251,627 research outputs found

    Le filtrage des bornes pour les contraintes cumulative et multi-inter-distance

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    Ce mémoire traite de la résolution de problèmes d’ordonnancement à l’aide de la programmation par contraintes. Il s’intéresse principalement aux contraintes globales et particulièrement à la contrainte cumulative. Il passe en revue les règles permettant de la filtrer et les principaux algorithmes qui les appliquent. Il explique le Edge-Finder de Vilím et son arbre cumulatif. Il propose un algorithme plus performant et plus général pour appliquer les règles découlant du raisonnement énergétique. Le mémoire traite du cas particulier où toutes les tâches sont de durée identique. Pour modéliser efficacement ce type de problèmes, on y conçoit la contrainte multi-inter-distance. L’algorithme d’ordonnancement de López-Ortiz et Quimper est adapté pour réaliser un algorithme qui applique la cohérence de bornes. La contrainte multi-inter-distance s’avère efficace à résoudre le problème de séquençage des atterrissages d’avions du banc d’essai d’Artiouchine et Baptiste.This thesis discusses how to solve scheduling problems using constraint programming. We study global constraints and particularly the Cumulative constraint. We survey its main filtering rules and their state-of-the-art filtering algorithms. We explain the Vilím’s Edge-Finder and its cumulative tree.We introduce a more efficient and more general algorithm that enforces the filtering rules from the energetic reasoning. We study the special case where all tasks have identical processing times. To efficiently model such problems, we introduce the Multi-Inter-Distance constraint. The scheduling algorithm by López-Ortiz and Quimper is adapted to produce a filtering algorithm enforcing bounds consistency. The constraint Multi-Inter-Distance is proved efficient to solve the runway scheduling problem on the benchmark by Artiouchine and Baptiste

    SMAN : Stacked Multi-Modal Attention Network for cross-modal image-text retrieval

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    This article focuses on tackling the task of the cross-modal image-text retrieval which has been an interdisciplinary topic in both computer vision and natural language processing communities. Existing global representation alignment-based methods fail to pinpoint the semantically meaningful portion of images and texts, while the local representation alignment schemes suffer from the huge computational burden for aggregating the similarity of visual fragments and textual words exhaustively. In this article, we propose a stacked multimodal attention network (SMAN) that makes use of the stacked multimodal attention mechanism to exploit the fine-grained interdependencies between image and text, thereby mapping the aggregation of attentive fragments into a common space for measuring cross-modal similarity. Specifically, we sequentially employ intramodal information and multimodal information as guidance to perform multiple-step attention reasoning so that the fine-grained correlation between image and text can be modeled. As a consequence, we are capable of discovering the semantically meaningful visual regions or words in a sentence which contributes to measuring the cross-modal similarity in a more precise manner. Moreover, we present a novel bidirectional ranking loss that enforces the distance among pairwise multimodal instances to be closer. Doing so allows us to make full use of pairwise supervised information to preserve the manifold structure of heterogeneous pairwise data. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that our SMAN consistently yields competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art methods
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