655,028 research outputs found

    The (h,k)(h,k)-Server Problem on Bounded Depth Trees

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    We study the kk-server problem in the resource augmentation setting i.e., when the performance of the online algorithm with kk servers is compared to the offline optimal solution with hkh \leq k servers. The problem is very poorly understood beyond uniform metrics. For this special case, the classic kk-server algorithms are roughly (1+1/ϵ)(1+1/\epsilon)-competitive when k=(1+ϵ)hk=(1+\epsilon) h, for any ϵ>0\epsilon >0. Surprisingly however, no o(h)o(h)-competitive algorithm is known even for HSTs of depth 2 and even when k/hk/h is arbitrarily large. We obtain several new results for the problem. First we show that the known kk-server algorithms do not work even on very simple metrics. In particular, the Double Coverage algorithm has competitive ratio Ω(h)\Omega(h) irrespective of the value of kk, even for depth-2 HSTs. Similarly the Work Function Algorithm, that is believed to be optimal for all metric spaces when k=hk=h, has competitive ratio Ω(h)\Omega(h) on depth-3 HSTs even if k=2hk=2h. Our main result is a new algorithm that is O(1)O(1)-competitive for constant depth trees, whenever k=(1+ϵ)hk =(1+\epsilon )h for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. Finally, we give a general lower bound that any deterministic online algorithm has competitive ratio at least 2.4 even for depth-2 HSTs and when k/hk/h is arbitrarily large. This gives a surprising qualitative separation between uniform metrics and depth-2 HSTs for the (h,k)(h,k)-server problem, and gives the strongest known lower bound for the problem on general metrics.Comment: Appeared in SODA 201

    On a necessary aspect for the Riesz basis property for indefinite Sturm-Liouville problems

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    In 1996, H. Volkmer observed that the inequality (111rfdx)2K211f2dx11(1rf)2dx(\int_{-1}^1\frac{1}{|r|}|f'|dx)^2 \le K^2 \int_{-1}^1|f|^2dx\int_{-1}^1\Big|\Big(\frac{1}{r}f'\Big)'\Big|^2dx is satisfied with some positive constant K>0K>0 for a certain class of functions ff on [1,1][-1,1] if the eigenfunctions of the problem y"=λr(x)y,y(1)=y(1)=0 -y"=\lambda\, r(x)y,\quad y(-1)=y(1)=0 form a Riesz basis of the Hilbert space Lr2(1,1)L^2_{|r|}(-1,1). Here the weight rL1(1,1)r\in L^1(-1,1) is assumed to satisfy xr(x)>0xr(x)>0 a.e. on [1,1][-1,1]. We present two criteria in terms of Weyl-Titchmarsh mm-functions for the Volkmer inequality to be valid. Using these results we show that this inequality is valid if the operator associated with the spectral problem satisfies the linear resolvent growth condition. In particular, we show that the Riesz basis property of eigenfunctions is equivalent to the linear resolvent growth if rr is odd.Comment: 26 page

    Directed Ramsey number for trees

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    In this paper, we study Ramsey-type problems for directed graphs. We first consider the kk-colour oriented Ramsey number of HH, denoted by R(H,k)\overrightarrow{R}(H,k), which is the least nn for which every kk-edge-coloured tournament on nn vertices contains a monochromatic copy of HH. We prove that R(T,k)ckTk \overrightarrow{R}(T,k) \le c_k|T|^k for any oriented tree TT. This is a generalisation of a similar result for directed paths by Chv\'atal and by Gy\'arf\'as and Lehel, and answers a question of Yuster. In general, it is tight up to a constant factor. We also consider the kk-colour directed Ramsey number R(H,k)\overleftrightarrow{R}(H,k) of HH, which is defined as above, but, instead of colouring tournaments, we colour the complete directed graph of order nn. Here we show that R(T,k)ckTk1 \overleftrightarrow{R}(T,k) \le c_k|T|^{k-1} for any oriented tree TT, which is again tight up to a constant factor, and it generalises a result by Williamson and by Gy\'arf\'as and Lehel who determined the 22-colour directed Ramsey number of directed paths.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure

    On the linear fractional self-attracting diffusion

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    In this paper, we introduce the linear fractional self-attracting diffusion driven by a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index 1/2<H<1, which is analogous to the linear self-attracting diffusion. For 1-dimensional process we study its convergence and the corresponding weighted local time. For 2-dimensional process, as a related problem, we show that the renormalized self-intersection local time exists in L^2 if 12<H<34\frac12<H<\frac3{4}.Comment: 14 Pages. To appear in Journal of Theoretical Probabilit

    Optimal Binary Search Trees with Near Minimal Height

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    Suppose we have n keys, n access probabilities for the keys, and n+1 access probabilities for the gaps between the keys. Let h_min(n) be the minimal height of a binary search tree for n keys. We consider the problem to construct an optimal binary search tree with near minimal height, i.e.\ with height h <= h_min(n) + Delta for some fixed Delta. It is shown, that for any fixed Delta optimal binary search trees with near minimal height can be constructed in time O(n^2). This is as fast as in the unrestricted case. So far, the best known algorithms for the construction of height-restricted optimal binary search trees have running time O(L n^2), whereby L is the maximal permitted height. Compared to these algorithms our algorithm is at least faster by a factor of log n, because L is lower bounded by log n