4 research outputs found

    The Karp complexity of unstable classes

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    A class K of structures is controlled if, for all cardinals lambda, the relation of L_{infty,lambda}-equivalence partitions K into a set of equivalence classes (as opposed to a proper class). We prove that the class of doubly transitive linear orders is controlled, while any pseudo-elementary class with the omega-independence property is not controlled

    Karp complexity and classes with the independence property

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    A class K of structures is controlled if for all cardinals lambda, the relation of L_{infty,lambda}-equivalence partitions K into a set of equivalence classes (as opposed to a proper class). We prove that no pseudo-elementary class with the independence property is controlled. By contrast, there is a pseudo-elementary class with the strict order property that is controlled

    Introduction to: classification theory for abstract elementary class

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    Classification theory of elementary classes deals with first order (elementary) classes of structures (i.e. fixing a set T of first order sentences, we investigate the class of models of T with the elementary submodel notion). It tries to find dividing lines, prove their consequences, prove "structure theorems, positive theorems" on those in the "low side" (in particular stable and superstable theories), and prove "non-structure, complexity theorems" on the "high side". It has started with categoricity and number of non-isomorphic models. It is probably recognized as the central part of model theory, however it will be even better to have such (non-trivial) theory for non-elementary classes. Note also that many classes of structures considered in algebra are not first order; some families of such classes are close to first order (say have kind of compactness). But here we shall deal with a classification theory for the more general case without assuming knowledge of the first order case (and in most parts not assuming knowledge of model theory at all). The present paper includes an introduction to the forthcoming book on Classification Theory for Abstract Elementary Classe


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    Abstract. A class K of structures is controlled if, for all cardinals λ, the relation of L∞,λ-equivalence partitions K into a set of equivalence classes (as opposed to a proper class). We prove that the class of doubly transitive linear orders is controlled, while any pseudo-elementary class with the ω-independence property is not controlled. 560 revision:2000-10-31 modified:2000-10-31 1