101 research outputs found

    A Full Characterization of Quantum Advice

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    We prove the following surprising result: given any quantum state rho on n qubits, there exists a local Hamiltonian H on poly(n) qubits (e.g., a sum of two-qubit interactions), such that any ground state of H can be used to simulate rho on all quantum circuits of fixed polynomial size. In terms of complexity classes, this implies that BQP/qpoly is contained in QMA/poly, which supersedes the previous result of Aaronson that BQP/qpoly is contained in PP/poly. Indeed, we can exactly characterize quantum advice, as equivalent in power to untrusted quantum advice combined with trusted classical advice. Proving our main result requires combining a large number of previous tools -- including a result of Alon et al. on learning of real-valued concept classes, a result of Aaronson on the learnability of quantum states, and a result of Aharonov and Regev on "QMA+ super-verifiers" -- and also creating some new ones. The main new tool is a so-called majority-certificates lemma, which is closely related to boosting in machine learning, and which seems likely to find independent applications. In its simplest version, this lemma says the following. Given any set S of Boolean functions on n variables, any function f in S can be expressed as the pointwise majority of m=O(n) functions f1,...,fm in S, such that each fi is the unique function in S compatible with O(log|S|) input/output constraints.Comment: We fixed two significant issues: 1. The definition of YQP machines needed to be changed to preserve our results. The revised definition is more natural and has the same intuitive interpretation. 2. We needed properties of Local Hamiltonian reductions going beyond those proved in previous works (whose results we'd misstated). We now prove the needed properties. See p. 6 for more on both point

    A Survey of Quantum Learning Theory

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    This paper surveys quantum learning theory: the theoretical aspects of machine learning using quantum computers. We describe the main results known for three models of learning: exact learning from membership queries, and Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) and agnostic learning from classical or quantum examples.Comment: 26 pages LaTeX. v2: many small changes to improve the presentation. This version will appear as Complexity Theory Column in SIGACT News in June 2017. v3: fixed a small ambiguity in the definition of gamma(C) and updated a referenc

    Unbounded-error One-way Classical and Quantum Communication Complexity

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    This paper studies the gap between quantum one-way communication complexity Q(f)Q(f) and its classical counterpart C(f)C(f), under the {\em unbounded-error} setting, i.e., it is enough that the success probability is strictly greater than 1/2. It is proved that for {\em any} (total or partial) Boolean function ff, Q(f)=C(f)/2Q(f)=\lceil C(f)/2 \rceil, i.e., the former is always exactly one half as large as the latter. The result has an application to obtaining (again an exact) bound for the existence of (m,n,p)(m,n,p)-QRAC which is the nn-qubit random access coding that can recover any one of mm original bits with success probability p\geq p. We can prove that (m,n,>1/2)(m,n,>1/2)-QRAC exists if and only if m22n1m\leq 2^{2n}-1. Previously, only the construction of QRAC using one qubit, the existence of (O(n),n,>1/2)(O(n),n,>1/2)-RAC, and the non-existence of (22n,n,>1/2)(2^{2n},n,>1/2)-QRAC were known.Comment: 9 pages. To appear in Proc. ICALP 200

    Learning hard quantum distributions with variational autoencoders

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    Studying general quantum many-body systems is one of the major challenges in modern physics because it requires an amount of computational resources that scales exponentially with the size of the system.Simulating the evolution of a state, or even storing its description, rapidly becomes intractable for exact classical algorithms. Recently, machine learning techniques, in the form of restricted Boltzmann machines, have been proposed as a way to efficiently represent certain quantum states with applications in state tomography and ground state estimation. Here, we introduce a new representation of states based on variational autoencoders. Variational autoencoders are a type of generative model in the form of a neural network. We probe the power of this representation by encoding probability distributions associated with states from different classes. Our simulations show that deep networks give a better representation for states that are hard to sample from, while providing no benefit for random states. This suggests that the probability distributions associated to hard quantum states might have a compositional structure that can be exploited by layered neural networks. Specifically, we consider the learnability of a class of quantum states introduced by Fefferman and Umans. Such states are provably hard to sample for classical computers, but not for quantum ones, under plausible computational complexity assumptions. The good level of compression achieved for hard states suggests these methods can be suitable for characterising states of the size expected in first generation quantum hardware.Comment: v2: 9 pages, 3 figures, journal version with major edits with respect to v1 (rewriting of section "hard and easy quantum states", extended discussion on comparison with tensor networks

    Two Results about Quantum Messages

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    We show two results about the relationship between quantum and classical messages. Our first contribution is to show how to replace a quantum message in a one-way communication protocol by a deterministic message, establishing that for all partial Boolean functions f:{0,1}n×{0,1}m{0,1}f:\{0,1\}^n\times\{0,1\}^m\to\{0,1\} we have DAB(f)O(QAB,(f)m)D^{A\to B}(f)\leq O(Q^{A\to B,*}(f)\cdot m). This bound was previously known for total functions, while for partial functions this improves on results by Aaronson, in which either a log-factor on the right hand is present, or the left hand side is RAB(f)R^{A\to B}(f), and in which also no entanglement is allowed. In our second contribution we investigate the power of quantum proofs over classical proofs. We give the first example of a scenario, where quantum proofs lead to exponential savings in computing a Boolean function. The previously only known separation between the power of quantum and classical proofs is in a setting where the input is also quantum. We exhibit a partial Boolean function ff, such that there is a one-way quantum communication protocol receiving a quantum proof (i.e., a protocol of type QMA) that has cost O(logn)O(\log n) for ff, whereas every one-way quantum protocol for ff receiving a classical proof (protocol of type QCMA) requires communication Ω(n/logn)\Omega(\sqrt n/\log n)

    Approximating Fractional Time Quantum Evolution

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    An algorithm is presented for approximating arbitrary powers of a black box unitary operation, Ut\mathcal{U}^t, where tt is a real number, and U\mathcal{U} is a black box implementing an unknown unitary. The complexity of this algorithm is calculated in terms of the number of calls to the black box, the errors in the approximation, and a certain `gap' parameter. For general U\mathcal{U} and large tt, one should apply U\mathcal{U} a total of t\lfloor t \rfloor times followed by our procedure for approximating the fractional power Utt\mathcal{U}^{t-\lfloor t \rfloor}. An example is also given where for large integers tt this method is more efficient than direct application of tt copies of U\mathcal{U}. Further applications and related algorithms are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure