1 research outputs found

    The Graph of Critical Pairs of a Crown

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    There is a natural way to associate with a poset PP a hypergraph HH, called the hypergraph of critical pairs, so that the dimension of PP is exactly equal to the chromatic number of HH. The edges of HH have variable sizes, but it is of interest to consider the graph GG formed by the edges of HH that have size~2. The chromatic number of GG is less than or equal to the dimension of PP and the difference between the two values can be arbitrarily large. Nevertheless, there are important instances where the two parameters are the same, and we study one of these in this paper. Our focus is on a family {Snk:nβ‰₯3,kβ‰₯0}\{S_n^k:n\ge 3, k\ge 0\} of height two posets called crowns. We show that the chromatic number of the graph GnkG_n^k of critical pairs of the crown SnkS_n^k is the same as the dimension of SnkS_n^k, which is known to be ⌈2(n+k)/(k+2)βŒ‰\lceil 2(n+k)/(k+2)\rceil. In fact, this theorem follows as an immediate corollary to the stronger result: The independence number of GnkG_n^k is (k+1)(k+2)/2(k+1)(k+2)/2. We obtain this theorem as part of a comprehensive analysis of independent sets in GnkG_n^k including the determination of the second largest size among the maximal independent sets, both the reversible and non-reversible types