2 research outputs found

    The Shape-Time Random Field for Semantic Video Labeling

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    We propose a novel discriminative model for semantic labeling in videos by incorporating a prior to model both the shape and temporal dependencies of an object in video. A typical approach for this task is the conditional random field (CRF), which can model local interactions among ad-jacent regions in a video frame. Recent work [16, 14] has shown how to incorporate a shape prior into a CRF for improving labeling performance, but it may be difficult to model temporal dependencies present in video by using this prior. The conditional restricted Boltzmann machine (CRBM) can model both shape and temporal dependencies, and has been used to learn walking styles from motion-capture data. In this work, we incorporate a CRBM prior into a CRF framework and present a new state-of-the-art model for the task of semantic labeling in videos. In partic-ular, we explore the task of labeling parts of complex face scenes from videos in the YouTube Faces Database (YFDB). Our combined model outperforms competitive baselines both qualitatively and quantitatively. 1