28 research outputs found

    Notice and Choice Must Go: The Collective Control Alternative

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    Over twenty years of criticism conclusively confirm that Notice and Choice results in, as the law professor Fred Cate puts it, “the worst of all worlds: privacy protection is not enhanced, individuals and businesses pay the cost of bureaucratic laws.” So why is it still the dominant legislative and regulatory approach to ensuring adequate informational privacy online? Recent implementations of Notice and Choice include the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, and California’s Consumer Protection Privacy Act. There is a well-known alternative (advanced by Helen Nissenbaum and others) that sees informational privacy as arising from social norms that require conformity to shared expectations about selective information flows. So why have twenty years of criticism been so ineffective in turning the tide from Notice and Choice to the social norm alternative? One plausible factor is that the Notice and Choice criticisms detail the flaws but do not adequately motivate the turn to the social norms. A motivationally compelling critique would show how and why the failure of Notice and Choice, properly understood, reveals the undeniable need for the collective control alternative provide by social norms. That does not yet exist in the Notice and Choice literature. Notice and Choice Must Go: The Collective Control Alternative remedies that lack

    Experts-in-the-Loop: Establishing an Effective Workflow in Crafting Privacy Q&A

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    Privacy policies play a vital role in safeguarding user privacy as legal jurisdictions worldwide emphasize the need for transparent data processing. While the suitability of privacy policies to enhance transparency has been critically discussed, employing conversational AI systems presents unique challenges in informing users effectively. In this position paper, we propose a dynamic workflow for transforming privacy policies into privacy question-and-answer (Q&A) pairs to make privacy policies easily accessible through conversational AI. Thereby, we facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among legal experts and conversation designers, while also considering the utilization of large language models' generative capabilities and addressing associated challenges. Our proposed workflow underscores continuous improvement and monitoring throughout the construction of privacy Q&As, advocating for comprehensive review and refinement through an experts-in-the-loop approach.Comment: Position paper presented at CONVERSATIONS 2023 - the 7th International Workshop on Chatbot Research and Design, hosted by the University of Oslo, Norway, November 22-23, 202

    OPPO: An Ontology for Describing Fine-Grained Data Practices in Privacy Policies of Online Social Networks

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    Privacy policies outline the data practices of Online Social Networks (OSN) to comply with privacy regulations such as the EU-GDPR and CCPA. Several ontologies for modeling privacy regulations, policies, and compliance have emerged in recent years. However, they are limited in various ways: (1) they specifically model what is required of privacy policies according to one specific privacy regulation such as GDPR; (2) they provide taxonomies of concepts but are not sufficiently axiomatized to afford automated reasoning with them; and (3) they do not model data practices of privacy policies in sufficient detail to allow assessing the transparency of policies. This paper presents an OWL Ontology for Privacy Policies of OSNs, OPPO, that aims to fill these gaps by formalizing detailed data practices from OSNS' privacy policies. OPPO is grounded in BFO, IAO, OMRSE, and OBI, and its design is guided by the use case of representing and reasoning over the content of OSNs' privacy policies and evaluating policies' transparency in greater detail.Comment: 14 Pages, 6 figures, Ontology Showcase and Demonstrations Track, 9th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2023), co-located with FOIS 2023, 19-20 July, 2023, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canad

    A Look into User\u27s Privacy Perceptions and Data Practices of IoT Devices

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    Purpose: With the rapid deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, it has been essential to address the security and privacy issues through maintaining transparency in data practices. The prior research focused on identifying people’s privacy preferences in different contexts of IoT usage, and their mental models of security threats. However, there is a dearth in existing literature to understand the mismatch between user’s perceptions and the actual data practices of IoT devices. Such mismatches could lead users unknowingly sharing their private information, exposing themselves to unanticipated privacy risks. We aim to identify these mismatched privacy perceptions in our work. Methodology: We conducted a lab study with 42 participants, where we compared participants’ perceptions with the data practices stated in the privacy policy of 28 IoT devices from different categories, including health & exercise, entertainment, smart homes, toys & games, and pets. Findings: We identified the mismatched privacy perceptions of users in terms of data collection, sharing, protection, and storage period. Our findings revealed the mismatches between user’s perceptions and the data practices of IoT devices for various types of information, including personal, contact, financial, heath, location, media, connected device, online social media, and IoT device usage. Value: The findings from this study lead to our recommendations on designing simplified privacy notice by highlighting the unexpected data practices, which in turn, would contribute to the secure and privacy-preserving use of IoT devices

    Dark Patterns after the GDPR: Scraping Consent Pop-ups and Demonstrating their Influence

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    New consent management platforms (CMPs) have been introduced to the web to conform with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, particularly its requirements for consent when companies collect and process users' personal data. This work analyses how the most prevalent CMP designs affect people's consent choices. We scraped the designs of the five most popular CMPs on the top 10,000 websites in the UK (n=680). We found that dark patterns and implied consent are ubiquitous; only 11.8% meet the minimal requirements that we set based on European law. Second, we conducted a field experiment with 40 participants to investigate how the eight most common designs affect consent choices. We found that notification style (banner or barrier) has no effect; removing the opt-out button from the first page increases consent by 22--23 percentage points; and providing more granular controls on the first page decreases consent by 8--20 percentage points. This study provides an empirical basis for the necessary regulatory action to enforce the GDPR, in particular the possibility of focusing on the centralised, third-party CMP services as an effective way to increase compliance.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of CHI '20 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 25--30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, US

    “It becomes more of an abstract idea, this privacy”—Informing the design for communal privacy experiences in smart homes

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    In spite of research recognizing the home as a shared space and privacy as inherently social, privacy in smart homes has mainly been researched from an individual angle. Sometimes contrasting and comparing perspectives of multiple individuals, research has rarely focused on how household members might use devices communally to achieve common privacy goals. An investigation of communal use of smart home devices and its relationship with privacy in the home is lacking. The paper presents a grounded analysis based on a synergistic relationship between an ethnomethodologically-informed (EM-informed) study and a grounded theory (GT) approach. The study focuses on household members’ interactions to show that household members’ ability to coordinate the everyday use of their devices depends on appropriate conceptualizations of roles, rules, and privacy that are fundamentally different from those embodied by off-the-shelf products. Privacy is rarely an explicit, actionable, and practical consideration among household members, but rather a consideration wrapped up in everyday concerns. Roles and rules are not used to create social order, but to account for it. To sensitize to this everyday perspective and to reconcile privacy as wrapped up in everyday concerns with the design of smart home systems, the paper presents the social organization of communal use as a descriptive framework. The framework is descriptive in capturing how households navigate the ‘murky waters’ of communal use in practice, where prior research highlighted seemingly irreconcilable differences in interest, attitude, and aptitude between multiple individuals and with other stakeholders. Discussing how households’ use of roles, rules, and privacy in-practice differed from what off-the-shelf products afforded, the framework highlights critical challenges and opportunities for the design of communal privacy experiences

    Risky Fine Print: A Novel Typology of Ethical Risks in Mobile App User Agreements

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