3 research outputs found

    Descubrimiento de Recursos en un Entorno Grid mediante Ontolog´ıas

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    Las tecnolog´ıas Grid permiten el uso compartido de recursos heterog´eneos que se encuentran dise-minados geogr´aficamente en una WAN o en Internet. La infraestructura determinada por el uso de estastecnolog´ıas (computaci´on grid) es solamente una parte de un escenario m´as amplio en el que tambi´ense incluye el manejo de informaci´on y soporte para el procesamiento de conocimiento por parte de losprocesos distribuidos. Esta visi´on m´as amplia es adoptada por la grid sem´antica [6] que se describe comouna extensi´on de la computaci´on grid donde la informaci´on y los servicios son descriptos de forma biendefinida, permitiendo trabajar a las personas y a las computadoras de una manera m´as cooperativa.En este art´ıculo se analizan las recientes propuestas en el manejo de ontolog´ıas para describir de formasem´antica los recursos que forman parte del entorno grid, lo cu´al facilita la localizaci´on de los mismoscuando las aplicaciones necesitan de ellos, y se exploran las posibilidades de desarrollo de m´odulos quehagan uso de bases de conocimiento. De esta forma, es posible extender arquitecturas grid existentes conel fin de hacer m´as eficiente la tarea de descubrir recursos en la web y componerlos en forma inteligente

    Content rendering and interaction technologies for digital heritage systems

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    Existing digital heritage systems accommodate a huge amount of digital repository information; however their content rendering and interaction components generally lack the more interesting functionality that allows better interaction with heritage contents. Many digital heritage libraries are simply collections of 2D images with associated metadata and textual content, i.e. little more than museum catalogues presented online. However, over the last few years, largely as a result of EU framework projects, some 3D representation of digital heritage objects are beginning to appear in a digital library context. In the cultural heritage domain, where researchers and museum visitors like to observe cultural objects as closely as possible and to feel their existence and use in the past, giving the user only 2D images along with textual descriptions significantly limits interaction and hence understanding of their heritage. The availability of powerful content rendering technologies, such as 3D authoring tools to create 3D objects and heritage scenes, grid tools for rendering complex 3D scenes, gaming engines to display 3D interactively, and recent advances in motion capture technologies for embodied immersion, allow the development of unique solutions for enhancing user experience and interaction with digital heritage resources and objects giving a higher level of understanding and greater benefit to the community. This thesis describes DISPLAYS (Digital Library Services for Playing with Shared Heritage Resources), which is a novel conceptual framework where five unique services are proposed for digital content: creation, archival, exposition, presentation and interaction services. These services or tools are designed to allow the heritage community to create, interpret, use and explore digital heritage resources organised as an online exhibition (or virtual museum). This thesis presents innovative solutions for two of these services or tools: content creation where a cost effective render grid is proposed; and an interaction service, where a heritage scenario is presented online using a real-time motion capture and digital puppeteer solution for the user to explore through embodied immersive interaction their digital heritage