3 research outputs found

    The Mouse Functional Genome Database (MfunGD): functional annotation of proteins in the light of their cellular context

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    MfunGD () provides a resource for annotated mouse proteins and their occurrence in protein networks. Manual annotation concentrates on proteins which are found to interact physically with other proteins. Accordingly, manually curated information from a proteinā€“protein interaction database (MPPI) and a database of mammalian protein complexes is interconnected with MfunGD. Protein function annotation is performed using the Functional Catalogue (FunCat) annotation scheme which is widely used for the analysis of protein networks. The dataset is also supplemented with information about the literature that was used in the annotation process as well as links to the SIMAP Fasta database, the Pedant protein analysis system and cross-references to external resources. Proteins that so far were not manually inspected are annotated automatically by a graphical probabilistic model and/or superparamagnetic clustering. The database is continuously expanding to include the rapidly growing amount of functional information about gene products from mouse. MfunGD is implemented in GenRE, a J2EE-based component-oriented multi-tier architecture following the separation of concern principle

    CORUM: the comprehensive resource of mammalian protein complexes

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    Protein complexes are key molecular entities that integrate multiple gene products to perform cellular functions. The CORUM (http://mips.gsf.de/genre/proj/corum/index.html) database is a collection of experimentally verified mammalian protein complexes. Information is manually derived by critical reading of the scientific literature from expert annotators. Information about protein complexes includes protein complex names, subunits, literature references as well as the function of the complexes. For functional annotation, we use the FunCat catalogue that enables to organize the protein complex space into biologically meaningful subsets. The database contains more than 1750 protein complexes that are built from 2400 different genes, thus representing 12% of the protein-coding genes in human. A web-based system is available to query, view and download the data. CORUM provides a comprehensive dataset of protein complexes for discoveries in systems biology, analyses of protein networks and protein complex-associated diseases. Comparable to the MIPS reference dataset of protein complexes from yeast, CORUM intends to serve as a reference for mammalian protein complexes

    Prediction of Deleterious Non-Synonymous SNPs Based on Protein Interaction Network and Hybrid Properties

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    Non-synonymous SNPs (nsSNPs), also known as Single Amino acid Polymorphisms (SAPs) account for the majority of human inherited diseases. It is important to distinguish the deleterious SAPs from neutral ones. Most traditional computational methods to classify SAPs are based on sequential or structural features. However, these features cannot fully explain the association between a SAP and the observed pathophysiological phenotype. We believe the better rationale for deleterious SAP prediction should be: If a SAP lies in the protein with important functions and it can change the protein sequence and structure severely, it is more likely related to disease. So we established a method to predict deleterious SAPs based on both protein interaction network and traditional hybrid properties. Each SAP is represented by 472 features that include sequential features, structural features and network features. Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy (mRMR) method and Incremental Feature Selection (IFS) were applied to obtain the optimal feature set and the prediction model was Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (NNA). In jackknife cross-validation, 83.27% of SAPs were correctly predicted when the optimized 263 features were used. The optimized predictor with 263 features was also tested in an independent dataset and the accuracy was still 80.00%. In contrast, SIFT, a widely used predictor of deleterious SAPs based on sequential features, has a prediction accuracy of 71.05% on the same dataset. In our study, network features were found to be most important for accurate prediction and can significantly improve the prediction performance. Our results suggest that the protein interaction context could provide important clues to help better illustrate SAP's functional association. This research will facilitate the post genome-wide association studies