4 research outputs found

    Gender Difference in the Credibility Perception of Mobile Websites: A Mixed Method Approach

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    SIGCHI ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction SIGWEB ACM Special Interest Group on Hypertext, Hypermedia, and WebTo persuade people to buy a product or service online, they must be visually convinced and attracted to use the sales website. Thus, there is need to understand how different user groups perceive various designs of websites for better adaptation. A lot of research has shown that users' judgment of the credibility of a website is critical to its success. However, in the mobile domain, little has been done empirically to 1) investigate users' credibility perception of a website; and 2) how it changes as the user interface (UI) design is systematically altered. This paper bridges this gap by carrying out sentiment and statistical analyses of users' perceptions of four systematically modified mobile websites among 285 subjects from North America, Africa and Asia. The results show that mobile website design affects the perception of its credibility, with 1) females being more critical and sensitive to UI changes than males; and 2) the grid-layout website design preferred to the list-layout website design by both genders. The study contributes to knowledge in three ways. First, it provides a concise model for understanding users' UI perceptions, expectations and gender differences. Second, it presents important findings that will enable a gender-based mobile website adaptation. Third, it provides a set of empirically backed guidelines for mobile web design

    Impact Of Social Media Influencers’ Credibility on The Purchase Intention: Reference to The Beauty Industry

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    Purpose: The role of social media influencers is growing in importance, due to their ability to effectively influence. In addition, marketers have identified Instagram as the most important social media channel for influencer marketing, while the concept of credibility has always been significant in the field of influencer marketing. While a few studies have recently focused on how social media influencers influence consumer purchase behavior, research that specifically focuses on influencer credibility and its impact on purchase behavior is still scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of influencer credibility on the purchase intention of beauty products in Sri Lanka. Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative study was conducted using the survey method. The sample consists of 150 Instagram users between the ages of 18 and 34 who live in Colombo, Sri Lanka. To empirically test the conceptual model, single and multiple regression analyses were used. Findings: Results suggest that there’s a positive impact of credibility dimensions towards purchase intention and the most impactful credibility factor towards purchase intention is “trustworthiness” Originality: This research contributed to the current debates about the credibility of social media influencers. Furthermore, this study focuses on the impact of Instagram influencer credibility dimensions, which is still scarce. So, the current paper fills a gap in the limited existing literature on the credibility of social media influencers on purchase intention, with a focus on the beauty industry in the Sri Lankan context. Implications: The findings assist marketers and advertisers in the fashion industry in understanding how influencer marketing affects consumer purchase intent. Additionally, this provides important insights to influencers in order for them to be successful influencers. Keywords: Social media influencers, Influencer Marketing, Instagram Influencers, Influencer Credibility, Beauty Industry

    Suchen, finden – glauben?

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    Dreimal täglich googeln: In Deutschland recherchieren mehr als achtzig Prozent der Internetnutzer regelmäßig in Suchmaschinen oder Webkatalogen – unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht und Bildung. Das Internet etabliert sich für weite Kreise der Bevölkerung zum Recherchemedium Nummer eins. Private Blogs, Foren, Wikis und Newsportale – die Glaubwürdigkeit der Informationen im Web variiert erheblich. Suchmaschinen spiegeln diese Heterogenität wider. Andreas Tremel beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Nutzer mit unterschiedlich glaubwürdigen Fundstücken in Suchmaschinen umgehen. Befragt man Nutzer zur Bedeutung der Glaubwürdigkeit von Informationen im Web, ist diese offenbar das Selektionskriterium. Dennoch scheinen Nutzer naiv, wenig aufgeklärt und oberflächlich im Umgang mit Suchergebnissen. Um das tatsächliche Verhalten abhängig von der Treffer-Glaubwürdigkeit erstmalig beobachten zu können, wurde eine Suchmaschinensimulation entwickelt, die eine experimentelle Manipulation im Rahmen einer Feldstudie (n=400) ermöglichte. Vor dem Hintergrund der Glaubwürdigkeit wurden auch die Nutzung von Keyword-Werbung und Einflüsse des Recherche-Involvements untersucht.Googling three times a day: 80 % of Internet users in Germany use search engines and web directories regularly – regardless of age, sex or education. The Internet is quickly establishing itself as the No. 1 research tool for big parts of the population. Private Blogs, forums, Wikis and news portals – the credibility of information on the web varies greatly. Search engines reflect this heterogeneity. Andreas Tremel looks into the way users handle the varying credibility of results from search engines. Asked about the importance of credibility of information on the web, users name it the decisive factor. Nevertheless, they seem naïve, misinformed and superficial in handling search results. To be able to evaluate actual behavior relating to the credibility of search results, a search engine simulation was developed which allowed for experimental manipulation within the course of a field study (n=400). Additionally, the use of keyword advertising and the influence of research involvement was analyzed within the context of credibility