521 research outputs found

    Software Accelerated Functional Fault Simulation for Data-Path Architectures

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    Designs and Analyses in Structured Peer-To-Peer Systems

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing is a recent hot topic in the areas of networking and distributed systems. Work on P2P computing was triggered by a number of ad-hoc systems that made the concept popular. Later, academic research efforts started to investigate P2P computing issues based on scientific principles. Some of that research produced a number of structured P2P systems that were collectively referred to by the term "Distributed Hash Tables" (DHTs). However, the research occurred in a diversified way leading to the appearance of similar concepts yet lacking a common perspective and not heavily analyzed. In this thesis we present a number of papers representing our research results in the area of structured P2P systems grouped as two sets labeled respectively "Designs" and "Analyses". The contribution of the first set of papers is as follows. First, we present the princi- ple of distributed k-ary search and argue that it serves as a framework for most of the recent P2P systems known as DHTs. That is, given this framework, understanding existing DHT systems is done simply by seeing how they are instances of that frame- work. We argue that by perceiving systems as instances of that framework, one can optimize some of them. We illustrate that by applying the framework to the Chord system, one of the most established DHT systems. Second, we show how the frame- work helps in the design of P2P algorithms by two examples: (a) The DKS(n; k; f) system which is a system designed from the beginning on the principles of distributed k-ary search. (b) Two broadcast algorithms that take advantage of the distributed k-ary search tree. The contribution of the second set of papers is as follows. We account for two approaches that we used to evaluate the performance of a particular class of DHTs, namely the one adopting periodic stabilization for topology maintenance. The first approach was of an intrinsic empirical nature. In this approach, we tried to perceive a DHT as a physical system and account for its properties in a size-independent manner. The second approach was of a more analytical nature. In this approach, we applied the technique of Master Equations, which is a widely used technique in the analysis of natural systems. The application of the technique lead to a highly accurate description of the behavior of structured overlays. Additionally, the thesis contains a primer on structured P2P systems that tries to capture the main ideas prevailing in the field

    DSM-PM2 adequacy for distributed constraint programming

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    As Redes de alta velocidade e o melhoramento rápido da performance dos microprocessadores fazem das redes de computadores um veículo apelativo para computação paralela. Não é preciso hardware especial para usar computadores paralelos e o sistema resultante é extensível e facilmente alterável. A programação por restrições é um paradigma de programação em que as relações entre as variáveis pode ser representada por restrições. As restrições diferem das primitivas comuns das outras linguagens de programação porque, ao contrário destas, não específica uma sequência de passos a executar mas antes a definição das propriedades para encontrar as soluções de um problema específico. As bibliotecas de programação por restrições são úteis visto elas não requerem que os programadores tenham que aprender novos skills para uma nova linguagem mas antes proporcionam ferramentas de programação declarativa para uso em sistemas convencionais. A tecnologia de Memoria Partilhada Distribuída (Distributed Shared Memory) apresenta-se como uma ferramenta para uso em aplicações distribuídas em que a informação individual partilhada pode ser acedida diretamente. Nos sistemas que suportam esta tecnologia os dados movem-se entre as memórias principais dos diversos nós de um cluster. Esta tecnologia poupa o programador às preocupações de passagem de mensagens onde ele teria que ter muito trabalho de controlo do comportamento do sistema distribuído. Propomos uma arquitetura orientada para a distribuição de Programação por Restrições que tenha os mecanismos da propagação e da procura local como base sobre um ambiente CC-NUMA distribuído usando memória partilhada distribuída. Os principais objetivos desta dissertação podem ser sumarizados em: - Desenvolver um sistema resolvedor de restrições, baseado no sistema AJ ACS [3], usando a linguagem ”C', linguagem nativa da biblioteca de desenvolvimento paralelo experimentada: O PM2 [4] - Adaptar, experimentar e avaliar a adequação deste sistema resolvedor de restrições usando DSM-PM2 [1] a um ambiente distribuído assente numa arquitetura CC-NUMA; /ABSTRACT - High-speed networks and rapidly improving microprocessor performance make networks of workstations an increasingly appealing vehicle for parallel computing. No special hardware is required to use this solution as a parallel computer, and the resulting system can be easily maintained, extended and upgraded. Constraint programming is a programming paradigm where relations between variables can be stated in the form of constraints. Constraints differ from the common primitives of other programming languages in that they do not specify a step or sequence of steps to execute but rather the properties of a solution to be found. Constraint programming libraries are useful as they do not require the developers to acquire skills for a new language, providing instead declarative programming tools for use within conventional systems. Distributed Shared Memory presents itself as a tool for parallel application in which individual shared data items can be accessed directly. In systems that support Distributed Shared Memory, data moves between main memories of different nodes. The Distributed Shared Memory spares the programmer the concerns of massage passing, where he would have to put allot of effort to control the distributed system behavior. We propose an architecture aimed for Distributed Constraint Programming Solving that relies on propagation and local search over a CC-NUMA distributed environment using Distributed Shared Memory. The main objectives of this thesis can be summarized as: - Develop a Constraint Solving System, based on the AJ ACS [3] system, in the C language, the native language of the experimented Parallel library - PM2 [4]; - Adapt, experiment and evaluate the developed constraint solving system distributed suitability by using DSM-PM2 [1] over a CC-NUMA architecture distributed environment

    Periodic Application of Concurrent Error Detection in Processor Array Architectures

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    Processor arrays can provide an attractive architecture for some applications. Featuring modularity, regular interconnection and high parallelism, such arrays are well-suited for VLSI/WSI implementations, and applications with high computational requirements, such as real-time signal processing. Preserving the integrity of results can be of paramount importance for certain applications. In these cases, fault tolerance should be used to ensure reliable delivery of a system's service. One aspect of fault tolerance is the detection of errors caused by faults. Concurrent error detection (CED) techniques offer the advantage that transient and intermittent faults may be detected with greater probability than with off-line diagnostic tests. Applying time-redundant CED techniques can reduce hardware redundancy costs. However, most time-redundant CED techniques degrade a system's performance

    Interactive modelling and simulation of heterogeneous systems

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    Fault Grading Techniques of Software Test Libraries for Safety-Critical Applications

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    The adoption of complex and technologically advanced integrated circuits (ICs) in safety-critical applications (e.g., in automotive) forced the introduction of new solutions to guarantee the achievement of the required reliability targets. One of these solutions lies in performing in-field test (i.e., the test performed when the device is already deployed in the mission environment) to detect faults that may arise in this phase of electronic circuit life. In this scenario, one increasingly adopted approach is based on the software test libraries (STLs), i.e., suitable code which is run by the CPU included in the system and is able to detect the existence of possible permanent faults both in the CPU itself and in the rest of the system. In order to assess the effectiveness of the STLs, fault simulation is performed, so that the achieved fault coverage (e.g., in terms of stuck-at faults) can be computed. This paper explains why the fault simulation of the STLs represents a different problem with respect to the classical fault simulation of test stimuli (for which very effective algorithms and tools are available), shows why it can be highly computationally expensive, and overviews some solutions to reduce the computational cost and possibly trade-off between results accuracy and cost

    Self-Test Mechanisms for Automotive Multi-Processor System-on-Chips

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen

    Constraint propagation in Mozart

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    This thesis presents constraint propagation in Mozart which is based on computational agents called propagators. The thesis designs, implements, and evaluates propagator-based propagation engines. A propagation engine is split up in generic propagation services and domain specific domain solvers which are connected by a constraint programming interface. Propagators use filters to perform constraint propagation. The interface isolates filters from propagators such that they can be shared among various systems. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a finite integer set domainsolver for Mozart which reasons over bound and cardinality approximations of sets.The solver cooperates with a finite domain solver to improve its propagation and expressiveness. This thesis promotes constraints to first-class citizens and thus, provides extra control over constraints. Novel programming techniques taking advantage of the first-class status of constraints are developed and illustrated.Diese Dissertation beschreibt Constraint-Propagierung in Mozart, die auf Berechnungsagenten, Propagierer genannt, basiert. Die Dissertation entwirft, implementiert und evaluiert Propagierer-basierte Propagierungsmaschinen. Eine Propagierungsmaschine ist aufgeteilt in generische Propagierungsdienste und domänenspezifische Domänenlöser, die durch eine Schnittstelle zur Constraint-Programmierung miteinander verbunden sind. Propagierer benutzen Filter, um Constraints zu propagieren. Die Schnittstelle isoliert Filter von Propagierern, so dass Programmkodes von Filtern von verschiedenen Systemen genutzt werden können. Diese Dissertation präsentiert den Entwurf und die Implementierung eines Domänenlösers über endliche Mengen von ganzen Zahlen für Mozart, die über Mengen- und Kardinalitätsschranken approximiert werden. Dieser kooperiert mit einem Löser über endlichen Bereichen, um die Propagierung und die Ausdrucksfähigkeit zu verbessern. Diese Dissertation erhebt Constraints zu emanzipierten Datenstrukturen und stellt auf dieseWeise zusätzliche Steuerungsmöglichkeiten über Constraints zur Verfügung. Des Weiteren werden neuartige Programmiertechniken für emanzipierte Constraints entwickelt und demonstriert

    Constraint propagation in Mozart

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    This thesis presents constraint propagation in Mozart which is based on computational agents called propagators. The thesis designs, implements, and evaluates propagator-based propagation engines. A propagation engine is split up in generic propagation services and domain specific domain solvers which are connected by a constraint programming interface. Propagators use filters to perform constraint propagation. The interface isolates filters from propagators such that they can be shared among various systems. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a finite integer set domainsolver for Mozart which reasons over bound and cardinality approximations of sets.The solver cooperates with a finite domain solver to improve its propagation and expressiveness. This thesis promotes constraints to first-class citizens and thus, provides extra control over constraints. Novel programming techniques taking advantage of the first-class status of constraints are developed and illustrated.Diese Dissertation beschreibt Constraint-Propagierung in Mozart, die auf Berechnungsagenten, Propagierer genannt, basiert. Die Dissertation entwirft, implementiert und evaluiert Propagierer-basierte Propagierungsmaschinen. Eine Propagierungsmaschine ist aufgeteilt in generische Propagierungsdienste und domänenspezifische Domänenlöser, die durch eine Schnittstelle zur Constraint-Programmierung miteinander verbunden sind. Propagierer benutzen Filter, um Constraints zu propagieren. Die Schnittstelle isoliert Filter von Propagierern, so dass Programmkodes von Filtern von verschiedenen Systemen genutzt werden können. Diese Dissertation präsentiert den Entwurf und die Implementierung eines Domänenlösers über endliche Mengen von ganzen Zahlen für Mozart, die über Mengen- und Kardinalitätsschranken approximiert werden. Dieser kooperiert mit einem Löser über endlichen Bereichen, um die Propagierung und die Ausdrucksfähigkeit zu verbessern. Diese Dissertation erhebt Constraints zu emanzipierten Datenstrukturen und stellt auf dieseWeise zusätzliche Steuerungsmöglichkeiten über Constraints zur Verfügung. Des Weiteren werden neuartige Programmiertechniken für emanzipierte Constraints entwickelt und demonstriert

    Distributed k-ary System: Algorithms for Distributed Hash Tables

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    This dissertation presents algorithms for data structures called distributed hash tables (DHT) or structured overlay networks, which are used to build scalable self-managing distributed systems. The provided algorithms guarantee lookup consistency in the presence of dynamism: they guarantee consistent lookup results in the presence of nodes joining and leaving. Similarly, the algorithms guarantee that routing never fails while nodes join and leave. Previous algorithms for lookup consistency either suffer from starvation, do not work in the presence of failures, or lack proof of correctness. Several group communication algorithms for structured overlay networks are presented. We provide an overlay broadcast algorithm, which unlike previous algorithms avoids redundant messages, reaching all nodes in O(log n) time, while using O(n) messages, where n is the number of nodes in the system. The broadcast algorithm is used to build overlay multicast. We introduce bulk operation, which enables a node to efficiently make multiple lookups or send a message to all nodes in a specified set of identifiers. The algorithm ensures that all specified nodes are reached in O(log n) time, sending maximum O(log n) messages per node, regardless of the input size of the bulk operation. Moreover, the algorithm avoids sending redundant messages. Previous approaches required multiple lookups, which consume more messages and can render the initiator a bottleneck. Our algorithms are used in DHT-based storage systems, where nodes can do thousands of lookups to fetch large files. We use the bulk operation algorithm to construct a pseudo-reliable broadcast algorithm. Bulk operations can also be used to implement efficient range queries. Finally, we describe a novel way to place replicas in a DHT, called symmetric replication, that enables parallel recursive lookups. Parallel lookups are known to reduce latencies. However, costly iterative lookups have previously been used to do parallel lookups. Moreover, joins or leaves only require exchanging O(1) messages, while other schemes require at least log(f) messages for a replication degree of f. The algorithms have been implemented in a middleware called the Distributed k-ary System (DKS), which is briefly described