1 research outputs found

    The Influence and Interrelationships Among Chinese Library and Information Science Journals in Taiwan

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    [[abstract]]This study aims to investigate the influences and interrelationships between journals of library and information science in Taiwan, in terms of information flow. Eleven Chinese journals and 2,031 articles during from 2001 to 2012 have been selected as subject and an 11 × 11 matrix was generated to conduct journal-to-journal analysis. Several bibliometric indicators proposed by Xhignesse and Osgood [16] have been examined, including indegree, outdegree, sending-receiving and self-feeding ratios. Degree and betweenness centrality of social network analysis have also employed to investigate the central and brokerage position of eleven journals in terms of network structure. In addition to overall structured analysis of twelve years, this study has furthering separated 12 years into three individual periods of four years to conduct a both synchronic and diachronic journal-to-journal citation analysis. Finally, this study discussed the implications and limitation of this study for Chinese journals of library and information science in Taiwan. 本文旨在以資訊流向觀點探討台灣圖書資訊學(以下簡稱圖資學)期刊間的影響及其相互關係。在研究樣本方面,本文以2001至2012年期間為時間範圍,選取11種台灣圖資學期刊的2,031篇期刊論文為研究對象,進而產生11*11的期刊引用矩陣。本文系選取由Xhignesse and Osgood [16] 提出的幾項重要書目計量指標,作為分析期刊間資訊流向之用,主要包括流入程度(即被引用比率)、流出程度(即引用比率)、引用與被引用相較比率、自我引用程度等。本文也採用社會網路分析,就程度中心度與仲介中心度探討期刊的網路位置與結構。此外,本文除了以12年期間為範圍探討期刊資訊流向的整體情形外,也將12年進一步劃分為3個4年期間,討論期刊資訊流向的演變情形。最後,本文也針對研究結果的意涵與限制加以論述。[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]EI[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20150914~20150918[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Poznań, Poland[[countrycodes]]othe