18,119 research outputs found

    A New Look at Translation: Teaching tools for language and literature

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    Does translation have a place in the modern language or literature classroom? This article argues that as long as translation is recognized as a distinct skill rather than a path to language acquisition it can and should play a role in language instruction. The rising popularity of Web-based machine translation (WBMT) sites among students points to a need to help foreign language learners better understand the translation process. Along with a discussion of how instructors can minimize inappropriate use of WBMT, the article provides examples of how translation in the proper context can be used productively to teach both language and literature. It also shows that teachers have much to gain by supporting translation and interpretation as professional options for advanced language learners. Examples are given in Spanish

    Internal Chronotopic Genre Structures : The Nineteenth-Century Historical Novel in the Context of the Belgian Literary Polysystem

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    One of the most fundamental problems of systemic approaches to literature is the question of how systemic principles might be translated into a manageable methodological framework. This contribution proposes that a combination of functionalistsystemic theories (in casu Itamar Even-Zohar’s Polysystem theory – especially the textually oriented versions – and the prototypical genre approach proposed by Dirk De Geest and Hendrik Van Gorp 1999) with Mikhail Bakhtin’s chronotope theory shows great promise in this respect. Since I am primarily interested in literary genres, the prototypical genre approach assumes a central position in my theoretical framework. My main argument is that Bakhtin’s chronotope concept offers interesting perspectives as a heuristic tool within a functionalist-systemic approach to genre studies, enabling the study not only of the constitutive elements of genre systems, but also of their mutual relations. Bakhtin’s own vague definitions of the concept somewhat hamper the process of putting it into practice for this purpose, but with the aid of the distinction between generic and motivic chronotopes, that problem can be solved. A detailed, comprehensive account of the theoretical premises underlying my proposal can be found in Bemong (under review); here I restrict myself to the basics

    La anatomía de la traducción de una revista para niños: la vida y la época de Dog˘an Kardes

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    This paper explores the explicit and less obvious connections of Dog˘an Kardes¸, a children’s magazine, with translation. It departs from a theorization of the potential links between translation studies and periodical studies and argues that both fields have a great deal to offer each other as emerging and flourishing disciplines. The paper further argues that the study of the periodical and the place of translation and translators within it, needs to go beyond discrete case studies of specific works, authors and translators and set out to reconstruct the broader context in which they gain fresh meanings. The main focus of the study is to explore the translational habitus in Dog˘an Kardes¸ and its contributions to the common habitus of the magazine.Este artículo explora las conexiones explícitas y también las menos obvias entre Dog˘an Kardes¸, una revista para niños, y la traducción. Parte de la teoría de las relaciones potenciales entre los estudios sobre traducción y los estudios periodísticos, concluyendo que ambos campos tienen mucho que ofrecerse entre sí como disciplinas emergentes y de éxito. El artículo va más allá, argumentando que el estudio de publicaciones periódicas y el lugar que las traducciones y traductores ocupan dentro de estas deben ir más allá de los casos de estudio aislados sobre trabajos, autores y traductores especí- ficos, debiendo proponerse la reconstrucción de un contexto más amplio con el que adquirir significados más actualizados. El estudio se centra principalmente en explorar los habitus de traducción en Dog˘an Kardes¸ y su contribución a los habitus comunes de la revista

    Cultural specificity in the translation of popular fiction from english into croatian during the socialist and transition periods (1960-2010)

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es el de identificar las tendencias en la traducción de elementos culturales específicos en traducciones de inglés a croata y, posteriormente, correlacionarlas con los desarrollos que ocurrieron en el contexto general en el que se produjeron las traducciones. El estudio se propuso probar hipótesis que predicen una tendencia creciente por emplear tipos de soluciones de asimilación al traducir elementos culturales específicos y también relacionar esta tendencia con los mayores flujos de traducción. Las hipótesis se evalúan usando un corpus de novelas de detectives traducidas en tres períodos: principios de los 60, finales de los 70 y la década del 2000. Los datos cuantitativos obtenidos por medio de análisis textuales se unen con datos cualitativos obtenidos en entrevistas son los agentes de las traducciones. En la conclusión se discuten estos resultados con el objetivo de establecer posibles correlaciones entre los datos del análisis textual, los datos de las entrevistas y los datos extratextuales con las variables contextuales

    Filmden/senaryodan romana: Türkiye'de çeviri sinema romanlar (1944-1957)

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    Dünyada çeviri üzerine yapılan çalışmalarda, film ve çeviri ilişkisi altyazı ve dublaj konularıyla sınırlı kalmakta; Türkiye'de ise filmler çeviri araştırmalarında çok az yer bulmaktadır. Her iki durumda da çeviri edebiyat ile sinema arasındaki yakın ilişki göz ardı edilmektedir. Bu tezin amacı, çeviri popüler edebiyat ve sinema arasındaki ilişkileri sorunsallaştırmak ve yabancı filmlerin çeviri popüler edebiyatı etkilediğini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu çalışmada, erken Cumhuriyet dönemi Türkiyesi'nde özel yayınevlerinin çoğunun seyircinin filmlere olan ilgisinden faydalanmak istediği ve bu amaçla bir çok çeviri sinema roman yayımladığı bulgulanmıştır. Çeviri sinema romanlar ile yabancı filmler arasındaki karmaşık ilişkinin incelenmesi için bir sınıflandırma önerilmiş ve farklı gruplar altına giren, farklı zamanlarda basılmış (1944 ve 1957) iki çeviri sinema roman, barındırdıkları karmaşık çeviri yapılarını analiz etmek için inceleme konusu olarak seçilmiştir. Bu romanları oluşturuldukları bağlamdan soyutlamamak için 1933 ve 1960 arasında yayımlanmış olan çeviri ve yerli popüler sinema romanlardan meydana gelen bir veri tabanı oluşturulmuş ve bu veri tabanının eleştirel incelemesi yapılmıştır. Tüm bunların sonucunda; Türkiye'de ilk defa yapılan bu çalışma, erken cumhuriyet döneminde yabancı filmlerin -Türkiye'de gösterilsin ya da gösterilmesin- çeviri popüler edebiyatı etkilediğini, Türk edebiyatına yeni bir tür ?sinema roman- kazandırdığını ve Türk kültür repertuarına farklı çeviri tanımları getirdiğini ortaya koymuştur. Bununla birlikte, bu tez erken Cumhuriyet dönemi çeviri tarihi ile ilgili Türkiye'de yapılan çalışmaları tamamlayıcı nitelikte olup, çeviri sinema romanları çeviribilimin araştırma konusu olarak sunmuştur. Researches on the relationship between film and translation are mostly restricted to subtitling and dubbing in the world; as for Turkey, films are hardly subjects of translation studies. In any case, the close relationship between translated literature and cinema is disregarded. This thesis, by problematizing the relations between foreign films and novels, aims to reveal that foreign films are influential on translated popular literature. In the present study, it is discovered that in the early republican Turkey, many private publishers wanted to capitalize on the popularity of films and published numerous cinema novels. A classification is proposed for analyzing the complex relations between translated cinema novels and foreign films. Two translated cinema novels which fall under different groups and were published in different years (1944 and 1957), are taken as case studies with a view to explore the complex translation practices they harboured. In order to contextualize the novels, a database including translated and indigenous cinema novels published between 1933 and 1960 is established and its critical analysis is provided. As a result; this study, which will be the first in Turkey, concludes that in the early republican Turkey, foreign films ?whether screened or not- influenced the translated popular literature; introduced a new genre ?cinema novel- to Turkish literature and brought diverse aspects of translation into Turkish culture repertoire. Moreover; being complementary to the studies of translation which focus on the early republican Turkey, this thesis presents translated cinema novels as a reseach subject for translation studies

    Introduction. The Polyphonic World of Cervantes and Dostoevsky

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    The communication and interrelation between Spanish and Russian literature have lasted for several centuries. At times, the connections grew weaker and at other times stronger, but they never disappeared completely. Throughout this period, which extends roughly from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, there were single instances when the relationship between Spanish and Russian literature was becoming very intense, and we can admit that these interactions were very productive for both sides. The careful study of motives, forms, and all possible aspects of such communication, even if reviewed only in part, can be both revealing and productive for Spanish literary history as well as for Russian. A historic overview of Spanish-Russian literary relations will give us abundant and interesting material for more concrete literary analysis and for theoretical generalization and conclusions. These materials will show us significant similarities in the process of historical development of two countries that, in spite of being so far apart territorially and culturally, have much in common. In fact, the Spanish-Muslim cultural interrelations in the Middle Ages are in many ways reminiscent of the Mongol Yoke that spread over Russia and lasted for almost three centuries. An understanding of these events then may help us explain later processes that took place in Russia and Spain once Arab and Mongol dominations came to an end, in particular regarding the role of the so-called exotic color in the arts, in the transformation of literary genres, etc