4 research outputs found

    Field-driven solid-on-solid interfaces moving under a stochastic Arrhenius dynamic: effects of the barrier height

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    We present analytical results and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for the mobility and microscopic structure of solid-on-solid (SOS) interfaces driven far from equilibrium by an external force, such as an applied field or (electro)chemical potential difference. The interfaces evolve under a specific stochastic dynamic with a local energy barrier (an Arrhenius dynamic), known as the transition dynamics approximation (TDA). We calculate the average height of steps on the interface, the average interface velocity, and the skewness of the interface as functions of the driving force and the height of the energy barrier. We find that the microscopic interface structure depends quite strongly on the barrier height. As the barrier becomes higher, the local interface width decreases and the skewness increases, suggesting increasing short-range correlations between the step heights.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figs. RevTe

    Evidence for a dynamic phase transition in [Co/Pt]_3 magnetic multilayers

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    A dynamic phase transition (DPT) with respect to the period P of an applied alternating magnetic field has been observed previously in numerical simulations of magnetic systems. However, experimental evidence for this DPT has thus far been limited to qualitative observations of hysteresis loop collapse in studies of hysteresis loop area scaling. Here, we present significantly stronger evidence for the experimental observation of this DPT, in a [Co(4 A)/Pt(7 A)]_3-multilayer system with strong perpendicular anisotropy. We applied an out-of-plane, time-varying (sawtooth) field to the [Co/Pt]_3 multilayer, in the presence of a small additional constant field, H_b. We then measured the resulting out-of-plane magnetization time series to produce nonequilibrium phase diagrams (NEPDs) of the cycle-averaged magnetization, Q, and its variance, Var(Q), as functions of P and H_b. The experimental NEPDs are found to strongly resemble those calculated from simulations of a kinetic Ising model under analagous conditions. The similarity of the experimental and simulated NEPDs, in particular the presence of a localized peak in the variance Var(Q) in the experimental results, constitutes strong evidence for the presence of this DPT in our magnetic multilayer samples. Technical challenges related to the hysteretic nature and response time of the electromagnet used to generate the time-varying applied field precluded us from extracting meaningful critical scaling exponents from the current data. However, based on our results, we propose refinements to the experimental procedure which could potentially enable the determination of critical exponents in the future.Comment: substantial revision; 26 pages, 9 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Microstructure and velocity of field-driven solid-on-solid interfaces moving under stochastic dynamics with local energy barriers

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    We study the microscopic structure and the stationary propagation velocity of (1+1)-dimensional solid-on-solid interfaces in an Ising lattice-gas model, which are driven far from equilibrium by an applied force, such as a magnetic field or a difference in (electro)chemical potential. We use an analytic nonlinear-response approximation [P.A. Rikvold and M. Kolesik, J. Stat. Phys. 100, 377 (2000)] together with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. Here we consider interfaces that move under Arrhenius dynamics, which include a microscopic energy barrier between the allowed Ising/lattice-gas states. Two different dynamics are studied: the standard one-step dynamic (OSD) [H.C. Kang and W. Weinberg, J. Chem. Phys. 90, 2824 (1992)] and the two-step transition-dynamics approximation (TDA) [T. Ala-Nissila, J. Kjoll, and S.C. Ying, Phys. Rev. B 46, 846 (1992)]. In the OSD the effects of the applied force and the interaction energies in the model factorize in the transition rates (a soft dynamic), while in the TDA such factorization is not possible (a hard dynamic). In full agreement with previous general theoretical results we find that the local interface width under the TDA increases dramatically with the applied force. In contrast, the interface structure with the OSD is only weakly influenced by the force, in qualitative agreement with the theoretical expectations. Results are also obtained for the force-dependence and anisotropy of the interface velocity, which also show differences in good agreement with the theoretical expectations for the differences between soft and hard dynamics. Our results confirm that different stochastic interface dynamics that all obey detailed balance and the same conservation laws nevertheless can lead to radically different interface responses to an applied force.Comment: 18 pages RevTex. Minor revisions. Phys. Rev. B, in pres