42 research outputs found

    CityLearn: Diverse Real-World Environments for Sample-Efficient Navigation Policy Learning

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    Visual navigation tasks in real-world environments often require both self-motion and place recognition feedback. While deep reinforcement learning has shown success in solving these perception and decision-making problems in an end-to-end manner, these algorithms require large amounts of experience to learn navigation policies from high-dimensional data, which is generally impractical for real robots due to sample complexity. In this paper, we address these problems with two main contributions. We first leverage place recognition and deep learning techniques combined with goal destination feedback to generate compact, bimodal image representations that can then be used to effectively learn control policies from a small amount of experience. Second, we present an interactive framework, CityLearn, that enables for the first time training and deployment of navigation algorithms across city-sized, realistic environments with extreme visual appearance changes. CityLearn features more than 10 benchmark datasets, often used in visual place recognition and autonomous driving research, including over 100 recorded traversals across 60 cities around the world. We evaluate our approach on two CityLearn environments, training our navigation policy on a single traversal. Results show our method can be over 2 orders of magnitude faster than when using raw images, and can also generalize across extreme visual changes including day to night and summer to winter transitions.Comment: Preprint version of article accepted to ICRA 202

    VLN-Video: Utilizing Driving Videos for Outdoor Vision-and-Language Navigation

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    Outdoor Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) requires an agent to navigate through realistic 3D outdoor environments based on natural language instructions. The performance of existing VLN methods is limited by insufficient diversity in navigation environments and limited training data. To address these issues, we propose VLN-Video, which utilizes the diverse outdoor environments present in driving videos in multiple cities in the U.S. augmented with automatically generated navigation instructions and actions to improve outdoor VLN performance. VLN-Video combines the best of intuitive classical approaches and modern deep learning techniques, using template infilling to generate grounded navigation instructions, combined with an image rotation similarity-based navigation action predictor to obtain VLN style data from driving videos for pretraining deep learning VLN models. We pre-train the model on the Touchdown dataset and our video-augmented dataset created from driving videos with three proxy tasks: Masked Language Modeling, Instruction and Trajectory Matching, and Next Action Prediction, so as to learn temporally-aware and visually-aligned instruction representations. The learned instruction representation is adapted to the state-of-the-art navigator when fine-tuning on the Touchdown dataset. Empirical results demonstrate that VLN-Video significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art models by 2.1% in task completion rate, achieving a new state-of-the-art on the Touchdown dataset.Comment: AAAI 202