11 research outputs found

    Approaching Eldan’s and Lee & Vempala’s bounds for the KLS conjecture in a unified method

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    La principal idea de este artículo es revisar las pruebas de las mejores estimaciones conocidas para la conjetura KLS de salto espectral, demostradas por Eldan y Lee & Vempala, aplicando el esquema de localización de Eldan a dos sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas diferentes. Damos una prueba unificada de estas dos acotaciones obteniendo la estimación de Eldan desde el sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas considerado por Lee & Vempala

    Thin-shell concentration for random vectors in Orlicz balls via moderate deviations and Gibbs measures

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    In this paper, we study the asymptotic thin-shell width concentration for random vectors uniformly distributed in Orlicz balls. We provide both asymptotic upper and lower bounds on the probability of such a random vector XnX_n being in a thin shell of radius n\sqrt{n} times the asymptotic value of n1/2(E[Xn22])1/2n^{-1/2}\left(\mathbb E\left[\| X_n\|_2^2\right]\right)^{1/2} (as nn\to\infty), showing that in certain ranges our estimates are optimal. In particular, our estimates significantly improve upon the currently best known general Lee-Vempala bound when the deviation parameter t=tnt=t_n goes down to zero as the dimension nn of the ambient space increases. We shall also determine in this work the precise asymptotic value of the isotropic constant for Orlicz balls. Our approach is based on moderate deviation principles and a connection between the uniform distribution on Orlicz balls and Gibbs measures at certain critical inverse temperatures with potentials given by Orlicz functions, an idea recently presented by Kabluchko and Prochno in [The maximum entropy principle and volumetric properties of Orlicz balls, J. Math. Anal. Appl. {\bf 495}(1) 2021, 1--19].Comment: 27 page

    Thin-shell concentration for random vectors in Orlicz balls via moderate deviations and Gibbs measures

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    In this paper, we study the asymptotic thin-shell width concentration for random vectors uniformly distributed in Orlicz balls. We provide both asymptotic upper and lower bounds on the probability of such a random vector XnX_n being in a thin shell of radius n\sqrt{n} times the asymptotic value of n^{-1/2}\left(\E\left[\Vert X_n\Vert_2^2\right]\right)^{1/2} (as nn\to\infty), showing that in certain ranges our estimates are optimal. In particular, our estimates significantly improve upon the currently best known general Lee-Vempala bound when the deviation parameter t=tnt=t_n goes down to zero as the dimension nn of the ambient space increases. We shall also determine in this work the precise asymptotic value of the isotropic constant for Orlicz balls. Our approach is based on moderate deviation principles and a connection between the uniform distribution on Orlicz balls and Gibbs measures at certain critical inverse temperatures with potentials given by Orlicz functions, an idea recently presented by Kabluchko and Prochno in [The maximum entropy principle and volumetric properties of Orlicz balls, J. Math. Anal. Appl. {\bf 495}(1) 2021, 1--19]

    A Nearly-Linear Time Algorithm for Linear Programs with Small Treewidth: A Multiscale Representation of Robust Central Path

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    Arising from structural graph theory, treewidth has become a focus of study in fixed-parameter tractable algorithms in various communities including combinatorics, integer-linear programming, and numerical analysis. Many NP-hard problems are known to be solvable in O~(n2O(tw))\widetilde{O}(n \cdot 2^{O(\mathrm{tw})}) time, where tw\mathrm{tw} is the treewidth of the input graph. Analogously, many problems in P should be solvable in O~(ntwO(1))\widetilde{O}(n \cdot \mathrm{tw}^{O(1)}) time; however, due to the lack of appropriate tools, only a few such results are currently known. [Fom+18] conjectured this to hold as broadly as all linear programs; in our paper, we show this is true: Given a linear program of the form minAx=b,xucx\min_{Ax=b,\ell \leq x\leq u} c^{\top} x, and a width-τ\tau tree decomposition of a graph GAG_A related to AA, we show how to solve it in time O~(nτ2log(1/ε)),\widetilde{O}(n \cdot \tau^2 \log (1/\varepsilon)), where nn is the number of variables and ε\varepsilon is the relative accuracy. Combined with recent techniques in vertex-capacitated flow [BGS21], this leads to an algorithm with O~(ntw2log(1/ε))\widetilde{O}(n \cdot \mathrm{tw}^2 \log (1/\varepsilon)) run-time. Besides being the first of its kind, our algorithm has run-time nearly matching the fastest run-time for solving the sub-problem Ax=bAx=b (under the assumption that no fast matrix multiplication is used). We obtain these results by combining recent techniques in interior-point methods (IPMs), sketching, and a novel representation of the solution under a multiscale basis similar to the wavelet basis

    The Kannan–Lovász–Simonovits conjecture

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