2 research outputs found

    Implementation of Server Virtualization Technology: The Human Resource capacity factors to consider.

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    Virtualization is gradually losing its image as a new, highly advanced technology and it is becoming a mainstream data management technique. Indeed, two-thirds of all organizations (whether IT is their core business or not) are implementing virtualization in live production and even for core applications. Thus, virtualization is no longer considered to be a risky or unreliable technology. The findings and recommendations of this study will be useful to IT managers and other IS policy makers in organizations intending to implement server virtualization. The results of this study identify key factors that will influence the success or failure of server virtualization in their organisations. As such they will be in a position to understand the server virtualization process and avoid the pitfalls that may face them. The study employed a correlational survey research design and targeted the chief information technology officers, information communication technology managers, Management information systems managers and other managers involved in policy making decisions on computing systems in the listed companies on the NSE. The target population consisted of 360 persons, and the sample size was 25% of the population, namely 89 persons. Primary data were collected in completing this study. Primary data is collected using a questionnaire. Descriptive and content analysis techniques were employed on the collected data. Quantitative data analysis was done by descriptive statistics by use of SPSS version 20.0 to obtain percentages, tabulations, means and other measures of central tendency. The analysis indicates that 97.5% of the respondents indicated that server consolidation minimizes wasted capacity. The study found out that 82% of corresponding change in the implementation of server virtualization technology induced human  resource capacity factors.  Test of overall significance ANOVA, at 0.05 level of significance and found the  model to be significant. The study recommends that organizations should develop proper infrastructure in order to keep up with the demands of the constantly evolving virtualized environment that runs their servers. Keywords: Technology, Server, Virtualization, Resourc

    O centro de informação através do computador virtual

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    O principal objetivo deste trabalho de investigação é desenvolver um framework baseado na tecnologia de virtualização para ser implementado num centro de informação ou numa biblioteca, a fim de permitir aos utilizadores destas instituições poderem aceder à informação através de um computador virtual. O framework tem por base um modelo de biblioteca digital e utiliza sinergeticamente um conjunto de outras tecnologias como o Hyper-V 2012 R2, SQL Server, virtualização de desktop, remote desktop connection e sistemas de segurança integrados. Foram efetuados vários inquéritos sobre o framework a diversas comunidades de utilizadores para se obter informação sobre a pertinência da solução e também a especialistas em Informática sobre a parte mais técnica do framework. Executámos ainda testes de carga laboratoriais ao modelo proposto. O trabalho insere-se no âmbito das Humanidades Digitais, foi norteado e está imbuído do espírito explicitado na reflexão da Comissão Europeia: “Europe’s Future: Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World”. Ou seja, pretende ser um contributo para a inovação científica e a disponibilização gratuita para o seu uso generalizado. Pretende-se com este trabalho facilitar a permeabilidade entre bibliotecas (repositórios do saber adquirido) e a computação, potenciando a acessibilidade à informação; ABSTRACT: The main goal of this research work is a framework development based on the virtualization technology to be implemented both in an information center or library to dispose the information to the users by a virtual computer. This framework is based from a digital library and uses a set of other technologies such as the Hyper-V 2012 R2, SQL server, desktop virtualization, remote desktop connection and integrated security systems. Several inquiries were made about framework to various user communities in order to obtain information about the importance of the solution as well as computation experts about the technical issue of the framework. We also performed laboratory load tests on the proposed model. This research work is part of the digital humanities, has been guided and imbued with the spirit explicit in the reflection of the European Commission: “Europe’s Future: Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World”. That is, it intends to be a contribution to scientific innovation and the free availability for its widespread use. The aim of this work is to facilitate the permeability between libraries (repositories of acquired knowledge) and computation, enhancing accessibility