5 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Feedback as a part of teacher talk plays a crucial role in language learning. Feedback not only gives reinforcement to maintain good behaviors of the students but also makes students aware of the mistake they make during the learning and teaching process so that they are able to revise it. This study aims to identify the types of feedback expressions used by the teacher in teaching learning process, both positive and corrective feedback. The focus of the study was on the oral teacher feedback. To gather the data, one English teacher and her students who were studying English as a foreign language were observed while they were in a teaching learning process. Their interactions in the classroom were recorded, transcribed, and then analyzed to find out the types of feedback expressions used by the teacher during the interaction. The finding revealed that the teacher used both positive and negative feedback in the teaching and learning process. In terms of positive feedback, the teacher mostly used repetition, followed by praise and affirmation. In terms of negative feedback, the teacher also used a variety of ways which include repetition as the most common feedback provision, followed by recast, clarification request, elicitation, explicit correction, and prompting

    Effects of adaptive learning technologies on mathematics achievement in low SES settings

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    Low socioeconomic status is linked to poor mathematical achievement (NCES, 2019 & Barr, 2015). Furthermore, students in rural settings exhibit mathematical incompetencies (Harmon & Wilborn, 2016). One possible remedy is adaptive learning technology (AT). These are computer programs that determine what a student already knows about mathematics (or other content areas) and then identify areas for growth to increase a student’s knowledge about a topic such as Geometry or Algebra 2. Although not necessarily taking a teacher’s place, an AT can aid the teacher by allowing multiple students to be in multiple different places all within the same classroom. This quantitative study examines the effects of AT on students’ mathematics achievement in a rural, low socioeconomic (SES) setting. A pretest is typically given to a student, and then the computer program gives the student questions and examples designed to help them grow. Also in this study is a student survey to capture the thoughts and opinions of students about their experience using AT. Students in these settings often live in tough situations with little money and challenging obstacles in their home lives. The purpose of the study was to explore the efficacy of technology used to raise mathematics achievement in low SES settings and to gain understanding regarding how students felt about the use and efficacy of mathematics because of technology. Students who used AT show mathematical achievement growth and exhibit change in perceptions of mathematics as a result of the implementation of AT

    Adaptive intelligent tutoring for teaching modern standard Arabic

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe aim of this PhD thesis is to develop a framework for adaptive intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) in the domain of Modern Standard Arabic language. This framework will comprise of a new approach to using a fuzzy inference mechanism and generic rules in guiding the learning process. In addition, the framework will demonstrate another contribution in which the system can be adapted to be used in the teaching of different languages. A prototype system will be developed to demonstrate these features. This system is targeted at adult English-speaking casual learners with no pre-knowledge of the Arabic language. It will consist of two parts: an ITS for learners to use and a teachers‘ tool for configuring and customising the teaching rules and artificial intelligence components among other configuration operations. The system also provides a diverse teaching-strategies‘ environment based on multiple instructional strategies. This approach is based on general rules that provide means to a reconfigurable prediction. The ITS determines the learner‘s learning characteristics using multiple fuzzy inferences. It has a reconfigurable design that can be altered by the teacher at runtime via a teacher-interface. A framework for an independent domain (i.e. pluggable-domain) for foreign language tutoring systems is introduced in this research. This approach allows the system to adapt to the teaching of a different language with little changes required. Such a feature has the advantages of reducing the time and cost required for building intelligent language tutoring systems. To evaluate the proposed system, two experiments are conducted with two versions of the software: the ITS and a cut down version with no artificial intelligence components. The learners used the ITS had shown an increase in scores between the post-test and the pre-test with learning gain of 35% compared to 25% of the learners from the cut down version

    The role of positive feedback in intelligent tutoring systems

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    The focus of this study is positive feedback in one-on-one tutoring, its computational modeling, and its application to the design of more effective Intelligent Tutoring Systems. A data collection of tutoring sessions in the domain of basic Computer Science data structures has been carried out. A methodology based on multiple regression is proposed, and some preliminary results are presented. A prototype Intelligent Tutoring System on linked lists has been developed and deployed in a collegeleve