43 research outputs found

    Multi-agent Path Finding with Continuous Time Viewed Through Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT)

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    This paper addresses a variant of multi-agent path finding (MAPF) in continuous space and time. We present a new solving approach based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) to obtain makespan optimal solutions. The standard MAPF is a task of navigating agents in an undirected graph from given starting vertices to given goal vertices so that agents do not collide with each other in vertices of the graph. In the continuous version (MAPFR^\mathcal{R}) agents move in an nn-dimensional Euclidean space along straight lines that interconnect predefined positions. For simplicity, we work with circular omni-directional agents having constant velocities in the 2D plane. As agents can have different sizes and move smoothly along lines, a non-colliding movement along certain lines with small agents can result in a collision if the same movement is performed with larger agents. Our SMT-based approach for MAPFR^\mathcal{R} called SMT-CBSR^\mathcal{R} reformulates the Conflict-based Search (CBS) algorithm in terms of SMT concepts. We suggest lazy generation of decision variables and constraints. Each time a new conflict is discovered, the underlying encoding is extended with new variables and constraints to eliminate the conflict. We compared SMT-CBSR^\mathcal{R} and adaptations of CBS for the continuous variant of MAPF experimentally

    Lazy Modeling of Variants of Token Swapping Problem and Multi-agent Path Finding through Combination of Satisfiability Modulo Theories and Conflict-based Search

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    We address item relocation problems in graphs in this paper. We assume items placed in vertices of an undirected graph with at most one item per vertex. Items can be moved across edges while various constraints depending on the type of relocation problem must be satisfied. We introduce a general problem formulation that encompasses known types of item relocation problems such as multi-agent path finding (MAPF) and token swapping (TSWAP). In this formulation we express two new types of relocation problems derived from token swapping that we call token rotation (TROT) and token permutation (TPERM). Our solving approach for item relocation combines satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) with conflict-based search (CBS). We interpret CBS in the SMT framework where we start with the basic model and refine the model with a collision resolution constraint whenever a collision between items occurs in the current solution. The key difference between the standard CBS and our SMT-based modification of CBS (SMT-CBS) is that the standard CBS branches the search to resolve the collision while in SMT-CBS we iteratively add a single disjunctive collision resolution constraint. Experimental evaluation on several benchmarks shows that the SMT-CBS algorithm significantly outperforms the standard CBS. We also compared SMT-CBS with a modification of the SAT-based MDD-SAT solver that uses an eager modeling of item relocation in which all potential collisions are eliminated by constrains in advance. Experiments show that lazy approach in SMT-CBS produce fewer constraint than MDD-SAT and also achieves faster solving run-times

    Feasibility Study: Moving Non-Homogeneous Teams in Congested Video Game Environments

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    Multi-agent path finding (MAPF) is a well-studied problem in artificial intelligence, where one needs to find collision-free paths for agents with given start and goal locations. In video games, agents of different types often form teams. In this paper, we demonstrate the usefulness of MAPF algorithms from artificial intelligence for moving such non-homogeneous teams in congested video game environments.Comment: To appear in AIIDE 1

    Multi-Agent Path Finding with Deadlines: Preliminary Results

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    We formalize the problem of multi-agent path finding with deadlines (MAPF-DL). The objective is to maximize the number of agents that can reach their given goal vertices from their given start vertices within a given deadline, without colliding with each other. We first show that the MAPF-DL problem is NP-hard to solve optimally. We then present an optimal MAPF-DL algorithm based on a reduction of the MAPF-DL problem to a flow problem and a subsequent compact integer linear programming formulation of the resulting reduced abstracted multi-commodity flow network.Comment: AAMAS 2018, to appea

    Justifying and Improving Meta-Agent Conflict-Based Search

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    The Meta-Agent Conflict-Based Search~(MA-CBS) is a recently proposed algorithm for the multi-agent path finding problem. The algorithm is an extension of Conflict-Based Search~(CBS), which automatically merges conflicting agents into meta-agents if the number of conflicts exceeds a certain threshold. However, the decision to merge agents is made according to an empirically chosen fixed threshold on the number of conflicts. The best threshold depends both on the domain and on the number of agents, and the nature of the dependence is not clearly understood. We suggest a justification for the use of a fixed threshold on the number of conflicts based on the analysis of a model problem. Following the suggested justification, we introduce new decision policies for the MA-CBS algorithm, which considerably improve the algorithm's performance. The improved variants of the algorithm are evaluated on several sets of problems, chosen to underline different aspects of the algorithms.Comment: 7 page

    Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Continuous Time

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    Multi-Agent Pathfinding (MAPF) is the problem of finding paths for multiple agents such that every agent reaches its goal and the agents do not collide. Most prior work on MAPF was on grids, assumed agents' actions have uniform duration, and that time is discretized into timesteps. We propose a MAPF algorithm that does not rely on these assumptions, is complete, and provides provably optimal solutions. This algorithm is based on a novel adaptation of Safe interval path planning (SIPP), a continuous time single-agent planning algorithm, and a modified version of Conflict-based search (CBS), a state of the art multi-agent pathfinding algorithm. We analyze this algorithm, discuss its pros and cons, and evaluate it experimentally on several standard benchmarks.Comment: Camera-ready version of the paper as to appear in IJCAI'19 proceeding

    Area Protection in Adversarial Path-Finding Scenarios with Multiple Mobile Agents on Graphs: a theoretical and experimental study of target-allocation strategies for defense coordination

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    We address a problem of area protection in graph-based scenarios with multiple agents. The problem consists of two adversarial teams of agents that move in an undirected graph shared by both teams. Agents are placed in vertices of the graph; at most one agent can occupy a vertex; and they can move into adjacent vertices in a conflict free way. Teams have asymmetric goals: the aim of one team - attackers - is to invade into given area while the aim of the opponent team - defenders - is to protect the area from being entered by attackers by occupying selected vertices. We study strategies for allocating vertices to be occupied by the team of defenders to block attacking agents. We show that the decision version of the problem of area protection is PSPACE-hard under the assumption that agents can allocate their target vertices multiple times. Further we develop various on-line vertex-allocation strategies for the defender team in a simplified variant of the problem with single stage vertex allocation and evaluated their performance in multiple benchmarks. The success of a strategy is heavily dependent on the type of the instance, and so one of the contributions of this work is that we identify suitable vertex-allocation strategies for diverse instance types. In particular, we introduce a simulation-based method that identifies and tries to capture bottlenecks in the graph, that are frequently used by the attackers. Our experimental evaluation suggests that this method often allows a successful defense even in instances where the attackers significantly outnumber the defenders

    Finding Optimal Solutions to Token Swapping by Conflict-based Search and Reduction to SAT

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    We study practical approaches to solving the token swapping (TSWAP) problem optimally in this short paper. In TSWAP, we are given an undirected graph with colored vertices. A colored token is placed in each vertex. A pair of tokens can be swapped between adjacent vertices. The goal is to perform a sequence of swaps so that token and vertex colors agree across the graph. The minimum number of swaps is required in the optimization variant of the problem. We observed similarities between the TSWAP problem and multi-agent path finding (MAPF) where instead of tokens we have multiple agents that need to be moved from their current vertices to given unique target vertices. The difference between both problems consists in local conditions that state transitions (swaps/moves) must satisfy. We developed two algorithms for solving TSWAP optimally by adapting two different approaches to MAPF - CBS and MDD- SAT. This constitutes the first attempt to design optimal solving algorithms for TSWAP. Experimental evaluation on various types of graphs shows that the reduction to SAT scales better than CBS in optimal TSWAP solving

    On the Tour Towards DPLL(MAPF) and Beyond

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    We discuss milestones on the tour towards DPLL(MAPF), a multi-agent path finding (MAPF) solver fully integrated with the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) propositional satisfiability testing algorithm through satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). The task in MAPF is to navigate agents in an undirected graph in a non-colliding way so that each agent eventually reaches its unique goal vertex. At most one agent can reside in a vertex at a time. Agents can move instantaneously by traversing edges provided the movement does not result in a collision. Recently attempts to solve MAPF optimally w.r.t. the sum-of-costs or the makespan based on the reduction of MAPF to propositional satisfiability (SAT) have appeared. The most successful methods rely on building the propositional encoding for the given MAPF instance lazily by a process inspired in the SMT paradigm. The integration of satisfiability testing by the SAT solver and the high-level construction of the encoding is however relatively loose in existing methods. Therefore the ultimate goal of research in this direction is to build the DPLL(MAPF) algorithm, a MAPF solver where the construction of the encoding is fully integrated with the underlying SAT solver. We discuss the current state-of-the-art in MAPF solving and what steps need to be done to get DPLL(MAPF). The advantages of DPLL(MAPF) in terms of its potential to be alternatively parametrized with MAPFR^R, a theory of continuous MAPF with geometric agents, are also discussed.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1809.0595

    Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding for Online Pickup and Delivery Tasks

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    The multi-agent path-finding (MAPF) problem has recently received a lot of attention. However, it does not capture important characteristics of many real-world domains, such as automated warehouses, where agents are constantly engaged with new tasks. In this paper, we therefore study a lifelong version of the MAPF problem, called the multi-agent pickup and delivery (MAPD) problem. In the MAPD problem, agents have to attend to a stream of delivery tasks in an online setting. One agent has to be assigned to each delivery task. This agent has to first move to a given pickup location and then to a given delivery location while avoiding collisions with other agents. We present two decoupled MAPD algorithms, Token Passing (TP) and Token Passing with Task Swaps (TPTS). Theoretically, we show that they solve all well-formed MAPD instances, a realistic subclass of MAPD instances. Experimentally, we compare them against a centralized strawman MAPD algorithm without this guarantee in a simulated warehouse system. TP can easily be extended to a fully distributed MAPD algorithm and is the best choice when real-time computation is of primary concern since it remains efficient for MAPD instances with hundreds of agents and tasks. TPTS requires limited communication among agents and balances well between TP and the centralized MAPD algorithm.Comment: In AAMAS 201