7,450 research outputs found

    GraphX: Unifying Data-Parallel and Graph-Parallel Analytics

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    From social networks to language modeling, the growing scale and importance of graph data has driven the development of numerous new graph-parallel systems (e.g., Pregel, GraphLab). By restricting the computation that can be expressed and introducing new techniques to partition and distribute the graph, these systems can efficiently execute iterative graph algorithms orders of magnitude faster than more general data-parallel systems. However, the same restrictions that enable the performance gains also make it difficult to express many of the important stages in a typical graph-analytics pipeline: constructing the graph, modifying its structure, or expressing computation that spans multiple graphs. As a consequence, existing graph analytics pipelines compose graph-parallel and data-parallel systems using external storage systems, leading to extensive data movement and complicated programming model. To address these challenges we introduce GraphX, a distributed graph computation framework that unifies graph-parallel and data-parallel computation. GraphX provides a small, core set of graph-parallel operators expressive enough to implement the Pregel and PowerGraph abstractions, yet simple enough to be cast in relational algebra. GraphX uses a collection of query optimization techniques such as automatic join rewrites to efficiently implement these graph-parallel operators. We evaluate GraphX on real-world graphs and workloads and demonstrate that GraphX achieves comparable performance as specialized graph computation systems, while outperforming them in end-to-end graph pipelines. Moreover, GraphX achieves a balance between expressiveness, performance, and ease of use

    SVS-JOIN : efficient spatial visual similarity join for geo-multimedia

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    In the big data era, massive amount of multimedia data with geo-tags has been generated and collected by smart devices equipped with mobile communications module and position sensor module. This trend has put forward higher request on large-scale geo-multimedia retrieval. Spatial similarity join is one of the significant problems in the area of spatial database. Previous works focused on spatial textual document search problem, rather than geo-multimedia retrieval. In this paper, we investigate a novel geo-multimedia retrieval paradigm named spatial visual similarity join (SVS-JOIN for short), which aims to search similar geo-image pairs in both aspects of geo-location and visual content. Firstly, the definition of SVS-JOIN is proposed and then we present the geographical similarity and visual similarity measurement. Inspired by the approach for textual similarity join, we develop an algorithm named SVS-JOIN B by combining the PPJOIN algorithm and visual similarity. Besides, an extension of it named SVS-JOIN G is developed, which utilizes spatial grid strategy to improve the search efficiency. To further speed up the search, a novel approach called SVS-JOIN Q is carefully designed, in which a quadtree and a global inverted index are employed. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on two geo-image datasets and the results demonstrate that our solution can address the SVS-JOIN problem effectively and efficiently

    Subgraph Pattern Matching over Uncertain Graphs with Identity Linkage Uncertainty

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    There is a growing need for methods which can capture uncertainties and answer queries over graph-structured data. Two common types of uncertainty are uncertainty over the attribute values of nodes and uncertainty over the existence of edges. In this paper, we combine those with identity uncertainty. Identity uncertainty represents uncertainty over the mapping from objects mentioned in the data, or references, to the underlying real-world entities. We propose the notion of a probabilistic entity graph (PEG), a probabilistic graph model that defines a distribution over possible graphs at the entity level. The model takes into account node attribute uncertainty, edge existence uncertainty, and identity uncertainty, and thus enables us to systematically reason about all three types of uncertainties in a uniform manner. We introduce a general framework for constructing a PEG given uncertain data at the reference level and develop highly efficient algorithms to answer subgraph pattern matching queries in this setting. Our algorithms are based on two novel ideas: context-aware path indexing and reduction by join-candidates, which drastically reduce the query search space. A comprehensive experimental evaluation shows that our approach outperforms baseline implementations by orders of magnitude
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