33 research outputs found

    A Proximity-Aware Hierarchical Clustering of Faces

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    In this paper, we propose an unsupervised face clustering algorithm called "Proximity-Aware Hierarchical Clustering" (PAHC) that exploits the local structure of deep representations. In the proposed method, a similarity measure between deep features is computed by evaluating linear SVM margins. SVMs are trained using nearest neighbors of sample data, and thus do not require any external training data. Clusters are then formed by thresholding the similarity scores. We evaluate the clustering performance using three challenging unconstrained face datasets, including Celebrity in Frontal-Profile (CFP), IARPA JANUS Benchmark A (IJB-A), and JANUS Challenge Set 3 (JANUS CS3) datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach can achieve significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, we also show that the proposed clustering algorithm can be applied to curate a set of large-scale and noisy training dataset while maintaining sufficient amount of images and their variations due to nuisance factors. The face verification performance on JANUS CS3 improves significantly by finetuning a DCNN model with the curated MS-Celeb-1M dataset which contains over three million face images

    Template Adaptation for Face Verification and Identification

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    Face recognition performance evaluation has traditionally focused on one-to-one verification, popularized by the Labeled Faces in the Wild dataset for imagery and the YouTubeFaces dataset for videos. In contrast, the newly released IJB-A face recognition dataset unifies evaluation of one-to-many face identification with one-to-one face verification over templates, or sets of imagery and videos for a subject. In this paper, we study the problem of template adaptation, a form of transfer learning to the set of media in a template. Extensive performance evaluations on IJB-A show a surprising result, that perhaps the simplest method of template adaptation, combining deep convolutional network features with template specific linear SVMs, outperforms the state-of-the-art by a wide margin. We study the effects of template size, negative set construction and classifier fusion on performance, then compare template adaptation to convolutional networks with metric learning, 2D and 3D alignment. Our unexpected conclusion is that these other methods, when combined with template adaptation, all achieve nearly the same top performance on IJB-A for template-based face verification and identification

    Automatic Palaeographic Exploration of Genizah Manuscripts

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    The Cairo Genizah is a collection of hand-written documents containing approximately 350,000 fragments of mainly Jewish texts discovered in the late 19th century. The fragments are today spread out in some 75 libraries and private collections worldwide, but there is an ongoing effort to document and catalogue all extant fragments. Palaeographic information plays a key role in the study of the Genizah collection. Script style, and–more specifically–handwriting, can be used to identify fragments that might originate from the same original work. Such matched fragments, commonly referred to as “joins”, are currently identified manually by experts, and presumably only a small fraction of existing joins have been discovered to date. In this work, we show that automatic handwriting matching functions, obtained from non-specific features using a corpus of writing samples, can perform this task quite reliably. In addition, we explore the problem of grouping various Genizah documents by script style, without being provided any prior information about the relevant styles. The automatically obtained grouping agrees, for the most part, with the palaeographic taxonomy. In cases where the method fails, it is due to apparent similarities between related scripts

    Exploring the Applicability of Low‑Shot Learning in Mining Software Repositories

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    Background: Despite the well-documented and numerous recent successes of deep learning, the application of standard deep architectures to many classification problems within empirical software engineering remains problematic due to the large volumes of labeled data required for training. Here we make the argument that, for some problems, this hurdle can be overcome by taking advantage of low-shot learning in combination with simpler deep architectures that reduce the total number of parameters that need to be learned. Findings: We apply low-shot learning to the task of classifying UML class and sequence diagrams from Github, and demonstrate that surprisingly good performance can be achieved by using only tens or hundreds of examples for each category when paired with an appropriate architecture. Using a large, off-the-shelf architecture, on the other hand, doesn’t perform beyond random guessing even when trained on thousands of samples. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that identifying problems within empirical software engineering that lend themselves to low-shot learning could accelerate the adoption of deep learning algorithms within the empirical software engineering community

    From Categories to Individuals in Real Time — A UniïŹed Boosting Approach

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    A method for online, real-time learning of individual-object detectors is presented. Starting with a pre-trained boosted category detector, an individual-object detector is trained with near-zero computational cost. The individual detector is obtained by using the same feature cascade as the category detector along with elementary manipulations of the thresholds of the weak classifiers. This is ideal for online operation on a video stream or for interactive learning. Applications addressed by this technique are reidentification and individual tracking. Experiments on four challenging pedestrian and face datasets indicate that it is indeed possible to learn identity classifiers in real-time; besides being faster-trained, our classifier has better detection rates than previous methods on two of the datasets

    Effective Face Frontalization in Unconstrained Images

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    "Frontalization" is the process of synthesizing frontal facing views of faces appearing in single unconstrained photos. Recent reports have suggested that this process may substantially boost the performance of face recognition systems. This, by transforming the challenging problem of recognizing faces viewed from unconstrained viewpoints to the easier problem of recognizing faces in constrained, forward facing poses. Previous frontalization methods did this by attempting to approximate 3D facial shapes for each query image. We observe that 3D face shape estimation from unconstrained photos may be a harder problem than frontalization and can potentially introduce facial misalignments. Instead, we explore the simpler approach of using a single, unmodified, 3D surface as an approximation to the shape of all input faces. We show that this leads to a straightforward, efficient and easy to implement method for frontalization. More importantly, it produces aesthetic new frontal views and is surprisingly effective when used for face recognition and gender estimation