2 research outputs found

    The Development of System Identification Approaches for Complex Haptic Devices and Modelling Virtual Effects Using Fuzzy Logic

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    Haptic applications often employ devices with many degrees of freedom in order to allow the user to have natural movement during human-machine interaction. From the development point of view, the complexity in mechanical dynamics imposes a lot of challenges in modelling the behaviour of the device. Traditional system identification methods for nonlinear systems are often computationally expensive. Moreover, current research on using neural network approaches disconnect the physical device dynamics with the identification process. This thesis proposes a different approach to system identification of complex haptic devices when analytical models are formulated. It organizes the unknowns to be identified based on the governing dynamic equations of the device and reduces the cost of computation. All the experimental work is done with the Freedom 6S, a haptic device with input and feedback in positions and velocities for all 6 degrees of freedom . Once a symbolic model is developed, a subset of the overall dynamic equations describing selected joint(s) of the haptic robot can be obtained. The advantage of being able to describe the selected joint(s) is that when other non-selected joints are physically fixed or locked up, it mathematically simplifies the subset dynamic equation. Hence, a reduced set of unknowns (e. g. mass, centroid location, inertia, friction, etc) resulting from the simplified subset equation describes the dynamic of the selected joint(s) at a given mechanical orientation of the robot. By studying the subset equations describing the joints, a locking sequence of joints can be determined to minimize the number of unknowns to be determined at a time. All the unknowns of the system can be systematically determined by locking selected joint(s) of the device following this locking sequence. Two system identification methods are proposed: Method of Isolated Joint and Method of Coupling Joints. Simulation results confirm that the latter approach is able to successfully identify the system unknowns of Freedom 6S. Both open-loop experimental tests and close-loop verification comparison between the measured and simulated results are presented. Once the haptic device is modelled, fuzzy logic is used to address chattering phenomenon common to strong virtual effects. In this work, a virtual wall is used to demonstrate this approach. The fuzzy controller design is discussed and experimental comparison between the performance of using a proportional-derivative gain controller and the designed fuzzy controller is presented. The fuzzy controller is able to outperform the traditional controller, eliminating the need for hardware upgrades for improved haptic performance. Summary of results and conclusions are included along with suggested future work to be done

    Interactions visio-haptiques pour la coordination et la conscience situationnelle partagée en environnement virtuel collaboratif

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    La communication haptique interpersonnelle est communément utilisée pour se saluer, se féliciter, ou de manière indirecte pour manipuler des objets lourds. Pourtant, la modalité haptique est absente des systèmes de communication à distance usuels. Les progrès récents de l'informatique et des réseaux de communication ont permis l'émergence d'environnements virtuels collaboratifs offrant un retour haptique aux utilisateurs. Les environnements virtuels collaboratifs constituent une solution prometteuse pour faciliter le travail collaboratif à distance. Les contextes applicatifs sont nombreux : entrainement militaire, assemblage mécanique, manipulation moléculaire, conception assistée par ordinateur.Toutefois, les utilisateurs d'environnements virtuels collaboratifs sont confrontés à deux types de problématiques : celles liées aux environnements virtuels 3D et celles liées à la collaboration à distance. En effet, il est difficile pour un utilisateur peu expérimenté d'interagir avec un environnement virtuel 3D. Se déplacer et manipuler des objets dans ce type d'environnement nécessite une bonne représentation mentale de l'espace.De plus, la collaboration à distance limite les possibilités et la qualité de la communication. Les informations dont disposent les utilisateurs sur leurs partenaires sont donc réduites. Dans ce contexte, la coordination des actions entre les utilisateurs devient plus complexe.L'objectif de ces travaux de thèse est donc de proposer des méthodes d'interaction visio-haptique pour faciliter la coordination et augmenter l'attention mutuelle entre les utilisateurs. Via l'amélioration de la coordination et de l'attention inter-utilisateurs, une augmentation des performances et de l'efficacité du travail collaboratif est escomptée.Trois types d'interactions fondamentales sont abordées dans un contexte collaboratif : la coordination des sélections, le paramétrage des sélections et la manipulation collaborative d'objet. Pour chacune des tâches d'interactions précédemment citées, des méthodes d'interaction ainsi que des outils de coordination et de communication ont été proposé et évalué.Ces travaux de thèse présentent les points forts mais aussi les défauts des méthodes d'interaction collaboratives fortement couplées. Les résultats obtenus montrent également l'importance de la communication haptique dans la collaboration à distance.Haptic interpersonal communication is commonly used to salute, to congratulate, or indirectly to manipulate heavy objects. However, the haptic feedback is missing from the common communication systems. Recent developments in telecommunications and computer capabilities have made possible the use of haptic feedback in collaborative virtual environments. Collaborative virtual environments are a promising solution to facilitate remote work collaboration. They have many applications like: military training, engineering design, e-learning or video games.Nevertheless, users of collaborative virtual environments have to face several issues. First, interacting with a virtual environment is not a straightforward task. Navigate and manipulate objects in a virtual environment requires a good mental representation of space. Secondly, remote collaboration limits the communication quality because even the best video conference system can't support all the richness of a face to face communication. Information available on the partners are reduced thus coordinate actions between users become a complex task.The aim of this thesis is to propose visual haptic interactions to simplify coordination and increase mutual awareness between the users. Through the improvement of coordination and mutual awareness an increase of team performance and work efficiency is expected.Three kind of fundamental 3D interactions are addressed in collaborative context: the coordination of selections, the setting of selections and the manipulation of objects. For each of these three of fundamental interactions, several methods of interaction and tools of coordination are proposed and assessed.The findings of this thesis highlight the strengths and the weaknesses of the closely coupled method of interactions. The results of the experiments also confirm the importance of haptic communication in remote collaboration.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF