4 research outputs found

    The shape of node reliability

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    Given a graph GG whose edges are perfectly reliable and whose nodes each operate independently with probability p∈[0,1],p\in[0,1], the node reliability of GG is the probability that at least one node is operational and that the operational nodes can all communicate in the subgraph that they induce. We study analytic properties of the node reliability on the interval [0,1][0,1] including monotonicity, concavity, and fixed points. Our results show a stark contrast between this model of network robustness and models that arise from coherent set systems (including all-terminal, two-terminal and K-terminal reliability).Comment: 21 page

    The expected subtree number index in random polyphenylene and spiro chains

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    Subtree number index \emph{STN}(G) of a graph GG is the number of nonempty subtrees of GG. It is a structural and counting based topological index that has received more and more attention in recent years. In this paper we first obtain exact formulas for the expected values of subtree number index of random polyphenylene and spiro chains, which are molecular graphs of a class of unbranched multispiro molecules and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Moreover, we establish a relation between the expected values of the subtree number indices of a random polyphenylene and its corresponding hexagonal squeeze. We also present the average values for subtree number indices with respect to the set of all polyphenylene and spiro chains with nn hexagons.Comment: 16pages, 3 figure

    Wiener index, number of subtrees, and tree eccentric sequence

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    The eccentricity of a vertex uu in a connected graph GG is the distance between uu and a vertex farthest from it; the eccentric sequence of GG is the nondecreasing sequence of the eccentricities of GG. In this paper, we determine the unique tree that minimises the Wiener index, i.e. the sum of distances between all unordered vertex pairs, among all trees with a given eccentric sequence. We show that the same tree maximises the number of subtrees among all trees with a given eccentric sequence, thus providing another example of negative correlation between the number of subtrees and the Wiener index of trees. Furthermore, we provide formulas for the corresponding extreme values of these two invariants in terms of the eccentric sequence. As a corollary to our results, we determine the unique tree that minimises the edge Wiener index, the vertex-edge Wiener index, the Schulz index (or degree distance), and the Gutman index among all trees with a given eccentric sequence.Comment: 14 page

    Subtrees and independent subsets in unicyclic graphs and unicyclic graphs with fixed segment sequence

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    In the study of topological indices two negative correlations are well known: that between the number of subtrees and the Wiener index (sum of distances), and that between the Merrifield-Simmons index (number of independent vertex subsets) and the Hosoya index (number of independent edge subsets). That is, among a certain class of graphs, the extremal graphs that maximize one index usually minimize the other, and vice versa. In this paper, we first study the numbers of subtrees in unicyclic graphs and unicyclic graphs with a given girth, further confirming its opposite behavior to the Wiener index by comparing with known results. We then consider the unicyclic graphs with a given segment sequence and characterize the extremal structure with the maximum number of subtrees. Furthermore, we show that these graphs are not extremal with respect to the Wiener index. We also identify the extremal structures that maximize the number of independent vertex subsets among unicyclic graphs with a given segment sequence, and show that they are not extremal with respect to the number of independent edge subsets. These results may be the first examples where the above negative correlation failed in the extremal structures between these two pairs of indices.Comment: 21 pages 6 figure