7,386 research outputs found

    CMOS current-mode chaotic neurons

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    This paper presents two nonlinear CMOS current-mode circuits that implement neuron soma equations for chaotic neural networks, and another circuit to realize programmable current-mode synapse using CMOS-compatible BJT's. They have been fabricated in a double-metal, single-poly 1.6 /spl mu/m CMOS technology and their measured performance reached the expected function and specifications. The neuron soma circuits use a novel, highly accurate CMOS circuit strategy to realize piecewise-linear characteristics in the current-mode domain. Their prototypes obtain reduced area and low voltage power supply (down to 3 V) with clock frequency of 500 kHz. As regard to the synapse circuit, it obtains large linearity and continuous, linear, weight adjustment by exploration of the exponential-law operation of CMOS-BJT's. The full accordance observed between theory and measurements supports the development of future analog VLSI chaotic neural networks to emulate biological systems and advanced computation

    Password Based a Generalize Robust Security System Design Using Neural Network

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    Among the various means of available resource protection including biometrics, password based system is most simple, user friendly, cost effective and commonly used. But this method having high sensitivity with attacks. Most of the advanced methods for authentication based on password encrypt the contents of password before storing or transmitting in physical domain. But all conventional cryptographic based encryption methods are having its own limitations, generally either in terms of complexity or in terms of efficiency. Multi-application usability of password today forcing users to have a proper memory aids. Which itself degrades the level of security. In this paper a method to exploit the artificial neural network to develop the more secure means of authentication, which is more efficient in providing the authentication, at the same time simple in design, has given. Apart from protection, a step toward perfect security has taken by adding the feature of intruder detection along with the protection system. This is possible by analysis of several logical parameters associated with the user activities. A new method of designing the security system centrally based on neural network with intrusion detection capability to handles the challenges available with present solutions, for any kind of resource has presented

    In the search for the low-complexity sequences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes: how to derive a coherent picture from global and local entropy measures

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    We investigate on a possible way to connect the presence of Low-Complexity Sequences (LCS) in DNA genomes and the nonstationary properties of base correlations. Under the hypothesis that these variations signal a change in the DNA function, we use a new technique, called Non-Stationarity Entropic Index (NSEI) method, and we prove that this technique is an efficient way to detect functional changes with respect to a random baseline. The remarkable aspect is that NSEI does not imply any training data or fitting parameter, the only arbitrarity being the choice of a marker in the sequence. We make this choice on the basis of biological information about LCS distributions in genomes. We show that there exists a correlation between changing the amount in LCS and the ratio of long- to short-range correlation

    Synchronization of coupled neural oscillators with heterogeneous delays

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    We investigate the effects of heterogeneous delays in the coupling of two excitable neural systems. Depending upon the coupling strengths and the time delays in the mutual and self-coupling, the compound system exhibits different types of synchronized oscillations of variable period. We analyze this synchronization based on the interplay of the different time delays and support the numerical results by analytical findings. In addition, we elaborate on bursting-like dynamics with two competing timescales on the basis of the autocorrelation function.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Patient-adapted and inter-patient ecg classification using neural network and gradient boosting

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    Heart disease diagnosis is an important non-invasive technique. Therefore, there exists an effort to increase the accuracy of arrhythmia classification based on ECG signals. In this work, we present a novel approach of heart arrhythmia detection. The model consists of two parts. The first part extracts important features from raw ECG signal using Auto-Encoder Neural Network. Extracted features obtained by Auto-Encoder represent an input for the second part of the model, the Gradient Boosting and Feedforward Neural Network classifiers. For comparison purposes, we evaluated our approach by using MIT-BIH ECG database and also following recommendations of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) for ECG class labeling. We divided our experiment into two scenarios. The first scenario represents the classification task for the patient-adapted paradigm and the second one was dedicated to the inter-patient paradigm. We compared the measured results to the state-of-the-art methods and it shows that our method outperforms the state-of-the art methods in the Ventricular Ectopic (VEB) class for both paradigms and Supraventricular Ectopic (SVEB) class in the inter-patient paradigm.Web of Science28325424