75,172 research outputs found

    Flavor Corrections in the Static Potential in Holographic QCD

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    We examine the static potential in the presence of flavors in the perturbative backreacted D4/D8 system from localized D8 branes, focusing in particular on the Sakai-Sugimoto model. For the case of long strings we find the flavor corrections to the static potential which are of exponential form. We then investigate shorter Wilson loops and express their energy analytically in terms of the lengths of two neighboring Wilson loops. Moreover, we find that the static force for all the cases in the backreacted background is reduced compared to one in the probe limit, as expected due to screening effects. We also compare the string world-sheets in the two backgrounds and find how they get modified by the backreaction. Our results are supported by numerical computations as well. Finally we discuss our results in comparison with the lattice data and comment on the issue of physical scales which seem to lie at the heart of the reason that obstructs our model at this level to fully describe QCD.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure

    Automating embedded analysis capabilities and managing software complexity in multiphysics simulation part I: template-based generic programming

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    An approach for incorporating embedded simulation and analysis capabilities in complex simulation codes through template-based generic programming is presented. This approach relies on templating and operator overloading within the C++ language to transform a given calculation into one that can compute a variety of additional quantities that are necessary for many state-of-the-art simulation and analysis algorithms. An approach for incorporating these ideas into complex simulation codes through general graph-based assembly is also presented. These ideas have been implemented within a set of packages in the Trilinos framework and are demonstrated on a simple problem from chemical engineering
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