480 research outputs found

    Many TT copies in HH-free graphs

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    For two graphs TT and HH with no isolated vertices and for an integer nn, let ex(n,T,H)ex(n,T,H) denote the maximum possible number of copies of TT in an HH-free graph on nn vertices. The study of this function when T=K2T=K_2 is a single edge is the main subject of extremal graph theory. In the present paper we investigate the general function, focusing on the cases of triangles, complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs and trees. These cases reveal several interesting phenomena. Three representative results are: (i) ex(n,K3,C5)(1+o(1))32n3/2,ex(n,K_3,C_5) \leq (1+o(1)) \frac{\sqrt 3}{2} n^{3/2}, (ii) For any fixed mm, s2m2s \geq 2m-2 and t(s1)!+1t \geq (s-1)!+1 , ex(n,Km,Ks,t)=Θ(nm(m2)/s)ex(n,K_m,K_{s,t})=\Theta(n^{m-\binom{m}{2}/s}) and (iii) For any two trees HH and TT, ex(n,T,H)=Θ(nm)ex(n,T,H) =\Theta (n^m) where m=m(T,H)m=m(T,H) is an integer depending on HH and TT (its precise definition is given in Section 1). The first result improves (slightly) an estimate of Bollob\'as and Gy\H{o}ri. The proofs combine combinatorial and probabilistic arguments with simple spectral techniques

    Triangles in graphs without bipartite suspensions

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    Given graphs TT and HH, the generalized Tur\'an number ex(n,T,H)(n,T,H) is the maximum number of copies of TT in an nn-vertex graph with no copies of HH. Alon and Shikhelman, using a result of Erd\H os, determined the asymptotics of ex(n,K3,H)(n,K_3,H) when the chromatic number of HH is greater than 3 and proved several results when HH is bipartite. We consider this problem when HH has chromatic number 3. Even this special case for the following relatively simple 3-chromatic graphs appears to be challenging. The suspension H^\widehat H of a graph HH is the graph obtained from HH by adding a new vertex adjacent to all vertices of HH. We give new upper and lower bounds on ex(n,K3,H^)(n,K_3,\widehat{H}) when HH is a path, even cycle, or complete bipartite graph. One of the main tools we use is the triangle removal lemma, but it is unclear if much stronger statements can be proved without using the removal lemma.Comment: New result about path with 5 edges adde

    Generalized Tur\'an problems for even cycles

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    Given a graph HH and a set of graphs F\mathcal F, let ex(n,H,F)ex(n,H,\mathcal F) denote the maximum possible number of copies of HH in an F\mathcal F-free graph on nn vertices. We investigate the function ex(n,H,F)ex(n,H,\mathcal F), when HH and members of F\mathcal F are cycles. Let CkC_k denote the cycle of length kk and let Ck={C3,C4,,Ck}\mathscr C_k=\{C_3,C_4,\ldots,C_k\}. Some of our main results are the following. (i) We show that ex(n,C2l,C2k)=Θ(nl)ex(n, C_{2l}, C_{2k}) = \Theta(n^l) for any l,k2l, k \ge 2. Moreover, we determine it asymptotically in the following cases: We show that ex(n,C4,C2k)=(1+o(1))(k1)(k2)4n2ex(n,C_4,C_{2k}) = (1+o(1)) \frac{(k-1)(k-2)}{4} n^2 and that the maximum possible number of C6C_6's in a C8C_8-free bipartite graph is n3+O(n5/2)n^3 + O(n^{5/2}). (ii) Solymosi and Wong proved that if Erd\H{o}s's Girth Conjecture holds, then for any l3l \ge 3 we have ex(n,C2l,C2l1)=Θ(n2l/(l1))ex(n,C_{2l},\mathscr C_{2l-1})=\Theta(n^{2l/(l-1)}). We prove that forbidding any other even cycle decreases the number of C2lC_{2l}'s significantly: For any k>lk > l, we have ex(n,C2l,C2l1{C2k})=Θ(n2).ex(n,C_{2l},\mathscr C_{2l-1} \cup \{C_{2k}\})=\Theta(n^2). More generally, we show that for any k>lk > l and m2m \ge 2 such that 2kml2k \neq ml, we have ex(n,Cml,C2l1{C2k})=Θ(nm).ex(n,C_{ml},\mathscr C_{2l-1} \cup \{C_{2k}\})=\Theta(n^m). (iii) We prove ex(n,C2l+1,C2l)=Θ(n2+1/l),ex(n,C_{2l+1},\mathscr C_{2l})=\Theta(n^{2+1/l}), provided a strong version of Erd\H{o}s's Girth Conjecture holds (which is known to be true when l=2,3,5l = 2, 3, 5). Moreover, forbidding one more cycle decreases the number of C2l+1C_{2l+1}'s significantly: More precisely, we have ex(n,C2l+1,C2l{C2k})=O(n21l+1),ex(n, C_{2l+1}, \mathscr C_{2l} \cup \{C_{2k}\}) = O(n^{2-\frac{1}{l+1}}), and ex(n,C2l+1,C2l{C2k+1})=O(n2)ex(n, C_{2l+1}, \mathscr C_{2l} \cup \{C_{2k+1}\}) = O(n^2) for l>k2l > k \ge 2. (iv) We also study the maximum number of paths of given length in a CkC_k-free graph, and prove asymptotically sharp bounds in some cases.Comment: 37 Pages; Substantially revised, contains several new results. Mistakes corrected based on the suggestions of a refere

    Rainbow Turán Problems

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    For a fixed graph H, we define the rainbow Turán number ex^*(n,H) to be the maximum number of edges in a graph on n vertices that has a proper edge-colouring with no rainbow H. Recall that the (ordinary) Turán number ex(n,H) is the maximum number of edges in a graph on n vertices that does not contain a copy of H. For any non-bipartite H we show that ex^*(n,H)=(1+o(1))ex(n,H), and if H is colour-critical we show that ex^{*}(n,H)=ex(n,H). When H is the complete bipartite graph K_{s,t} with s ≤ t we show ex^*(n,K_{s,t}) = O(n^{2-1/s}), which matches the known bounds for ex(n,K_{s,t}) up to a constant. We also study the rainbow Turán problem for even cycles, and in particular prove the bound ex^*(n,C_6) = O(n^{4/3}), which is of the correct order of magnitude

    Maxima of the Q-index: forbidden 4-cycle and 5-cycle

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    This paper gives tight upper bounds on the largest eigenvalue q(G) of the signless Laplacian of graphs with no 4-cycle and no 5-cycle. If n is odd, let F_{n} be the friendship graph of order n; if n is even, let F_{n} be F_{n-1} with an edge hanged to its center. It is shown that if G is a graph of order n, with no 4-cycle, then q(G)<q(F_{n}), unless G=F_{n}. Let S_{n,k} be the join of a complete graph of order k and an independent set of order n-k. It is shown that if G is a graph of order n, with no 5-cycle, then q(G)<q(S_{n,2}), unless G=S_{n,k}. It is shown that these results are significant in spectral extremal graph problems. Two conjectures are formulated for the maximum q(G) of graphs with forbidden cycles.Comment: 12 page