1 research outputs found

    The IC-Indices of Complete Bipartite Graphs

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    Let G be a connected graph, and let f be a function mapping V (G) into N. We define f(H) = ∑ v∈V (H) f(v) for each subgraph H of G. The function f is called an IC-coloring of G if for each integer k in the set {1, 2, · · · , f(G)} there exists an (induced) connected subgraph H of G such that f(H) = k, and the IC-index of G, M(G), is the maximum value of f(G) where f is an IC-coloring of G. In this paper, we show that M(Km,n) = 3 · 2m+n−2 − 2m−2 + 2 for each complete bipartite graph Km,n, 2 ≤ m ≤ n.