66 research outputs found

    An entropy inequality for symmetric random variables

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    We establish a lower bound on the entropy of weighted sums of (possibly dependent) random variables (X1,X2,…,Xn)(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n) possessing a symmetric joint distribution. Our lower bound is in terms of the joint entropy of (X1,X2,…,Xn)(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n). We show that for nβ‰₯3n \geq 3, the lower bound is tight if and only if XiX_i's are i.i.d.\ Gaussian random variables. For n=2n=2 there are numerous other cases of equality apart from i.i.d.\ Gaussians, which we completely characterize. Going beyond sums, we also present an inequality for certain linear transformations of (X1,…,Xn)(X_1, \dots, X_n). Our primary technical contribution lies in the analysis of the equality cases, and our approach relies on the geometry and the symmetry of the problem.Comment: submitted to ISIT 201

    Mean Estimation from Adaptive One-bit Measurements

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    We consider the problem of estimating the mean of a normal distribution under the following constraint: the estimator can access only a single bit from each sample from this distribution. We study the squared error risk in this estimation as a function of the number of samples and one-bit measurements nn. We consider an adaptive estimation setting where the single-bit sent at step nn is a function of both the new sample and the previous nβˆ’1n-1 acquired bits. For this setting, we show that no estimator can attain asymptotic mean squared error smaller than Ο€/(2n)+O(nβˆ’2)\pi/(2n)+O(n^{-2}) times the variance. In other words, one-bit restriction increases the number of samples required for a prescribed accuracy of estimation by a factor of at least Ο€/2\pi/2 compared to the unrestricted case. In addition, we provide an explicit estimator that attains this asymptotic error, showing that, rather surprisingly, only Ο€/2\pi/2 times more samples are required in order to attain estimation performance equivalent to the unrestricted case
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