5 research outputs found

    Deep learning based clinico-radiological model for paediatric brain tumor detection and subtype prediction

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    Aim: Early diagnosis of paediatric brain tumors significantly improves the outcome. The aim is to study magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of paediatric brain tumors and to develop an automated segmentation (AS) tool which could segment and classify tumors using deep learning methods and compare with radiologist assessment. Methods: This study included 94 cases, of which 75 were diagnosed cases of ependymoma, medulloblastoma, brainstem glioma, and pilocytic astrocytoma and 19 were normal MRI brain cases. The data was randomized into training data, 64 cases; test data, 21 cases and validation data, 9 cases to devise a deep learning algorithm to segment the paediatric brain tumor. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and accuracy of the deep learning model were compared with radiologist’s findings. Performance evaluation of AS was done based on Dice score and Hausdorff95 distance. Results: Analysis of MRI semantic features was done with necrosis and haemorrhage as predicting features for ependymoma, diffusion restriction and cystic changes were predictors for medulloblastoma. The accuracy of detecting abnormalities was 90%, with a specificity of 100%. Further segmentation of the tumor into enhancing and non-enhancing components was done. The segmentation results for whole tumor (WT), enhancing tumor (ET), and non-enhancing tumor (NET) have been analyzed by Dice score and Hausdorff95 distance. The accuracy of prediction of all MRI features was compared with experienced radiologist’s findings. Substantial agreement observed between the classification by model and the radiologist’s given classification [K-0.695 (K is Cohen’s kappa score for interrater reliability)]. Conclusions: The deep learning model had very high accuracy and specificity for predicting the magnetic resonance (MR) characteristics and close to 80% accuracy in predicting tumor type. This model can serve as a potential tool to make a timely and accurate diagnosis for radiologists not trained in neuroradiology

    Machine learning for corporate failure prediction : an empirical study of South African companies

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 255-266).The research objective of this study was to construct an empirical model for the prediction of corporate failure in South Africa through the application of machine learning techniques using information generally available to investors. The study began with a thorough review of the corporate failure literature, breaking the process of prediction model construction into the following steps: * Defining corporate failure * Sample selection * Feature selection * Data pre-processing * Feature Subset Selection * Classifier construction * Model evaluation These steps were applied to the construction of a model, using a sample of failed companies that were listed on the JSE Securities Exchange between 1 January 1996 and 30 June 2003. A paired sample of non-failed companies was selected. Pairing was performed on the basis of year of failure, industry and asset size (total assets per the company financial statements excluding intangible assets). A minimum of two years and a maximum of three years of financial data were collated for each company. Such data was mainly sourced from BFA McGregor RAID Station, although the BFA McGregor Handbook and JSE Handbook were also consulted for certain data items. A total of 75 financial and non-financial ratios were calculated for each year of data collected for every company in the final sample. Two databases of ratios were created - one for all companies with at least two years of data and another for those companies with three years of data. Missing and undefined data items were rectified before all the ratios were normalised. The set of normalised values was then imported into MatLab Version 6 and input into a Population-Based Incremental Learning (PBIL) algorithm. PBIL was then used to identify those subsets of features that best separated the failed and non-failed data clusters for a one, two and three year forward forecast period. Thornton's Separability Index (SI) was used to evaluate the degree of separation achieved by each feature subset

    Dynamic optimization of service part inventory control policy through applied data mining and simulation.

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    This research defines a novel approach for associating inventory item behavior, focusing initially on demand patterns, with an optimal inventory control policy. This method relies upon the definition of typical service part inventory demand patterns and the ability of data mining algorithms to classify inventory transaction data into one of these defined demand patterns. To facilitate this data mining effort, a simulation which creates archetypal inventory demand time series is proposed as the training data source for the data mining task. Actual service part inventory transactions thus classified will be used in a separate service part inventory simulation, modeling a multi-item inventory controlled using a set of common stochastic inventory control policies. Through simulation optimization, using simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA), an optimal demand-pattern to control-policy pairing is sought. The resulting set of optimal pairings will then be used to determine the optimal policy which should be applied to actual service part inventory items after performing demand classification data mining of the actual inventory transaction time series. Improving the efficiency of inventory management within the maintenance and repair service business area holds great promise for reducing inventory investment and improving customer service. Ideally, application of this research could enable an inventory management system which supports the use of multiple concurrent and dynamic inventory management policies focused on reducing inventory cost and increasing customer service and complex equipment availability