42,963 research outputs found

    Maximum Edge-Disjoint Paths in kk-sums of Graphs

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    We consider the approximability of the maximum edge-disjoint paths problem (MEDP) in undirected graphs, and in particular, the integrality gap of the natural multicommodity flow based relaxation for it. The integrality gap is known to be Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) even for planar graphs due to a simple topological obstruction and a major focus, following earlier work, has been understanding the gap if some constant congestion is allowed. In this context, it is natural to ask for which classes of graphs does a constant-factor constant-congestion property hold. It is easy to deduce that for given constant bounds on the approximation and congestion, the class of "nice" graphs is nor-closed. Is the converse true? Does every proper minor-closed family of graphs exhibit a constant factor, constant congestion bound relative to the LP relaxation? We conjecture that the answer is yes. One stumbling block has been that such bounds were not known for bounded treewidth graphs (or even treewidth 3). In this paper we give a polytime algorithm which takes a fractional routing solution in a graph of bounded treewidth and is able to integrally route a constant fraction of the LP solution's value. Note that we do not incur any edge congestion. Previously this was not known even for series parallel graphs which have treewidth 2. The algorithm is based on a more general argument that applies to kk-sums of graphs in some graph family, as long as the graph family has a constant factor, constant congestion bound. We then use this to show that such bounds hold for the class of kk-sums of bounded genus graphs

    A Note on the Maximum Genus of Graphs with Diameter 4

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    Let G be a simple graph with diameter four, if G does not contain complete subgraph K3 of order three

    S1S^{1}-invariant symplectic hypersurfaces in dimension 66 and the Fano condition

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    We prove that any symplectic Fano 66-manifold MM with a Hamiltonian S1S^1-action is simply connected and satisfies c1c2(M)=24c_1 c_2(M)=24. This is done by showing that the fixed submanifold MminMM_{\min}\subseteq M on which the Hamiltonian attains its minimum is diffeomorphic to either a del Pezzo surface, a 22-sphere or a point. In the case when dim(Mmin)=4\dim(M_{\min})=4, we use the fact that symplectic Fano 44-manifolds are symplectomorphic to del Pezzo surfaces. The case when dim(Mmin)=2\dim(M_{\min})=2 involves a study of 66-dimensional Hamiltonian S1S^1-manifolds with MminM_{\min} diffeomorphic to a surface of positive genus. By exploiting an analogy with the algebro-geometric situation we construct in each such 66-manifold an S1S^1-invariant symplectic hypersurface F(M){\cal F}(M) playing the role of a smooth fibre of a hypothetical Mori fibration over MminM_{\min}. This relies upon applying Seiberg-Witten theory to the resolution of symplectic 44-orbifolds occurring as the reduced spaces of MM.Comment: Exposition improve

    Embedding of metric graphs on hyperbolic surfaces

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    An embedding of a metric graph (G,d)(G, d) on a closed hyperbolic surface is \emph{essential}, if each complementary region has a negative Euler characteristic. We show, by construction, that given any metric graph, its metric can be rescaled so that it admits an essential and isometric embedding on a closed hyperbolic surface. The essential genus ge(G)g_e(G) of (G,d)(G, d) is the lowest genus of a surface on which such an embedding is possible. In the next result, we establish a formula to compute ge(G)g_e(G). Furthermore, we show that for every integer gge(G)g\geq g_e(G), (G,d)(G, d) admits such an embedding (possibly after a rescaling of dd) on a surface of genus gg. Next, we study minimal embeddings where each complementary region has Euler characteristic 1-1. The maximum essential genus gemax(G)g_e^{\max}(G) of (G,d)(G, d) is the largest genus of a surface on which the graph is minimally embedded. Finally, we describe a method explicitly for an essential embedding of (G,d)(G, d), where ge(G)g_e(G) and gemax(G)g_e^{\max}(G) are realized.Comment: Revised version, 11 pages, 3 figure

    Refined floor diagrams from higher genera and lambda classes

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    We show that, after the change of variables q=eiuq=e^{iu}, refined floor diagrams for P2\mathbb{P}^2 and Hirzebruch surfaces compute generating series of higher genus relative Gromov-Witten invariants with insertion of a lambda class. The proof uses an inductive application of the degeneration formula in relative Gromov-Witten theory and an explicit result in relative Gromov-Witten theory of P1\mathbb{P}^1. Combining this result with the similar looking refined tropical correspondence theorem for log Gromov-Witten invariants, we obtain some non-trivial relation between relative and log Gromov-Witten invariants for P2\mathbb{P}^2 and Hirzebruch surfaces. We also prove that the Block-G\"ottsche invariants of F0\mathbb{F}_0 and F2\mathbb{F}_2 are related by the Abramovich-Bertram formula.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures, revised version, exposition greatly improved, main results unchanged, published in Selecta Mathematic