1 research outputs found

    The Role of Espoused National Cultural Values in Information Disclosure from the Perspective of Dual-calculus

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    The vast of quantities of data that humans and machines will be creating by the year 2020 could enhance productivity, improve organizational transparency and expand the frontier of the “knowledge future”. However, utilizing such data will heavily rely on individuals’ willingness to disclose their data. Some studies treated the institutional forces as direct antecedents of individuals\u27 privacy concerns, the literature review shows that their impacts are mediated by the risk appraisal by individuals based on their perceptions of the likelihood and severity of the risks. The mediating role of protection–motivation implies another important decision by online customers: the risk calculus. In this paper, this dual calculus perspective is adopted for analyzing information disclosure behavior. Cross-cultural antecedents have been considered as independent variables, most often at the individual and the societal levels. This paper intends to investigate the impact of espoused national culture on information disclosure