1 research outputs found

    The Shortest Path Problem with Edge Information Reuse is NP-Complete

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    We show that the following variation of the single-source shortest path problem is NP-complete. Let a weighted, directed, acyclic graph G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) with source and sink vertices ss and tt be given. Let in addition a mapping ff on EE be given that associates information with the edges (e.g., a pointer), such that f(e)=f(e′)f(e)=f(e') means that edges ee and e′e' carry the same information; for such edges it is required that w(e)=w(e′)w(e)=w(e'). The length of a simple stst path UU is the sum of the weights of the edges on UU but edges with f(e)=f(e′)f(e)=f(e') are counted only once. The problem is to determine a shortest such stst path. We call this problem the \emph{edge information reuse shortest path problem}. It is NP-complete by reduction from 3SAT