30 research outputs found

    The Heavy-Tail Phenomenon in SGD

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    In recent years, various notions of capacity and complexity have been proposed for characterizing the generalization properties of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in deep learning. Some of the popular notions that correlate well with the performance on unseen data are (i) the `flatness' of the local minimum found by SGD, which is related to the eigenvalues of the Hessian, (ii) the ratio of the stepsize η\eta to the batch-size bb, which essentially controls the magnitude of the stochastic gradient noise, and (iii) the `tail-index', which measures the heaviness of the tails of the network weights at convergence. In this paper, we argue that these three seemingly unrelated perspectives for generalization are deeply linked to each other. We claim that depending on the structure of the Hessian of the loss at the minimum, and the choices of the algorithm parameters η\eta and bb, the SGD iterates will converge to a \emph{heavy-tailed} stationary distribution. We rigorously prove this claim in the setting of quadratic optimization: we show that even in a simple linear regression problem with independent and identically distributed data whose distribution has finite moments of all order, the iterates can be heavy-tailed with infinite variance. We further characterize the behavior of the tails with respect to algorithm parameters, the dimension, and the curvature. We then translate our results into insights about the behavior of SGD in deep learning. We support our theory with experiments conducted on synthetic data, fully connected, and convolutional neural networks

    Sharp Concentration Results for Heavy-Tailed Distributions

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    We obtain concentration and large deviation for the sums of independent and identically distributed random variables with heavy-tailed distributions. Our concentration results are concerned with random variables whose distributions satisfy P(X>t)≤e−I(t)P(X>t) \leq {\rm e}^{- I(t)}, where I:R→RI: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} is an increasing function and I(t)/t→α∈[0,∞)I(t)/t \rightarrow \alpha \in [0, \infty) as t→∞t \rightarrow \infty. Our main theorem can not only recover some of the existing results, such as the concentration of the sum of subWeibull random variables, but it can also produce new results for the sum of random variables with heavier tails. We show that the concentration inequalities we obtain are sharp enough to offer large deviation results for the sums of independent random variables as well. Our analyses which are based on standard truncation arguments simplify, unify and generalize the existing results on the concentration and large deviation of heavy-tailed random variables.Comment: 16 page

    Smoothed Gradient Clipping and Error Feedback for Distributed Optimization under Heavy-Tailed Noise

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    Motivated by understanding and analysis of large-scale machine learning under heavy-tailed gradient noise, we study distributed optimization with smoothed gradient clipping, i.e., in which certain smoothed clipping operators are applied to the gradients or gradient estimates computed from local clients prior to further processing. While vanilla gradient clipping has proven effective in mitigating the impact of heavy-tailed gradient noises in non-distributed setups, it incurs bias that causes convergence issues in heterogeneous distributed settings. To address the inherent bias introduced by gradient clipping, we develop a smoothed clipping operator, and propose a distributed gradient method equipped with an error feedback mechanism, i.e., the clipping operator is applied on the difference between some local gradient estimator and local stochastic gradient. We establish that, for the first time in the strongly convex setting with heavy-tailed gradient noises that may not have finite moments of order greater than one, the proposed distributed gradient method's mean square error (MSE) converges to zero at a rate O(1/tι)O(1/t^\iota), ι∈(0,0.4)\iota \in (0, 0.4), where the exponent ι\iota stays bounded away from zero as a function of the problem condition number and the first absolute moment of the noise. Numerical experiments validate our theoretical findings.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Neural Network Weights Do Not Converge to Stationary Points: An Invariant Measure Perspective

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    This work examines the deep disconnect between existing theoretical analyses of gradient-based algorithms and the practice of training deep neural networks. Specifically, we provide numerical evidence that in large-scale neural network training (e.g., ImageNet + ResNet101, and WT103 + TransformerXL models), the neural network's weights do not converge to stationary points where the gradient of the loss is zero. Remarkably, however, we observe that even though the weights do not converge to stationary points, the progress in minimizing the loss function halts and training loss stabilizes. Inspired by this observation, we propose a new perspective based on ergodic theory of dynamical systems to explain it. Rather than studying the evolution of weights, we study the evolution of the distribution of weights. We prove convergence of the distribution of weights to an approximate invariant measure, thereby explaining how the training loss can stabilize without weights necessarily converging to stationary points. We further discuss how this perspective can better align optimization theory with empirical observations in machine learning practice

    Distributionally Robust Learning with Weakly Convex Losses: Convergence Rates and Finite-Sample Guarantees

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    We consider a distributionally robust stochastic optimization problem and formulate it as a stochastic two-level composition optimization problem with the use of the mean--semideviation risk measure. In this setting, we consider a single time-scale algorithm, involving two versions of the inner function value tracking: linearized tracking of a continuously differentiable loss function, and SPIDER tracking of a weakly convex loss function. We adopt the norm of the gradient of the Moreau envelope as our measure of stationarity and show that the sample complexity of O(ε−3)\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon^{-3}) is possible in both cases, with only the constant larger in the second case. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of our algorithm with a robust learning example and a weakly convex, non-smooth regression example

    Two Facets of SDE Under an Information-Theoretic Lens: Generalization of SGD via Training Trajectories and via Terminal States

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    Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) have been shown recently to well characterize the dynamics of training machine learning models with SGD. This provides two opportunities for better understanding the generalization behaviour of SGD through its SDE approximation. First, under the SDE characterization, SGD may be regarded as the full-batch gradient descent with Gaussian gradient noise. This allows the application of the generalization bounds developed by Xu & Raginsky (2017) to analyzing the generalization behaviour of SGD, resulting in upper bounds in terms of the mutual information between the training set and the training trajectory. Second, under mild assumptions, it is possible to obtain an estimate of the steady-state weight distribution of SDE. Using this estimate, we apply the PAC-Bayes-like information-theoretic bounds developed in both Xu & Raginsky (2017) and Negrea et al. (2019) to obtain generalization upper bounds in terms of the KL divergence between the steady-state weight distribution of SGD with respect to a prior distribution. Among various options, one may choose the prior as the steady-state weight distribution obtained by SGD on the same training set but with one example held out. In this case, the bound can be elegantly expressed using the influence function (Koh & Liang, 2017), which suggests that the generalization of the SGD is related to the stability of SGD. Various insights are presented along the development of these bounds, which are subsequently validated numerically

    SGD with a Constant Large Learning Rate Can Converge to Local Maxima

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    Previous works on stochastic gradient descent (SGD) often focus on its success. In this work, we construct worst-case optimization problems illustrating that, when not in the regimes that the previous works often assume, SGD can exhibit many strange and potentially undesirable behaviors. Specifically, we construct landscapes and data distributions such that (1) SGD converges to local maxima, (2) SGD escapes saddle points arbitrarily slowly, (3) SGD prefers sharp minima over flat ones, and (4) AMSGrad converges to local maxima. We also realize results in a minimal neural network-like example. Our results highlight the importance of simultaneously analyzing the minibatch sampling, discrete-time updates rules, and realistic landscapes to understand the role of SGD in deep learning.Comment: ICLR 2022 Spotligh