404 research outputs found

    Toric singularities revisited

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    In [Kat94b], Kato defined his notion of a log regular scheme and studied the local behavior of such schemes. A toric variety equipped with its canonical logarithmic structure is log regular. And, these schemes allow one to generalize toric geometry to a theory that does not require a base field. This paper will extend this theory by removing normality requirements.Comment: new longer introduction, other minor improvements, 35 page

    On ordinary crystals with logarithmic poles

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    We derive some local properties of abstract crystals with logarithmic poles over a smooth base in positive characteristic and obtain the existence of the canonical coordinates of certain ordinary crystals. We then apply the results to deduce an integral property of the coefficients of the so-called mirror maps.Comment: 24 page

    Schematic homotopy types and non-abelian Hodge theory

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    In this work we use Hodge theoretic methods to study homotopy types of complex projective manifolds with arbitrary fundamental groups. The main tool we use is the \textit{schematization functor} X↦(X⊗C)schX \mapsto (X\otimes \mathbb{C})^{sch}, introduced by the third author as a substitute for the rationalization functor in homotopy theory in the case of non-simply connected spaces. Our main result is the construction of a \textit{Hodge decomposition} on (X⊗C)sch(X\otimes\mathbb{C})^{sch}. This Hodge decomposition is encoded in an action of the discrete group C×δ\mathbb{C}^{\times \delta} on the object (X⊗C)sch(X\otimes \mathbb{C})^{sch} and is shown to recover the usual Hodge decomposition on cohomology, the Hodge filtration on the pro-algebraic fundamental group as defined by C.Simpson, and in the simply connected case, the Hodge decomposition on the complexified homotopy groups as defined by J.Morgan and R. Hain. This Hodge decomposition is shown to satisfy a purity property with respect to a weight filtration, generalizing the fact that the higher homotopy groups of a simply connected projective manifold have natural mixed Hodge structures. As a first application we construct a new family of examples of homotopy types which are not realizable as complex projective manifolds. Our second application is a formality theorem for the schematization of a complex projective manifold. Finally, we present conditions on a complex projective manifold XX under which the image of the Hurewitz morphism of πi(X)→Hi(X)\pi_{i}(X) \to H_{i}(X) is a sub-Hodge structure.Comment: 57 pages. This new version has been globally reorganized and includes additional results and applications. Minor correction

    The K-theory of toric varieties in positive characteristic

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    We show that if X is a toric scheme over a regular ring containing a field then the direct limit of the K-groups of X taken over any infinite sequence of nontrivial dilations is homotopy invariant. This theorem was known in characteristic 0. The affine case of our result was conjectured by Gubeladze.Comment: Companion paper to arXiv:1106.138
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