13,429 research outputs found

    Inverse Reinforcement Learning from a Gradient-based Learner

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    Inverse Reinforcement Learning addresses the problem of inferring an expert's reward function from demonstrations. However, in many applications, we not only have access to the expert's near-optimal behavior, but we also observe part of her learning process. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for this setting, in which the goal is to recover the reward function being optimized by an agent, given a sequence of policies produced during learning. Our approach is based on the assumption that the observed agent is updating her policy parameters along the gradient direction. Then we extend our method to deal with the more realistic scenario where we only have access to a dataset of learning trajectories. For both settings, we provide theoretical insights into our algorithms' performance. Finally, we evaluate the approach in a simulated GridWorld environment and on the MuJoCo environments, comparing it with the state-of-the-art baseline

    Traffic Light Control Using Deep Policy-Gradient and Value-Function Based Reinforcement Learning

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    Recent advances in combining deep neural network architectures with reinforcement learning techniques have shown promising potential results in solving complex control problems with high dimensional state and action spaces. Inspired by these successes, in this paper, we build two kinds of reinforcement learning algorithms: deep policy-gradient and value-function based agents which can predict the best possible traffic signal for a traffic intersection. At each time step, these adaptive traffic light control agents receive a snapshot of the current state of a graphical traffic simulator and produce control signals. The policy-gradient based agent maps its observation directly to the control signal, however the value-function based agent first estimates values for all legal control signals. The agent then selects the optimal control action with the highest value. Our methods show promising results in a traffic network simulated in the SUMO traffic simulator, without suffering from instability issues during the training process

    Control Regularization for Reduced Variance Reinforcement Learning

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    Dealing with high variance is a significant challenge in model-free reinforcement learning (RL). Existing methods are unreliable, exhibiting high variance in performance from run to run using different initializations/seeds. Focusing on problems arising in continuous control, we propose a functional regularization approach to augmenting model-free RL. In particular, we regularize the behavior of the deep policy to be similar to a policy prior, i.e., we regularize in function space. We show that functional regularization yields a bias-variance trade-off, and propose an adaptive tuning strategy to optimize this trade-off. When the policy prior has control-theoretic stability guarantees, we further show that this regularization approximately preserves those stability guarantees throughout learning. We validate our approach empirically on a range of settings, and demonstrate significantly reduced variance, guaranteed dynamic stability, and more efficient learning than deep RL alone.Comment: Appearing in ICML 201

    A new Potential-Based Reward Shaping for Reinforcement Learning Agent

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    Potential-based reward shaping (PBRS) is a particular category of machine learning methods which aims to improve the learning speed of a reinforcement learning agent by extracting and utilizing extra knowledge while performing a task. There are two steps in the process of transfer learning: extracting knowledge from previously learned tasks and transferring that knowledge to use it in a target task. The latter step is well discussed in the literature with various methods being proposed for it, while the former has been explored less. With this in mind, the type of knowledge that is transmitted is very important and can lead to considerable improvement. Among the literature of both the transfer learning and the potential-based reward shaping, a subject that has never been addressed is the knowledge gathered during the learning process itself. In this paper, we presented a novel potential-based reward shaping method that attempted to extract knowledge from the learning process. The proposed method extracts knowledge from episodes' cumulative rewards. The proposed method has been evaluated in the Arcade learning environment and the results indicate an improvement in the learning process in both the single-task and the multi-task reinforcement learner agents
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