate the superiority of our method, extensive experiments are conducted over three benchmark data sets: VIPeR, CUHK03 and Market-1501.Comment: Published at Pattern Recognition, Elsevie