8 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithms for Parsing the DOP Model

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    Excellent results have been reported for Data-Oriented Parsing (DOP) of natural language texts (Bod, 1993). Unfortunately, existing algorithms are both computationally intensive and difficult to implement. Previous algorithms are expensive due to two factors: the exponential number of rules that must be generated and the use of a Monte Carlo parsing algorithm. In this paper we solve the first problem by a novel reduction of the DOP model to a small, equivalent probabilistic context-free grammar. We solve the second problem by a novel deterministic parsing strategy that maximizes the expected number of correct constituents, rather than the probability of a correct parse tree. Using the optimizations, experiments yield a 97% crossing brackets rate and 88% zero crossing brackets rate. This differs significantly from the results reported by Bod, and is comparable to results from a duplication of Pereira and Schabes's (1992) experiment on the same data. We show that Bod's results are at least partially due to an extremely fortuitous choice of test data, and partially due to using cleaner data than other researchers.Comment: 10 page

    The problem of computing the most probable tree in data-oriented parsing and stochastic tree grammars

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    Parsing Inside-Out

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    The inside-outside probabilities are typically used for reestimating Probabilistic Context Free Grammars (PCFGs), just as the forward-backward probabilities are typically used for reestimating HMMs. I show several novel uses, including improving parser accuracy by matching parsing algorithms to evaluation criteria; speeding up DOP parsing by 500 times; and 30 times faster PCFG thresholding at a given accuracy level. I also give an elegant, state-of-the-art grammar formalism, which can be used to compute inside-outside probabilities; and a parser description formalism, which makes it easy to derive inside-outside formulas and many others.Comment: Ph.D. Thesis, 257 pages, 40 postscript figure

    Learning Efficient Disambiguation

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    This dissertation analyses the computational properties of current performance-models of natural language parsing, in particular Data Oriented Parsing (DOP), points out some of their major shortcomings and suggests suitable solutions. It provides proofs that various problems of probabilistic disambiguation are NP-Complete under instances of these performance-models, and it argues that none of these models accounts for attractive efficiency properties of human language processing in limited domains, e.g. that frequent inputs are usually processed faster than infrequent ones. The central hypothesis of this dissertation is that these shortcomings can be eliminated by specializing the performance-models to the limited domains. The dissertation addresses "grammar and model specialization" and presents a new framework, the Ambiguity-Reduction Specialization (ARS) framework, that formulates the necessary and sufficient conditions for successful specialization. The framework is instantiated into specialization algorithms and applied to specializing DOP. Novelties of these learning algorithms are 1) they limit the hypotheses-space to include only "safe" models, 2) are expressed as constrained optimization formulae that minimize the entropy of the training tree-bank given the specialized grammar, under the constraint that the size of the specialized model does not exceed a predefined maximum, and 3) they enable integrating the specialized model with the original one in a complementary manner. The dissertation provides experiments with initial implementations and compares the resulting Specialized DOP (SDOP) models to the original DOP models with encouraging results.Comment: 222 page

    Data-oriented models of parsing and translation

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    The merits of combining the positive elements of the rule-based and data-driven approaches to MT are clear: a combined model has the potential to be highly accurate, robust, cost-effective to build and adaptable. While the merits are clear, however, how best to combine these techniques into a model which retains the positive characteristics of each approach, while inheriting as few of the disadvantages as possible, remains an unsolved problem. One possible solution to this challenge is the Data-Oriented Translation (DOT) model originally proposed by Poutsma (1998, 2000, 2003), which is based on Data-Oriented Parsing (DOP) (e.g. (Bod, 1992; Bod et al., 2003)) and combines examples, linguistic information and a statistical translation model. In this thesis, we seek to establish how the DOT model of translation relates to the other main MT methodologies currently in use. We find that this model differs from other hybrid models of MT in that it inextricably interweaves the philosophies of the rule-based, example-based and statistical approaches in an integrated framework. Although DOT embodies many positive characteristics on a theoretical level, it also inherits the computational complexity associated with DOP. Previous experiments assessing the performance of the DOT model of translation were small in scale and the training data used was not ideally suited to the task (Poutsma, 2000, 2003). However, the algorithmic limitations of the DOT implementation used to perform these experiments prevented a more informative assessment from being carried out. In this thesis, we look to the innovative solutions developed to meet the challenges of implementing the DOP model, and investigate their application to DOT. This investigation culminates in the development of a DOT system; this system allows us to perform translation experiments which are on a larger scale and incorporate greater translational complexity than heretofore. Our evaluation indicates that the positive characteristics of the model identified on a theoretical level are also in evidence when it is subjected to empirical assessment. For example, in terms of exact match accuracy, the DOT model outperforms an SMT model trained and tested on the same data by up to 89.73%. The DOP and DOT models for which we provide empirical evaluations assume contextfree phrase-structure tree representations. However, such models can also be developed for more sophisticated linguistic formalisms. In this thesis, we also focus on the efforts which have been made to integrate the representations of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) with DOP and DOT. We investigate the usefulness of the algorithms developed for DOP (and adapted here to Tree-DOT) when implementing the (more complex) LFG-DOP and LFG-DOT models. We examine how constraints are employed in these models for more accurate disambiguation and seek an alternative methodology for improved constraint specification. We also hypothesise as to how the constraints used to predict both good parses and good translations might be pruned in a motivated fashion. Finally, we explore the relationship between translational equivalence and limited generalisation reusability for both the tree-based and LFG-based DOT models, focussing on how this relationship differs depending on which formalism is assumed