1,510 research outputs found

    The Parameterized Complexity of Centrality Improvement in Networks

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    The centrality of a vertex v in a network intuitively captures how important v is for communication in the network. The task of improving the centrality of a vertex has many applications, as a higher centrality often implies a larger impact on the network or less transportation or administration cost. In this work we study the parameterized complexity of the NP-complete problems Closeness Improvement and Betweenness Improvement in which we ask to improve a given vertex' closeness or betweenness centrality by a given amount through adding a given number of edges to the network. Herein, the closeness of a vertex v sums the multiplicative inverses of distances of other vertices to v and the betweenness sums for each pair of vertices the fraction of shortest paths going through v. Unfortunately, for the natural parameter "number of edges to add" we obtain hardness results, even in rather restricted cases. On the positive side, we also give an island of tractability for the parameter measuring the vertex deletion distance to cluster graphs

    On the fixed-parameter tractability of the maximum connectivity improvement problem

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    In the Maximum Connectivity Improvement (MCI) problem, we are given a directed graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and an integer BB and we are asked to find BB new edges to be added to GG in order to maximize the number of connected pairs of vertices in the resulting graph. The MCI problem has been studied from the approximation point of view. In this paper, we approach it from the parameterized complexity perspective in the case of directed acyclic graphs. We show several hardness and algorithmic results with respect to different natural parameters. Our main result is that the problem is W[2]W[2]-hard for parameter BB and it is FPT for parameters VB|V| - B and ν\nu, the matching number of GG. We further characterize the MCI problem with respect to other complementary parameters.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Discriminative Distance-Based Network Indices with Application to Link Prediction

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    In large networks, using the length of shortest paths as the distance measure has shortcomings. A well-studied shortcoming is that extending it to disconnected graphs and directed graphs is controversial. The second shortcoming is that a huge number of vertices may have exactly the same score. The third shortcoming is that in many applications, the distance between two vertices not only depends on the length of shortest paths, but also on the number of shortest paths. In this paper, first we develop a new distance measure between vertices of a graph that yields discriminative distance-based centrality indices. This measure is proportional to the length of shortest paths and inversely proportional to the number of shortest paths. We present algorithms for exact computation of the proposed discriminative indices. Second, we develop randomized algorithms that precisely estimate average discriminative path length and average discriminative eccentricity and show that they give (ϵ,δ)(\epsilon,\delta)-approximations of these indices. Third, we perform extensive experiments over several real-world networks from different domains. In our experiments, we first show that compared to the traditional indices, discriminative indices have usually much more discriminability. Then, we show that our randomized algorithms can very precisely estimate average discriminative path length and average discriminative eccentricity, using only few samples. Then, we show that real-world networks have usually a tiny average discriminative path length, bounded by a constant (e.g., 2). Fourth, in order to better motivate the usefulness of our proposed distance measure, we present a novel link prediction method, that uses discriminative distance to decide which vertices are more likely to form a link in future, and show its superior performance compared to the well-known existing measures

    Improving information centrality of a node in complex networks by adding edges

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    The problem of increasing the centrality of a network node arises in many practical applications. In this paper, we study the optimization problem of maximizing the information centrality IvI_v of a given node vv in a network with nn nodes and mm edges, by creating kk new edges incident to vv. Since IvI_v is the reciprocal of the sum of resistance distance Rv\mathcal{R}_v between vv and all nodes, we alternatively consider the problem of minimizing Rv\mathcal{R}_v by adding kk new edges linked to vv. We show that the objective function is monotone and supermodular. We provide a simple greedy algorithm with an approximation factor (11e)\left(1-\frac{1}{e}\right) and O(n3)O(n^3) running time. To speed up the computation, we also present an algorithm to compute (11eϵ)\left(1-\frac{1}{e}-\epsilon\right)-approximate resistance distance Rv\mathcal{R}_v after iteratively adding kk edges, the running time of which is O~(mkϵ2)\widetilde{O} (mk\epsilon^{-2}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, where the O~()\widetilde{O} (\cdot) notation suppresses the poly(logn){\rm poly} (\log n) factors. We experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithms.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, ijcai-201

    GAEA: Graph Augmentation for Equitable Access via Reinforcement Learning

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    Disparate access to resources by different subpopulations is a prevalent issue in societal and sociotechnical networks. For example, urban infrastructure networks may enable certain racial groups to more easily access resources such as high-quality schools, grocery stores, and polling places. Similarly, social networks within universities and organizations may enable certain groups to more easily access people with valuable information or influence. Here we introduce a new class of problems, Graph Augmentation for Equitable Access (GAEA), to enhance equity in networked systems by editing graph edges under budget constraints. We prove such problems are NP-hard, and cannot be approximated within a factor of (113e)(1-\tfrac{1}{3e}). We develop a principled, sample- and time- efficient Markov Reward Process (MRP)-based mechanism design framework for GAEA. Our algorithm outperforms baselines on a diverse set of synthetic graphs. We further demonstrate the method on real-world networks, by merging public census, school, and transportation datasets for the city of Chicago and applying our algorithm to find human-interpretable edits to the bus network that enhance equitable access to high-quality schools across racial groups. Further experiments on Facebook networks of universities yield sets of new social connections that would increase equitable access to certain attributed nodes across gender groups