11 research outputs found

    More on the Impossibility of Virtual-Black-Box Obfuscation with Auxiliary Input

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    We show that if there exist indistinguishability obfuscators for a certain class C of circuits then there do not exist independent-auxiliary-input virtual-black-box (VBB) obfuscators for any family of circuits that compute a pseudo-entropic function. A function f_k is pseudo-entropic if it is hard, given oracle access to f_k but without asking explicitly on a value x, to distinguish f_k(x) from a random variable with some real entropy. This strengthens the bound of Goldwasser and Kalai [FOCS `05, ePrint `13] that rules out dependent-auxiliary-input VBB obfuscation for the same set of circuit families, assuming inditinguishability obfuscators for another class, C\u27, of circuits. That is, while they only rule out the case where the adversary and the simulator obtain auxiliary information that depends on the actual (secret) obfuscated function, we rule out even the case where the auxiliary input depends only on the (public) family of programs

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation: From Approximate to Exact

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    We show general transformations from subexponentially-secure approximate indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) where the obfuscated circuit agrees with the original circuit on a 1/2+ϵ fraction of inputs on a certain samplable distribution, into exact indistinguishability obfuscation where the obfuscated circuit and the original circuit agree on all inputs. As a step towards our results, which is of independent interest, we also obtain an approximate-to-exact transformation for functional encryption. At the core of our techniques is a method for “fooling” the obfuscator into giving us the correct answer, while preserving the indistinguishability-based security. This is achieved based on various types of secure computation protocols that can be obtained from different standard assumptions. Put together with the recent results of Canetti, Kalai and Paneth (TCC 2015), Pass and Shelat (TCC 2016), and Mahmoody, Mohammed and Nemathaji (TCC 2016), we show how to convert indistinguishability obfuscation schemes in various ideal models into exact obfuscation schemes in the plain model.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-1350619)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-1414119

    On the Correlation Intractability of Obfuscated Pseudorandom Functions

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    A family of hash functions is called ``correlation intractable\u27\u27 if it is hard to find, given a random function in the family, an input-output pair that satisfies any ``sparse\u27\u27 relation, namely any relation that is hard to satisfy for truly random functions. Correlation intractability captures a strong and natural Random Oracle-like property. However, it is widely considered to be unobtainable. Indeed, it was shown that correlation intractable functions do not exist for some length parameters [Canetti, Goldreich and Halevi, J.ACM 04]. Furthermore, no candidate constructions have been proposed in the literature for any setting of the parameters. We construct a correlation intractable function ensemble that withstands all relations with a priori bounded polynomial complexity. We assume the existence of sub-exponentially secure indistinguishability obfuscators, puncturable pseudorandom functions, and input-hiding obfuscators for evasive circuits. The existence of the latter is implied by Virtual-Grey-Box obfuscation for evasive circuits [Bitansky et al, CRYPTO 14]

    The Impossibility of Obfuscation with Auxiliary Input or a Universal Simulator

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    In this paper we show that indistinguishability obfuscation for general circuits implies, somewhat counterintuitively, strong impossibility results for virtual black box obfuscation. In particular, it implies: - The impossibility of average-case virtual black box obfuscation with auxiliary input for any circuit family with super-polynomial pseudo-entropy (for example, many cryptographic primitives). Impossibility holds even when the auxiliary input depends only on the public circuit family, and not which circuit in the family is being obfuscated. - The impossibility of average-case virtual black box obfuscation with a universal simulator (with or without any auxiliary input) for any circuit family with super-polynomial pseudo-entropy. These bounds significantly strengthen the impossibility results of Goldwasser and Kalai (FOCS 2005). © 2014 International Association for Cryptologic Research

    The Impossibility of Obfuscation with Auxiliary Input or a Universal Simulator

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    In this paper we show that the existence of general indistinguishability obfuscators conjectured in a few recent works implies, somewhat counterintuitively, strong impossibility results for virtual black box obfuscation. In particular, we show that indistinguishability obfuscation for all circuits implies: * The impossibility of average-case virtual black box obfuscation with auxiliary input for any circuit family with super-polynomial pseudo-entropy. Such circuit families include all pseudo-random function families, and all families of encryption algorithms and randomized digital signatures that generate their required coin flips pseudo-randomly. Impossibility holds even when the auxiliary input depends only on the public circuit family, and not the specific circuit in the family being obfuscated. * The impossibility of average-case virtual black box obfuscation with a universal simulator (with or without any auxiliary input) for any circuit family with super-polynomial pseudo-entropy. These bounds significantly strengthen the impossibility results of Goldwasser and Kalai (STOC 2005).Accepted manuscrip

    Hiding secrets in public random functions

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    Constructing advanced cryptographic applications often requires the ability of privately embedding messages or functions in the code of a program. As an example, consider the task of building a searchable encryption scheme, which allows the users to search over the encrypted data and learn nothing other than the search result. Such a task is achievable if it is possible to embed the secret key of an encryption scheme into the code of a program that performs the "decrypt-then-search" functionality, and guarantee that the code hides everything except its functionality. This thesis studies two cryptographic primitives that facilitate the capability of hiding secrets in the program of random functions. 1. We first study the notion of a private constrained pseudorandom function (PCPRF). A PCPRF allows the PRF master secret key holder to derive a public constrained key that changes the functionality of the original key without revealing the constraint description. Such a notion closely captures the goal of privately embedding functions in the code of a random function. Our main contribution is in constructing single-key secure PCPRFs for NC^1 circuit constraints based on the learning with errors assumption. Single-key secure PCPRFs were known to support a wide range of cryptographic applications, such as private-key deniable encryption and watermarking. In addition, we build reusable garbled circuits from PCPRFs. 2. We then study how to construct cryptographic hash functions that satisfy strong random oracle-like properties. In particular, we focus on the notion of correlation intractability, which requires that given the description of a function, it should be hard to find an input-output pair that satisfies any sparse relations. Correlation intractability captures the security properties required for, e.g., the soundness of the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, where the Fiat-Shamir transformation is a practical method of building signature schemes from interactive proof protocols. However, correlation intractability was shown to be impossible to achieve for certain length parameters, and was widely considered to be unobtainable. Our contribution is in building correlation intractable functions from various cryptographic assumptions. The security analyses of the constructions use the techniques of secretly embedding constraints in the code of random functions

    Structure-Preserving Compilers from New Notions of Obfuscations

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    The dream of software obfuscation is to take programs, as they are, and then generically compile them into obfuscated versions that hide their secret inner workings. In this work we investigate notions of obfuscations weaker than virtual black-box (VBB) but which still allow obfuscating cryptographic primitives preserving their original functionalities as much as possible. In particular we propose two new notions of obfuscations, which we call oracle-differing-input obfuscation (odiO) and oracle-indistinguishability obfuscation (oiO). In a nutshell, odiO is a natural strengthening of differing-input obfuscation (diO) and allows obfuscating programs for which it is hard to find a differing-input when given only oracle access to the programs. An oiO obfuscator allows to obfuscate programs that are hard to distinguish when treated as oracles. We then show applications of these notions, as well as positive and negative results around them. A few highlights include: – Our new notions are weaker than VBB and stronger than diO. – As it is the case for VBB, we show that there exist programs that cannot be obfuscated with odiO or oiO. – Our new notions allow to generically compile several flavours of secret-key primitives (e.g., SKE, MAC, designated verifier NIZK) into their public-key equivalent (e.g., PKE, signatures, publicly verifiable NIZK) while preserving one of the algorithms of the original scheme (function-preserving), or the structure of their outputs (format-preserving)

    Pseudorandom Functions: Three Decades Later

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    In 1984, Goldreich, Goldwasser and Micali formalized the concept of pseudorandom functions and proposed a construction based on any length-doubling pseudorandom generator. Since then, pseudorandom functions have turned out to be an extremely influential abstraction, with applications ranging from message authentication to barriers in proving computational complexity lower bounds. In this tutorial we survey various incarnations of pseudorandom functions, giving self-contained proofs of key results from the literature. Our main focus is on feasibility results and constructions, as well as on limitations of (and induced by) pseudorandom functions. Along the way we point out some open questions that we believe to be within reach of current techniques