32,739 research outputs found

    Innovative Medicaid Initiatives to Improve Service Delivery and Quality of Care: A Look at Five State Initiatives

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    Outlines initiatives in Alabama, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington to implement patient-centered medical home models designed to coordinate and improve quality of care; strategies; key lessons; and new opportunities under healthcare reform

    State Strategies to Improve Quality and Efficiency: Making the Most of Opportunities in National Health Reform

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    Examines ten states' initiatives to address key components of quality and efficiency improvement, including data collection, aggregation, and standardization; public reporting; payment reform; consumer engagement; and provider engagement

    Finding Resources for Health Reform and Bending the Health Care Cost Curve

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    Examines policy options for slowing healthcare spending growth, improving outcomes, and financing comprehensive reform, including changes to Medicare Advantage and hospital pay-for-performance. Compares their estimated budget impact over ten years

    Assuring Access to Care Under Health Reform: The Key Role of Workforce Policy

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    Examines policy and practical options for addressing the projected shortage of primary care physicians to ensure access to health care under expanded insurance coverage, including reorganizing practices to make productive use of nurses and other staff

    Building Medical Homes in State Medicaid and CHIP Programs

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    Presents strategies, best practices, and lessons learned from ten states' efforts to advance the medical home model of comprehensive and coordinated care in Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Programs in order to improve quality and contain costs

    Organizing the U.S. Health Care Delivery System for High Performance

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    Analyzes the fragmentation of the healthcare delivery system and makes policy recommendations -- including payment reform, regulatory changes, and infrastructure -- for creating mechanisms to coordinate care across providers and settings

    Coming Out of Crisis: Patient Experiences in Primary Care in New Orleans, Four Years Post-Katrina

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    Examines the network of neighborhood clinics funded with federal, state, and local money that emerged after Hurricane Katrina as a model for serving vulnerable populations. Looks at access, communication, chronic illnesses management, and preventive care

    Prescriptions for Excellence in Health Care Spring 2010 Dowload Full PDF

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    State Implementation of National Health Reform: Harnessing Federal Resources to Meet State Policy Goals

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    Discusses state options for maximizing coverage and access to care; reforming the health insurance market; holding insurers accountable for high-quality, affordable coverage; restructuring healthcare delivery and financing; and cutting budget deficits

    The Promise of Health Information Technology: Ensuring that Florida's Children Benefit

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    Substantial policy interest in supporting the adoption of Health Information Technology (HIT) by the public and private sectors over the last 5 -- 7 years, was spurred in particular by the release of multiple Institute of Medicine reports documenting the widespread occurrence of medical errors and poor quality of care (Institute of Medicine, 1999 & 2001). However, efforts to focus on issues unique to children's health have been left out of many of initiatives. The purpose of this report is to identify strategies that can be taken by public and private entities to promote the use of HIT among providers who serve children in Florida
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