51 research outputs found

    Ore-degree threshold for the square of a Hamiltonian cycle

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    A classic theorem of Dirac from 1952 states that every graph with minimum degree at least n/2 contains a Hamiltonian cycle. In 1963, P\'osa conjectured that every graph with minimum degree at least 2n/3 contains the square of a Hamiltonian cycle. In 1960, Ore relaxed the degree condition in the Dirac's theorem by proving that every graph with deg(u)+deg(v)β‰₯ndeg(u) + deg(v) \geq n for every uvβˆ‰E(G)uv \notin E(G) contains a Hamiltonian cycle. Recently, Ch\^au proved an Ore-type version of P\'osa's conjecture for graphs on nβ‰₯n0n\geq n_0 vertices using the regularity--blow-up method; consequently the n0n_0 is very large (involving a tower function). Here we present another proof that avoids the use of the regularity lemma. Aside from the fact that our proof holds for much smaller n0n_0, we believe that our method of proof will be of independent interest.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure. In addition to some fixed typos, this updated version contains a simplified "connecting lemma" in Section 3.

    Local resilience for squares of almost spanning cycles in sparse random graphs

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    In 1962, P\'osa conjectured that a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E) contains a square of a Hamiltonian cycle if Ξ΄(G)β‰₯2n/3\delta(G)\ge 2n/3. Only more than thirty years later Koml\'os, S\'ark\H{o}zy, and Szemer\'edi proved this conjecture using the so-called Blow-Up Lemma. Here we extend their result to a random graph setting. We show that for every Ο΅>0\epsilon > 0 and p=nβˆ’1/2+Ο΅p=n^{-1/2+\epsilon} a.a.s. every subgraph of Gn,pG_{n,p} with minimum degree at least (2/3+Ο΅)np(2/3+\epsilon)np contains the square of a cycle on (1βˆ’o(1))n(1-o(1))n vertices. This is almost best possible in three ways: (1) for pβ‰ͺnβˆ’1/2p\ll n^{-1/2} the random graph will not contain any square of a long cycle (2) one cannot hope for a resilience version for the square of a spanning cycle (as deleting all edges in the neighborhood of single vertex destroys this property) and (3) for c<2/3c<2/3 a.a.s. Gn,pG_{n,p} contains a subgraph with minimum degree at least cnpcnp which does not contain the square of a path on (1/3+c)n(1/3+c)n vertices
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